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  1. J

    Nub visable? Any guesses..

    Thanks all for taking a look! I'll be happy either way, just got a feeling inside it might be a boy...having said that I kept dreaming of twins running up to the scan and I was wrong there!! Only 2 weeks to wait now x x
  2. J

    Nub visable? Any guesses..

    Hey ladies, just wondering if there are any nub experts on here. Baby measured 13 weeks when I had the scan, I've booked a private scan for 2 weeks time but I'm being very impatient!! x x
  3. J

    When did pregnancy start to slow you down?

    Thanks ladies for the feedback / suggestions. I guess I'll have to take each day as it comes nearer the time and if it means having to let people down at short notice then so be it, hoping for a nice easy pregnancy though! I'll def ditch the large breeds and difficult dogs sooner rather than...
  4. J

    When did pregnancy start to slow you down?

    Hey ladies, I know I've not been a regular here but would be grateful to hear your input. I basically spent the 1st trimester trying to focus on everything but pregnancy incase it ended in another mc... yesterday at 14 wks it hit me, I'm having a baby and developing a cute little bump! I'm...
  5. J

    Anyone else have a bit of cramping?

    Ah so glad I logged in here... I was coming on to seek reassurance for the same reasons. I'm 11 + 4 today and for the last 2 days I've been experiencing constant mild period type pain, no bleeding but I retained for a while with my 1st mc so was beginning to stress. It's good to hear that...
  6. J

    ? for those with a bump / had a bump

    Thanks for the feedback ladies, very helpful :) Peapod I'll have a look at the link, if they are easy to adjust the height on another possibility. xx
  7. J

    ? for those with a bump / had a bump

    Thanks hun...I think I'm leaning towards that one, seems a little more sturdy too - I don't want to topple off! xx
  8. J

    ? for those with a bump / had a bump

    Hey ladies, I'm struggling standing up for periods due to blood pressure... I'm a dog groomer so I'm looking at buying a stool to help. Ideally I want one that will be comfy to use when I have a bump also, would you be kind enough to look at the link below and share your thoughts on which...
  9. J

    EPU referral

    Thanks ladies, I've gone ahead with the scan but have arranged for 4 weeks time, this way hubby has enough notice to book the day off work, if its bad news at least he'll be there with me this time. I'm now going to forget about it and try and stay positive!! x x
  10. J

    EPU referral

    Sounds like a good idea, I'll suggest that to them. Thanks hun x x
  11. J

    EPU referral

    I get where your coming from I suppose my biggest fear is something being wrong, say heart beat too slow so go back in a week, then another week etc. Whereas if I didn't know that I'd only have the upset from when mc started, rather than knowing the enivitable weeks before. I guess I have...
  12. J

    EPU referral

    Hey ladies, first post in this section for a good while. I've been to drs today as I found out I am pg again 2 weeks ago, this pregnancy has followed straight on from early mc which started on 6th feb. It was 2nd mc so I wasn't referred for any tests etc. Thing is...and I'm sure most of you...
  13. J

    False pos on a FRER... is it possible?

    Thanks all.. Ok so I believe it now! I'm just going to take each day as it comes, hopefully this will be a sticky one x x
  14. J

    False pos on a FRER... is it possible?

    Thanks for looking, no more frers left but I'll buy a digi tomorrow to use thursday as i'll be around 11-12dpo then. I'll let you all know x x
  15. J

    False pos on a FRER... is it possible?

    not worked, will try through photobucket
  16. J

    False pos on a FRER... is it possible?

    I'll try and attach a photo... the line looks stronger to the eye than it does on the pic, think its due to flash. I will also test with a digi around 14dpo. Don't get me wrong, if I am pg I will be over the moon but have mixed feelings about going through it all again so soon.
  17. J

    False pos on a FRER... is it possible?

    Hey ladies, well I've been waiting since last mc for AF so I can start the pill... I've not given up on the idea of starting a family, just needed a break after 2 mc close together and it was a really tough desicion to make. Well for the last couple of days I have had that 'pregnant feeling'...
  18. J

    I've decided... go back on the pill for 6 months. 2nd mc has really had an effect on me and if I'm honest I don't think I'm emotionally strong enough to go through it again just yet. I truely admire the strength some of you ladies have to keep going. I wish all on here the best of luck and hope you...
  19. J

    Short luteal phase questions

    Thank you ladies, mouse great news! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy x Right the plan is to make another appt at Drs. They basically told me last week that they will look into nothing until it happens again! We shall see. Since then I have emailed a private clinic, received a reply...