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  1. jojobubs

    Bit gross but....

    Yep - drooling and snoring constantly! I've turned into a tramp I think? lol
  2. jojobubs

    Is this normal? (tmi sorry!)

    Is it maybe filled with blood..? Sounds awful but I have one that bleeds sometimes but must admit I don't know what colour it is! I would mention it at next appt just to be sure xx
  3. jojobubs


    Mine are the same. There's not alot you can do about it I'm afraid as its water retention. They actually recommend drinking water and cutting down on salt. Hasn't helped me though lol :) just keep them raised and avoid tight shoes xx
  4. jojobubs

    Banned from work :(

    I would accept it and relax at home. It might be a bit boring but for the sake of yours and LO health its worth it? I finish work next week and can't wait!!!
  5. jojobubs

    Louis Joseph Harris is here :))))))))

    :dance:Congratulations!! :dance:
  6. jojobubs

    Does any1 else find...

    Mine is the same - more squirming now with occasional kicks which are pretty clear through my belly! Strange protrusions appear quite often aswell! Looks like he's trying to get out through my stomach like in alien sometimes lol xx
  7. jojobubs

    being induced today....

    What a beauty! Congratulations xx
  8. jojobubs

    Bought my hospital stuff yesterday :)

    Its a minefield knowing what to take isn't it? If you read some of the lists online you'd need about three suitcases!! I've packed my hospital stuff in one weekend bag and will be putting the baby stuff into a large changing bag (when I buy one!!). I think I'm going to pack a small bag with...
  9. jojobubs

    32 week scan today

    Lol, I hadn't noticed either, Maria! I didn't realise there was anyone with the same due date! :lol: x Me too! :lol: x
  10. jojobubs

    Sleeping bags??

    I'm not really sure myself!! I've bought a couple that are from birth but I don't think I'm going to use them immediately. I've bought some celular blankets for the first couple of weeks xx
  11. jojobubs

    Why do I bother using the toilet ?

    I had to relent and go and buy some Tena Lady last weekend :shock:
  12. jojobubs

    Baby dropped at 28 weeks is this normal

    I'm 31 weeks and baby turned end of last week so my bump has dropped as well. I wouldn't think it would be a problem but if you have any concerns I should ring your midwife xx
  13. jojobubs

    baby growth & midwife rant!

    Deffo complain hun! I know locally they have a 'head' midwife - if you have something similar perhaps you could request to speak to her. Doesn't sound like they are doing their jobs to me! xx
  14. jojobubs

    Going to the hospital

    good luck hun, hopefully nothing to worry about. Keep us informed xx
  15. jojobubs


    Hi Kirsty! I'm due just after you and I had the same thoughts! I felt massive a couple of weeks ago but I actually feel like my bump has got smaller! I wonder if its just because I'm used to it? I saw my MW today and I'm measuring quite small but not enough to worry. My MW told me to expect...
  16. jojobubs


    I can't bear to watch it!! lol x
  17. jojobubs


    I was told not to use the pessay?? They just prescribed the 1% cream - which did do the job. I feel for you - its so uncomfortable :(
  18. jojobubs

    Hello Handsome!!!!!!

    Congratulations! What a hunny xx
  19. jojobubs

    When should u do ur hospital bag.

    I'm gradually getting bits together, but I'm sure I'll pack and repack many times over the next few weeks! lol xx
  20. jojobubs


    I can totally understand why you'd be so cross! You will probably find that by time it comes for her to give birth she's changed her mind so you must not let it bother you. Some people take pleasure in making life difficult for others. Luckily I won't have that problem as currently my LO...