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  1. littlesmoosh


    just had my sweep done! my cervix is very low and thin and 1cm dilated and babys head was moving against the midwifes fingers! hopefully he will realise theres an exit and come soon! if not, ive been booked in for induction on (friday) the 13th! and he should be here by the 14th! but all signs...
  2. littlesmoosh

    what do you think??

    hey guys! im 40+3 today, think im starting to lose my plug! but i know it could still go on for a while yet! tomoro i have a midwife appointment. she said she wouldnt do a sweep til im 41 weeks. i will only be 40+4 tomoro. but i wont see her again for another week, by which time il be 41+4 (11...
  3. littlesmoosh

    feeling guilty :(

    im having such a bad day. tomoro is my due date and throughout my entire pregnancy i have been over the moon with the fact that im going to be a mum, but today i just feel so down. im uncomfy and scared and tired and had a few arguments with my otherhalf cause we're both feeling the pressure. he...
  4. littlesmoosh

    woke up with pains..

    like the title says, woke up today with some pains in my tummy. kinda like a wee pulse but painful on my right hand side. im 39 weeks today, been having all sorts of twinges but no actual contractions yet. this is normal right?? it went away after a wee while and baby is still moving around fine...
  5. littlesmoosh

    crappy midwife appointment!

    i cannot express how much i hate student midwifes!!!! a few months ago i had one who took my bloods four times before getting anythng and left me looking like a junkie! and today i got one who told me my bump had shrunk by 2cms and the babys head was now floating free (after it having been...
  6. littlesmoosh


    only managed to get 3 hours sleep last night! im 38weeks3days now and starting to reeeeally hate it! if i sit up i get shooting pains down low due to his head engaging. if i lie down my hips and legs hurt. seriously cannot get comfy! sleeping is becoming impossible! im just dying for him to come...
  7. littlesmoosh

    what a drag!!!

    never ever ever felt time move so slow in my entire life!!! im 38 weeks tomoro and cant believe that it could still be 4 weeks til hes here :( heads engaged, period pains are a go go, as are poo attacks and shooting pains down in my lady parts.. but all this has been going on for over a week...
  8. littlesmoosh

    hospital appointment...

    got an appointment card through from my hospital saying ive to go to anti natal clinic on thursday. i phoned up as i hadnt made the appointment, asked what it was for and they said its just a review. il be 37+4 then. do you think they will have a wee feel of my cervix if i ask? just dying to...
  9. littlesmoosh

    pain and diarrhea..

    all week ive had period pains come and go, but today there seems to have been alot more period pain along with back pain and two unexpected bouts of diarrhea. all of which ive read can be signs of labour. im having tight braxton hicks, but so far nothing too regular and nothing completely agony...
  10. littlesmoosh


    just back from seeing my midwife and shes told me that because im having such a good pregnancy and baby is head down that im able to use the nice birthing unit at ninewells hospital! ive read some stuff about it and one woman said this: 'I gave birth there in March! It's like a hotel for...
  11. littlesmoosh

    what do contractions actually feel like??

    i have so many aches and pains all the time ( have done for half my pregnancy) that im scared that when the contractions actually begin that i might just mistake them for 'aches n pains' lol. whats your experience of contractions?! x
  12. littlesmoosh

    itching to give birth!!!

    im 36 weeks today and i know im not fully cooked yet but im just dying to pop!!!!!! sooo uncomfy and sore these days! just feel so ready to take labour by the balls! anyone else fed up of the wait? x
  13. littlesmoosh

    who says money doesnt buy you happiness?!

    hey guys! having a terrible week money wise. sure start got back to me and said i wasnt due any money from them.. even though my maternity allowance rate is only £94.55 a week. and my boyfriend doesnt work as hes a student. making only £3400 a year (altogether we make less than 10 grand a...
  14. littlesmoosh

    induction at 38 weeks??

    yesterday i wrote about how im having a miserable time and wish i would go early. ive been having a think and am thinking about asking my midwife if i can be induced at 38 weeks as my pregnancy hormones are causing alot of trouble with my mouth. i cant even eat without bleeding all over my food...
  15. littlesmoosh

    really want to go early :(

    hey guys il be 34 weeks on sunday. i dont want the baby to come now cause obviously i know that wont be good for him. but as soon as i hit 37 weeks i wish he would come. im having a miserable time right now. ive got a pregnancy epulis on the gum above my front left tooth. and i cant even tell...
  16. littlesmoosh

    just wondering..

    im sending off my application for maternity allowance today (im 29 weeks). im still working but wont get smp. just wondering how long it will take for my maternity allowance application to be processed. cause i need to let my work know when i plan to take my leave, but cant do that til i know...
  17. littlesmoosh

    couple of things!

    i woke up the other morning in absolute agony. screaming the house down. all because of cramps in my legs! my friend had told me about them but omg i never knew they would be THAT bad. i was in deep sleep when it started so when i woke up with the pain i didnt know what was happening, thought...
  18. littlesmoosh


    hey girls, ive got myself in a right state worrying about my baba. hes been really quiet for about three days now. and even when he does kick its no where near as strong/visible as it was before. ive been having braxton hicks for about 3 days now too, could that be related at all? i know they...
  19. littlesmoosh

    theyre here...

    the dreaded tummy stretch marks!!!! just had a right good cry on my otherhalfs shoulder!!! deffo going to need some time to love them i think :(
  20. littlesmoosh


    my mother in law is wanting to take us to her local swimming pool. all i have is a bikini. feeling a little nervous about flashing my bump to everyone. just wondering if you guys think i should get a tankini/swimsuit or should i just put my bump out there on display lol. im really proud of my...