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  1. S

    Worrying :(

    Aw I'm so glad was thinking of you earlier horrible feeling going through that so glad it's over for you and everything good :) x
  2. S

    41w+1d the average for First Time Mums?

    This depresses me lol
  3. S

    Advice please

    Aw that's so harsh I Really think that they should put a plan in place for people who have suffered losses previously. Maybe a private scan will put your mind at rest think they around £65 by me
  4. S

    Present for OH when baby is born

    Sod him I'm the same going through all the pain haha I think us ladies deserve a pretty present lol! Na it is a lovely idea though. I just looked on the site sen few ideas for Xmas pressure lol
  5. S

    Advice please

    Aw you poor thing hope your ok. Having seen my sis go through several MC I have seen how hard they can affect people. I think it makes you even more nervous. If I'm honest it's made me even more terrified having seen her go through such hell. Your symptoms sound good so that's a positive :) I...
  6. S

    i'm abit confused :\

    I used that calculator too glad I did I conceived on honeymoon in Mexico lol which is what I secretly wanted. It doesn't matter when we did got to be honest but be nice to look back and think aw was a proper honeymoon baby lol! Did prove tho that my luteal phase was only 8-9 days though!!!
  7. S

    **The Sickness Thread**

    Sorry just re read my last post lol my iPad desided to make me look like I'm pissed typing lol. I might try it actually. I'll do anything right now lol
  8. S

    Worrying :(

    How r u feeling today Hun? Hope today goes quick for you. Let us know how it goes x
  9. S

    **The Sickness Thread**

    Omg is that right? I didnt know that mah e if I start a diff vit might help a bit??
  10. S


    Glad your feeling a bit better Hun it's a bloody horrible time I'm so with you!! Think I'm not going to be happy until baby is in that Moses basket lol
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    Done a clear blue digi now really worried

    It sounds spot on to me Hun but if your worried I'd speak to someone. It's understandable due to your past. Hope your ok x
  12. S

    Done a clear blue digi now really worried

    Did u work the 4 weeks out by first day of last period? Mine said 1-2 when I was 4 weeks. Maybe u ov bit later? Sorry can't be much help Hun
  13. S

    Worrying :(

    Thinking of you x
  14. S


    Just some advice tho in some areas (like mine) once you have an early scan that's it until 20 weeks
  15. S

    Worrying :(

    You poor thing will be thinking of you today sending big hugs keep us updated. Xxx
  16. S


    Aw love it's so hard isn't it and an added stress which u don't need right now :( have OH be the bad guy lol have them say your plan. At least you have people who want to love the LO so much they won't leave u alone lol My in laws don't really bother they might surprise us but when we...
  17. S


    I'm not 100% but sure it will come up pregnant any time? I backed mine up with a digi think to see the words made it more real. Massive congrats tho hun lovely news :) By the way I did 7 tests in the end for your not alone lol
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    Lmao! I'm the same well in laws never get me anything for birthdays or Xmas really so not expecting anything for baba but if they do and it's horrid I'm pretty sure my big mouth husband will say before me haha
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    I think I'm lucky in some respect I know my in laws probably expect my parents to be the first to visit. My hubby's family are a bit odd not that close at all. Just speak to OH and have a plan of action and stick to it is my advice. X
  20. S

    **The Sickness Thread**

    Hug back mrs! It's horrid feeling so shite all the time I literally just want to go to the shop or something so small. Worried sick about work :( keep worrying what must they think of me. Almost feel like a failure having so much time off work for morning sickness.