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  1. T

    Struggling with a boys name

    I love Ethan but I'm biased my twins are Finley an Ethan :-)
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    How long before you conceived after having your baby...........

    Twins were 8 months old when I fell pregnant again.
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    induction at 38 weeks??

    My twins were induced at 37+6 because I was in agony suffered spd all you can do is ask x Eta-- it was my consultant that said yes for induction and booked it the midwife I saw 5 mins before said no way!
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    Muslin fluffs

    No fluff from mine either
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    18 weeks and still no movement

    My god cos what a horrible delivery ! I second the double kicks and movement very strange when they move together, pregnancy was very straightforward apart from hypertension which I was monitored for. Delivery was fine half an hour between them, I narrowly missed forceps for twin 2 as he was...
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    18 weeks and still no movement

    I had an anterior placenta with the twins I only felt movement about 22/23 weeks nothing before that at all. x
  7. T

    Finding contentment in the situation

    Don't give up hope I felt the same there is hope though. We went through 8 years of fertility problems. 6 years properly ttc and had two cycles of ivf/icsi in the end. The first failed the second gave me my twin boys after a 5 day transfer of two perfect blasts. I'm now pregnant with a miracle...
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    Beautiful Baby Girl's Names (Rate and keep it going)

    9/10 Elsie Florence
  9. T

    Think I felt the baby move?

    Sounds like it :-) aaaahhhh I can't wait for little flutters x
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    Anyone using oil / cream on their tummies?

    i used bio-oil with my twin pregnancy and im covered in stretchmarks, granted they only came about 35 weeks but boy they came thick and fast. I'm in two minds to use any this time? im not sure if they would work?
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    Gender scan Monday - just thrown up!!!

    i totally birth went textbook two healthy babies but it wasnt the birth i wanted i was strapped to the bed, forced an epidural that didnt work my babies were took straight away from me my dh didnt cut either cord and i have no pictures of twin 1 when he was born. i grieve for...
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    13 weeks today

    no, my 12 week scan put me back a week so i was 11 then. Im pretty sure of my dates though ( last period was 1st feb) but hey ho nhs have me at 13 weeks now but if i went with my dates i should be 14, if that makes sense :-)
  13. T

    Gender scan Monday - just thrown up!!!

    I'll admit i didnt really understand at all GD and i did think ' but she has a healthy baby' i dont understand why she is disapointed, but reading through your thread, it is a very real condition that i never knew existed and think you very brave to talk about it so honestly. I think my sil may...
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    13 weeks today

    id like another boy but as long as baby is healthy i dont mind what we get :-)
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    13 weeks today

    Hello ladies :wave: im joining you today im 13 weeks although by my dates 14 weeks silly dating scan! Hope everyone is starting to feel better and morning sickness is a thing of the past :) I have a gender scan booked for the 2nd june ( Ive been predicted a girl ) i so cant wait we never found...
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    6 wks and just found out its twins!! anyone in same boat? x

    Awww congratulations I have 11 month old twin boys. Welcome to the wonderful world of twins :-)
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    Anyone concieved with IVF?

    Our ivf/icsi worked 2nd time round I have 11 month old twin boys. Are you starting ivf?
  18. T

    Milky milky

    I never stuck to any diet requirements in fact my clinic ( care ) never said anything. I had twin boys on our second attempt!
  19. T

    How fertile after birth?

    Same here at least 8 years and nothing we had two rounds of ivf/icsi the second giving is the twins and here iam pregnant naturally !! Not a clue how because we was told highly unlikely to conceive naturally! Miracles do happen!
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    Blackpool Zoo

    We went and took the babies through. No monkeys really came near us one went next to the pram probably to have a peek, they did tell us to put the boys dummies away because they are known to pinch them. That's probably why the monkey was looking in the pram for a dummy to pinch! It's only a...