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  1. M

    Scarlett Seren Elizabeth

    to be honest the stitches arent that bad, i feel a bit swollen up but they arent sore, just uncomfortable. Most of those are internal ones and they are dissolvable thank goodness! totally worth it, would do it all again tomorrow! xx
  2. M

    Hey i'm back .... with a gorgeous baby girl!!

    pic from the first morning home when Scarlett met her big brother Taylan
  3. M

    Hey i'm back .... with a gorgeous baby girl!!

    Thank you everyone!! Still in shock at how well it all went! LucyH aw you poor thing, i was 10 days late last time so know how awful it is!! Have they given you a date to be induced, think i was supposed to be induced on the 15th if nothing happened before then. Hope you get going naturally...
  4. M

    Scarlett Seren Elizabeth

    Thank you everyone! Think i'm still a bit in shock at how quick it all went!! Definately easier than last time! Guess it just shows you that the docs arent always right, last pregnancy i was told that my baby was too big to fit through my pelvis and thats why he's got stuck ! This little one is...
  5. M

    To book a section or not?

    Hey ive just had a great VBAC after a terrible time first time around.... I had the agreement with my consultnat that I wanted a VBAC as long as things were going smoothly, I had like an early opt out clause where if things were progressing slowly or something just didnt seem quite right i'd be...
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    Scarlett Seren Elizabeth

    Hey guys, sorry its taken me so long to update everyone... Our laptop is playing up so i'm hoping it doesnt die while i'm typing this out!! As some of you know I had a section with my DS in 2008 after being in labour for 60 hours with him being back to back and a deflexed head, so was hoping...
  7. M

    Hey i'm back .... with a gorgeous baby girl!!

    Hey guys, just to let you know my gorgeous little lady was born on 2nd September (1 day past her due date) at 12.06pm weighing 9lb6oz! We have called her Scarlett Seren Elizabeth Hughes. Completely over the moon, will update with birth story in the new arrivals section! Laura xx
  8. M

    So disapointed its untrue :-(

    also if you go to consultant app tomorrow n he is still on holiday your care should be being over seen by a different consultant. They cant just leave you with no consultant care because he's away so another consultant will have the authority to do you a sweep, dont let them fob you off!! To be...
  9. M

    c section recovery

    salt baths and witch hazel all the way. Also i took loads of arnica and that made me so much more comfortable. Mine healed pretty well but got occasional twinges and stuff for a few weeks xxx
  10. M

    My birth plan what do you think???

    No that sounds great hun. Have you any preferance over delivery of placenta whether you want the jab or do it naturally? do you want cord to be left intact till it stops pulsating? xx
  11. M

    Oh is stressing me out! :(

    You do whats right for you and Noa if he wants to be a part of that then he needs to make changes and realise that as a parent and a partner you cant be selfish, its about being a team!! Really hope it works out hun cos you seem like a lovely girl xx
  12. M

    Things I wish I'd known first time round

    Aw tiny, i read your birth story and really felt for you. It infuriates me that they just try and manage things rather than working out whats going wrong. All it would have taken for me was a mobile scan and i'd have been saved all that trauma. Same for you too i guess. They made me feel like I...
  13. M

    Oh is stressing me out! :(

    Hey hun i'm so sorry your having to stress about all this now! I dont mean for you to take this the wrong way, please dont think im being rude but isn't it your OH who hasnt even told his family about Noa?? Maybe he needs a bit of a shake to grow up and accept some responsibility. You have more...
  14. M

    2nd september

    It may be that they will do a glucose tolerance test to see if thats what causing baby to be large. I had to have one as my last baby was a 9lber. If baby is measuring big they may decide to offer you an early induction. My MW always says that size doesnt really matter but its not her hoo haa...
  15. M

    Your birth plan

    I too have a quite in depth birth plan as my labour with my first was quite traumatic and I feel that while scared and in pain I was pushed into things that I wasnt happy about like having my waters broken. I wasnt really asked, i was just told that they were going to do it. I havent tried to...
  16. M

    Ideas for things to do to take mind off birth?

    Definatley do lots of walking if you can!! Still plenty of summer left so weather should be ok! Will help get baby into a good position for labour too which will help a lot with a quicker labour in the long run! Get in touch with any girls you know who are currently Pg or have little ones as it...
  17. M

    Things I wish I'd known first time round

    Oooh i love this thread!! I wish that I had been more assertive with the midwives. Its my body and I know how i'm feeling. To be told repeatedly that I was only in early labour and should go home and try sleep was ridiculous. I was contracting 3:10 and was in a lot of pain (and i'm pretty...
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    tasha's baby is here

    Thats great news, cant wait to hear the story!!!!
  19. M

    Oh dear really need some advice!

    Cheers ladies! I completely agree with you, I wouldnt risk leaving it if I thought there was any chance my waters had gone. I know someone who lost a baby to Strep B a few years ago so just wouldnt risk it. I have been dry as a bone since that initial bit of fluid but am keeping an eye on things...
  20. M

    Oh dear really need some advice!

    Yeah i will probably ring my MW tomorrow, dont have much confidence in her though unfortunately!! Think i will go down the route of if i dont lose any fluid by tuesday I will refuse induction unless thet can say it was definately amniotic fluid. xx