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  • Users: Binzy
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  1. Binzy

    Fitness DVD recommendations

    I foolishly stepped on the scales the other day and wanted to cry :wall2:, since I've had to stop breastfeeding I've put on 4kg and am still 10kg overweight. I've given up smoking but have no one to look after LO so can't got to the gym or aerobics or anything. We do loads of walking but was...
  2. Binzy

    Hungry Hippo

    Ryan seems to have gone crazy and is wanting to be fed every hour and a half?? What's that all about? Normally he goes 2 and half hours or so. I'm exhaused. He's asleep now but for how long? My nipples are so sore, he's sucking so hard. Could my milk be drying up?:shock: Anyone else had the same...
  3. Binzy

    Red sore boob!

    Hi all, this morning when i got out the shower i noticed my left boob was a bit red but thought the shower was just too hot. It's still red now and sore underneath (a similar thing happened when my milk came in) I'm putting hot flannels on my boob, is there anything else I can do? I don't want...
  4. Binzy

    Bed time help

    Hi ladies, Ryan was sleeping from around 12-4 then 5.30 to 8 ish but bed times have been getting later and later and don't know what to do. Last night he went to sleep at 4.30:-( He's 7 weeks old, what do you do?
  5. Binzy

    Just a moan...

    So it's 3.30 am and i've had 40 mins sleep..I haven't a clue what is wrong with him, he's 7 weeks old and it's never taken me this long to get him to' sleep. I'm so bloody tired and he's just babbling away to himself or crying and flailing around.:wall2: I haven't a clue what to do, I just...
  6. Binzy

    Trying BF baby on bottle

    Hi ladies, so I decided to hire a breast pump in order to feed Ryan from the bottle occasionally. I foolishly tried it for the first time in town yesterday and he hated it, spat most of it out and I ended up running around trying to find a spot to breastfeed him.* Do you think this is because...
  7. Binzy


    Hi ladies, Ryan is 24 day's old and has started getting colic in the evening. He absolutely screams the place down and won't be consoled by me at all. If I cuddle him he scratches and grabs at my breasts (I'm bf ing) even if I've just finished feeding him. I think he cam smell my milk as he's...
  8. Binzy

    Binzy's Baby 10.09.11 at 11.37pm

    Hi all, it's been just over a week since Ryan Luigi was born but I was kept in hospital for 6 days so am only just adjusting to life 'on the outside' :oooo: So, now I think about it there were signs in the run up that I was getting close, I was particuarly sweaty a few days before and a trip...
  9. Binzy

    Waters going?? Help!!

    Ladies please help, my mind has gone blank. I was lying in bed and my waters broke. There was luquisld everywhere so I dashed to the toilet and sat on it for a while as the the water gushed out. I don't have any pain or anything,should I just put a Pad on and wait a bit and see what happens...
  10. Binzy

    Group B strep

    Just found out I am a carrier of this and the dr has told me to come in and pick up a prescription for anti-biotics. Has anyone else had it?
  11. Binzy

    Binzy's update

    Hi all :wave:, well as you know I made it to the gyno appointment yesterday and he didn't laugh much at my sunburn and assured me that our little man wasn't affected by his mum's rubbish sensitive skin! He went through the blood test results etc and everything was fine then he did an internal...
  12. Binzy

    Embarassed and sunburnt..

    There is some crazy African heatwave going on here in Italy so OH and I decided to go to the swimming pool to cool off. I was being so good and made sure I put lots if sun cream on, stayed in the shade and only went in the indoor pool. And what happens...I now have a bright pink belly and I have...
  13. Binzy

    Breast feeding on thyroid medecine

    Just been reading 'what to expect when your expecting' and it says you may not be able to breast feed if you take thyroid medecine. I don't have any more drs appointments for a couple of weeks so wanted to ask if anyone has done it/knows someone who has? I take Eutirox for my problem. Thanks...
  14. Binzy

    What do you reckon to.....

    Max or Ryan? :roll: I'm English (my dad is Scottish) and my hubby is Italian. We live in Italy so it has to be something simple enough to pronounce properly in all languages and something which is relatively easy to spell (so things like Sean etc are out). Max and Ryan are the only 2 we can...
  15. Binzy

    Am I being mean?

    My dad emailed me this morning asking if he could come and stay in September...(I live in Italy). I told him it was a bit near to my due date (23rd Sep) and I wanted to relax and sleep in the last few weeks before the birth (and not be a bloody tour guide - I didn't mention this part). I go on...
  16. Binzy

    Who'd have though it....

    I'm in Tri 3 already! Just wanted to say hello to everyone :wave:
  17. Binzy

    Farewell for now....

    Ladies, I'm moving over to Tri 3, which hopefully will make me realise that my little man is on his way very soon. I am still not sure I have actually taken in what is going to happen around the end of September. So, I just wanted to thank you all for your advice and comments and see you all...
  18. Binzy

    Had my 20 week scan on Weds and...

    It's a boy! :) I was in shock! Everyone was telling me it was a girl and I'd wanted a girl but my OH was so so so pleased it was a boy! Still coming to terms with the fact that it's a boy but the scan was so reassuring. My mum even came from England as she wanted to see too. The Dr was really...
  19. Binzy

    Taken the plunge and joined Tri 2

    Just a quick cheerio as I've joined Tri 2. I've really appreciated your positive thoughts and support and can't wait to see you all in Tri 2. All the best ladies xx :wave:
  20. Binzy

    Stepping into Tri 2!

    :wave: Hi there everyone, I'm 13 1/2 weeks so time to move over and join you all. Such a relief to be here but it's a bit odd, after a couple of months of not wanting to talk about the baby for fear of jinxing something now I feel like I should be doing something (when I can stay awake!) but...