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    Borderline haemoglobin

    Both my daughter and son in law have to undergo further blood tests because both of their earlier blood tests show them both to have borderline haemoglobin. I would assume this means to be a bit anaemic. Presumably the baby would be O.K. Has anybody else heard of this and is it something to...
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    Weight queries - too much - too little ?

    Thank-you for answering my posting Kimbot and Becky. That has certainly put my mind at rest. I wish you both all the best for the remainder of your pregnancies and the births. Angela
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    Weight queries - too much - too little ?

    It's worried grandma again, asking anyone how much weight on average should be gained in pregnancy. My daughter is approaching 18 weeks pregnant now and although I haven't seen her lately, she tells me people say she looks thinner, although her boobs have grown and she does have a little bump...
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    :roll: Many thanks Ashley for that advice. I shall tell her to do that. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Angela
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    :( I am a grandmother to be for the first time and have posted here before. My daughter Melanie is now 4 months pregnant and has suffered from heartburn from almost the day of conception ! I don't live near to her, so I worry a lot about her pregnancy. She has had appalling heartburn...
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    New user (grandmother to be) asking for advice

    Hello again Shannon Thanks for answering. Aren't those ulstrasounds amazing ? Please keep me posted regarding your future scans and whether it shows it's a "him or her". I have another question to ask please - for first 3 months my Melanie has suffered the usual fatigue and dropping...
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    New user (grandmother to be) asking for advice

    :wink: Shannon - thanks for answering my posting. That is reassuring what you have said. In 2 week's time Melanie goes to hospital where she will have blood tests. Have you seen your little one on ultrasound yet ? I have my first pictrue of my granddaughter or grand-son to be and have...
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    New user (grandmother to be) asking for advice

    Many thanks Nicky for answering me. Melanie contacted her G.P. and was told the midwife was off for 3 weeks - some service !! She has an appointment at the hospital around the same time as yours, but we have no idea what this is for - I would hope it would be for blood pressure, weight, etc...
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    New user (grandmother to be) asking for advice

    As a grandmother to be (my first grandchild due early August), I find I am probably worrying myself unnecessarily and seem to be more anxious than my daughter is (maybe it's her calming pregnancy hormones kicking in!) She is 3 months pregnant and has only had two medical checks. The first...
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    Introducing an excited grandmother to be !

    Thanks Laura for welcoming me to this site. I will be posting some questions on early pregnancy very soon. Kind regards Angela
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    Introducing an excited grandmother to be !

    Don't know whether a grandmother to be can use this site, but I'm sure you will soon tell me !! If I am accepted, there are loads of questions I want to ask as I seem to be more worried about the pregnancy than my daughter who is expecting my first grandchild. Before I go wittering on...