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  1. x_larlybelle_x

    After 2 weeks of tummy to back rolling

    Henry has finally mastered back to tummy :yay: We were at his friend Albert's house and they were facing each other doing tummy time when Henry rolled onto his back. Albie looked a bit shocked as he isn't rolling yet. Henry arched his back and grinned at albie who laughed at him. Henry then...
  2. x_larlybelle_x

    Self settling

    Really need to get Henry to start to do this but don't know where to start :( I'm sick of rocking him to sleep every night. Tonight my back is killing :( He had a bath at 8, boob & started to drift off so I have been rocking him recently as he falls into a deeper sleep quicker than if he feeds...
  3. x_larlybelle_x


    Is anyone taking this or taken it in the recent past? I've been advised by the bf guru to get a prescription for it as she has observed that I don't have a very good supply, even with regular feelings, compressions and expressing. She thinks it is liked to my pcos. She has suggested it as...
  4. x_larlybelle_x

    What bath supports/seats do you use?

    Up until now, we have use the big sponge type ones. Tonight I realised I need another type of bath support for Henry. He has mastered the rolling front to back, & was practising back to front in the bath and getting mouthfuls of oilatum flavoured bath water :sick: I must've stopped him getting...
  5. x_larlybelle_x

    Not sure if I should be worried or not :/

    Last night Henry was sick. & I mean sick. He had 2 outfit changes and 3 muslins. There was loads of it. Some just watery and some half digested milk. He didn't eat afterwards cos he went straight to sleep when I was winding him. Last night he was fine. Woke at 3:15 for a feed & went back down...
  6. x_larlybelle_x

    BLW books

    Which r the best ones? Gonna join the library & read up on it. Got another 2 & a half months but wanna make sure I know exactly what I'm doin! It looks like so much fun lol! I love playing with food :D Henry keeps staring at us when we eat & was more interested in my flapjack this morning...
  7. x_larlybelle_x

    Henry rolling :D

    Caught him on video today :yay: my clever baby. & he's cute & he knows it! :love:
  8. x_larlybelle_x


    If this kid doesn't go to sleep soon I swear I'm gonna go crazy :( Think I'm gonna have to totally change his nighttime routine. The past week or so he has been having a bath at 5:30 & goin down between 6:30-7. He sleeps until we go up at 10:30-11. That's what he did last night. He came into...
  9. x_larlybelle_x

    Henry has a horrible cough

    It makes me wince every time. Can only imagine how painful it must be. I know there isn't anything the dr can do either as last time I took him when he has a cold they just said he would get over it himself snd there was nothing they could give me for him. Debating whether or not to give him...
  10. x_larlybelle_x

    Today was judgement day and.......

    We passed :D Henry has gone from 11lb 14oz to 12lb 3 1/2oz :yay: He has now started to follow the 9th percentile line. Before he was dropping centiles, now he is following one!!! I'm a very happy mummy as it means I can carry on with ebf :dance:
  11. x_larlybelle_x

    EASY routine follow up!

    Well, tried to do this today & it's kinda worked! Henry has done eat, activity,sleep,eat, sleep then started again. So not quite the routine but it works for us! He has had 3 naps today. 9:30-10:30, 12:30-1:15 & 3-6 :shock: the 3 hour "nap" was after baby massage but he did have a 15 min...
  12. x_larlybelle_x

    Dreading Friday & tough decision :(

    Henry is being weighed again on Friday, & I'm really hopin he has put weight on. We have changed our latching/feeding positions so hoping that will have helped, along with the feeding every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. I've decided today if he doesn't put much on on Friday, & it still hadn't improved by...
  13. x_larlybelle_x

    EASY routine

    Does anyone do this? Thinking of trying it but Henry always falls asleep after eating. How do I stop him, or do I just have to wake him up to do the activity? And does bathtime count as activity before sleep? Any hints/tips gratefully received as I really need to get him out of being fed to...
  14. x_larlybelle_x

    Got my MAM bottles :)

    Just waiting for Henry to need a feed now! I've taken the ebm out of the fridge & will heat it a hair when he needs it. Nervous & excited at the same time!!!! Will let u know how it goes x
  15. x_larlybelle_x

    Henry will only settle in our bed

    Which I don't mind. I'm not opposed to co-sleeping, I actually quite like it but I have 2 problems. 1. Tonight, for example, DH was out at the pub. That means Henry can't sleep inbetween us where I feel safer because 2. I don't want him to fall off the bed. I can't afford a co sleeper crib...
  16. x_larlybelle_x

    My name is larlybelle & I'm addicted to

    . . . . . . Lamaze :blush: Henry has more than he can play with yet I still find myself buyin more!!! He has: Freddie the firefly Captain calamari Sir prance a lot Sydney the kangaroo Little knotties raccoon Musical inchworm Logan the lion Octivity Clutch cube Hand and foot rattles Pupsqueak...
  17. x_larlybelle_x

    Still in bed!

    Henry woke at 4 for a feed, by 5:15 he had fallen asleep twice but woken each time I tried to put him in his crib, so I put in in or bed. All 3 of us r still there! DH has day off and he is snoring next to me, Henry is still asleep but helpin himself to breakfast and I'm wide awake wanting to...
  18. x_larlybelle_x

    Forgotten how to latch at 13 weeks?

    Henry is really startin to hurt me when he feeds at the mo. it's been since Friday when I was told by hv to feed h more regularly to try & get him to put some weight on. It feels like razor blades sometimes, he doesn't seem to have as much boob in his mouth as he used to & when he lets go (or...
  19. x_larlybelle_x

    Don't get me wrong, I do love my son

    I just don't like him very much tonight! He went to bed at 8 which is normal for him, and started stirring as we got into bed at 11. I fed him in bed like I usually do if he stirs. He fell asleep in bed with us. Tried puttin him in his crib, again like normal, & he woke. Tried feeding him to...
  20. x_larlybelle_x

    Had Henry weighed today :(

    He has only put on 2oz in 4 weeks & dropped from 75th to 9th percentile :( They have said I need to feed him every 1 1/2 - 2 hours (he naturally goes 2 1/2 - 3) & wake him for a feed at night (he usually sleeps straight through). The only things I'm happy about is that they didn't tell me to...