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  1. S

    Off food...teething?

    Leorah loves her food but the last couple of days she has just played with it or thrown it around and asked for breastmilk. The only things she has eaten are pasta, bananas and pears and she will normally eat anything. She also has been waking screaming like she's in pain and has been getting...
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    well the cheeky little bleeder!

    :lol: Sorry I have to laugh, cheeky monkey! Leorah is the same she wont do anything for herself if Martin is there to do it for her, I get so annoyed with him she even stretches her arms out to be carried while in the pushchair and he takes her out :evil:
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    Hi again :wave: Mel you are right Leorah has started shuffling around on her tummy but she is still happiest sat with loads of toys around her, I can't believe i can sit around reading while she amuses herself! I'm glad Thea is keeping you busy :lol: Kay I am off to London tomorrow and...
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    London Meet

    I probably have to wee family on a Sunday but if you are at Hyde Park I can probably come along for a short while as it's very close to my mum's :cheer:
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    Hi girls thanks for the warm welcome back :hug: Tina have you moved yet? Are you backa t work soon? Steph I am sure you wont be surprised to hear Leorah is still toothless too :roll: I am so fed up of thinking a tooth is coming that I now just expect her to be evry late. Her back teeth...
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    I need a bit of a moan!

    Hi Mel, that's crap that people are so rude. I can tell some of the mums in my mother group think the same but don't say anything but mostly they just think I'm a bit eccentric!! The danes are considered to be open minded but actually I don't find them like that at all!! Over here all the...
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    Grace just hates the bath - any ideas ???

    Leorah was exactly the same unti she could sit up properly. We bath her in the sink still and now we have a tantrum every time she gets out! I used to be so worried but I am sure Grace will eventually love the bath too. I mostly gave Leorah strip washes as she found it so distressful, small...
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    Oh my god what's wrong with me!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about the puke it was meant to be a hug :oops: :oops: :oops:
  9. S


    Hi girls sorry I have been away so long again but we changed internet supplier and have had loads of problems I can't believe how much I have missed, is Minxy a married woman now? Does Alfie have gnashers? I bet Jamie is tearing around the room keeping Kay busy I hope all you mummies...
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    :hug: :hug: Sorry I posted this on Vicki's thread by accident :oops:
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    Hiya Girls!

    OOps sorry Vicki I didn't mean to post on your thread :oops: I honestly have jelly for brains but I see you also had computer troubles, damn computers :roll: Sorry I will repost on another thread and try and delete this!!!
  12. S

    Baby Led Weaning

    Hi everyone, The BLW is going great here, I hardly think about it anymore as it is just a part of our life. Leorah eats absoutely everything including curry and spicy things! Her pincer grip is developing too, I swear the BLW has improved her dexterity, she has very nimble fiingers :lol: I have...
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    Hiya Girls!

    Sorry I am trying to delete my post
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    london meet

    hI GIRLS :wave: Thanks Sam for letting me know! :hug: Sorry I haven't been on we changed internet supplier and have had huge problems :roll: I will try and make the meet but to be honest it's likely I'll have to miss it this time because last time I was over I didn't see a lot of...
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    Hi and thanks for missing me! Thanks Mel for the update :D Sorry I haven't meant it to go on so long without coming on!! I have made a decision that I have to let go just a bit of England so that I can truly settle here in Denmark so one of the things I think I need to do is come on the...
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    Baby Led Weaning

    Hi all, I hope you are well. I have been down with a virus so have had no energy whatsoever but am on the mend. Those pics of Otis and Thea are lovely and I look forward to seeing Alfie eating his roast! I could never see too many pics of your babies, after going through our pregnancies and...
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    Has anyone tried baby rice very early?

    It turned out that Leorah is intolerant of the proteins from milk and soya, I breastfeed so avoid eating these things but there are formulas for babies that have this though they taste rank. You could ask your doc if you could try one as it may be more gentle on the stomach, we tried to give...
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    Mediums/ Spiratulists

    We have a medium coming around our house on Sunday as the spirit of the guy that lived here before us is still here and there have been too many wierd things happening these last few weeks. The worst thing is that Leorah can see him and he goes in her room at night and she starts babbling and...
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    Baby Led Weaning

    Just want to quickly say hi to you all :wave: I've had a bug and am sooo busy at the mo' but will catch up properly later :D
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    Has anyone tried baby rice very early?

    Hi Minime, I am no expert but I did read that colicky babies often ask to be fed constantly because it temporarily relieves the colic symptons and then that in turn makes them feel worst as there tummy's are always full. Have you tried to settle him with a dummy? Poor thing sounds like he's in a...