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  1. Marianne

    Am I pregnant? Picture review...

    I can see them too, well done!!! if you are still unsure, wait untill tuesday even and take a clearblue and see how it comes up :D xxxx
  2. Marianne

    14 weeks .....

    since having that pill i started having regular periods, after coming off the implanon so far i have had regular periods for 3 months, so i'm guessing im ovulating ? before i was given that pill i never had regular periods, i would go like 10 months without having a period, etc and when i did...
  3. Marianne

    14 weeks .....

    before i fell pregnant with my son, since i was 15 i was told that i had polycystic ovaries ... when i turned 24 they told me i idnt have polycystic ovaries but i would need help in concieving ... if i could concieve that is ... they also put me on some sort of thing like the pill that had a...
  4. Marianne

    14 weeks .....

    it's been 14 week's since my implanon was taken out, ive had regular periods since it was taken out, and 1 extra little bleed but i just put that down to the implanon being taken out. Anyone any advice on how long it can take to concieve and any advice on what to do to give me more of a chance...
  5. Marianne

    Asap !!!!!!!! Help ................

    my son is 15month's old, he woke up this morning with gunjy eyes and runny nose ...... he wasnt too bothered by it this morning but as the day went on he started to cry alot and costantly rubbing them, i have tried the old way of bathing the eye with cooled boiled water with a drop of salt, also...
  6. Marianne

    13 months old, cows milk + food

    I have to admit, I dont cook, its my partner who cooks, but he is out working a lot as he is a chef, i will try the things you all have said and see how it goes. I mean my HV told me at 11months old, as soon as hes one take him off the formula straight onto cows milk, only as a juice and in his...
  7. Marianne

    13 months old, cows milk + food

    Yeah I am going to give him a fruit pot too, as he seems peckish x
  8. Marianne

    13 months old, cows milk + food

    He took almost half a cheese sandwich for dinner, is that enough?
  9. Marianne

    13 months old, cows milk + food

    So just so I am understanding right, cows milk mixed in his breakfast + a bottle of cows milk, lunch water or juice in a beaker with his lunch n that n dinner, then bottle of cows milk before bed?
  10. Marianne

    13 months old, cows milk + food

    I can't get him to take milk out of a beaker atall, he just constantly refuses it, but he'll take his juice out of it, as for pasta's, he refuses it, spits it out at me all the time. I am really struggling! What do u mean your lo gets 2 bottles a day and a cows milk in a beaker? Do u mean u give...
  11. Marianne

    13 months old, cows milk + food

    I have struggled to get my little one to eat anything other than 4month+ foods, i have managed to get him to take 10month+ breakfast with warm cows milk now, but i am unsure as to how many milks he should get a day with cows milk, is it still 1 in the morning, 1 mid afternoon and 1 before bed...
  12. Marianne

    well well back lol

    well ladies, i got the implanon out this morning and also got my folic acid ! excited much! dr says not to be downhearted though as can take about 3 months to go back to normal..period wise after the implanon comes out so if i dont get preggers within first couple months or so then not to...
  13. Marianne

    well well back lol

    where is the support section?xx
  14. Marianne

    well well back lol

    Thank you ladies ! im maybe being silly here .. what does bfp mean ? lol :s xxx
  15. Marianne

    How old are all the young mummies on here?!?

    I was 24 when my son was born, I am 25 just now, 26 in september my partner was 29 when our son was born, he is 30 just now, 31 in december x
  16. Marianne

    well well back lol

    well findlay is a year a week tomorrow and i know i would like another baby. I have psoriasis, i've had it since I turned 16yrs old, I have been to a consultant lately as certain joints were causing me problems not long after having my son but it was at the same time as my psoriasis flared out...
  17. Marianne

    milk tokens

    Thank u xx
  18. Marianne

    milk tokens

    how long do you recieve milk tokens for, is it just untill they turn 1?
  19. Marianne


    findlays feet r wee too, i'll prob nip in tomorrow and see about getting his feet measured. thanks x
  20. Marianne


    no one know then no