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  1. C

    What does your name choice mean?

    great site, Cat! :)
  2. C

    swollen ankles, feet, or hands!!! :-(

    The only tip I have heard of for reducing swelling is to drink more water (yes, MORE water). I don't think I have swollen feet or hands yet, but when the weather gets hotter here, my rings do get tighter. As for turning your baby, I'm not sure if there is anything that you can do yourself. I...
  3. C

    Please Help!!! Delivery room question...

    It's only going to be me and my husband in the room when I deliver. I could understand having my mother in the room, but no way would I have my MIL there! We just don't have the same kind of bond. Come to think of it, I don't even want any visitors in the hospital after the baby is born, not...
  4. C

    Change my habits?

    So much for that 12.5 lbs, my weight gain is now at 22 lbs! I gain about a pound a week. And the doctor actually says my baby will be small! :shock: I thought for sure I had a big baby in there. I really miss my old clothes and can't wait to fit into all of them again (hopefully). If I ever...
  5. C

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    You look great, AmberNicole! :)
  6. C

    Nursery Pics

    We've painted the ceiling blue and we'll be painting some clouds into it. The sky is extended about two feet down the walls, where it runs into the mountains. On one wall we have a big castle with a pathway leading to the castle. On the other wall we have a big tree with chip and dale on a...
  7. C

    Nursery Pics

    We're still working on the walls for the baby's room (painting a mural). I don't even have any furniture yet! :shock: Your crib is very nice, and the winnie the pooh bedding is sooo cute! I especially like how you put Ava's crib near windows, this way she can wake up to the sunshine!
  8. C

    Intimate question that needs answering!

    I have noticed a drop or two probably about 4 weeks ago, maybe more (can't remember anything anymore). I was absolutely devastated and talked to my DH, but he says not to worry because at least we know I can feed the baby. He also said he has never noticed anything himself.
  9. C


    Hi! :)
  10. C

    excessive hiccups?

    I just wanted to make sure that it's not because I'm not drinking enough water. I'll talk to my doctor about it on Monday. Thanks for the replies!
  11. C

    not sure what to do!!!

    :D :D :D :D :D :D Yayyyy! Congrats on your decision! I hope becoming a mom is every bit as wonderful for you as it is for me!
  12. C

    haven't felt baby move today

    I'm pretty sure that I've been feeling hiccups lately. I think they are hiccups because it feels like very soft movements, but with a definite rhythm or pattern, almost like a very slow heartbeat. But I didn't feel them until a few days ago, so at about 29 weeks.
  13. C

    excessive hiccups?

    In the past 3 days I have noticed what must be hiccups. Just wondering if it is normal for the baby to have hiccups two to four times a day?
  14. C

    haven't felt baby move today

    I have had a day where I didn't feel the baby move at all, and I was really panicked, but then all of a sudden it moved. I think maybe it had turned so that its back was towards the front of my belly and I couldn't feel the movements as well.
  15. C


    Becky, I visited the site you posted, and realize that this product doesn't seem to be available in Canada. :( Do you have any info on how I would be able to get it? I think I'd like to try it.
  16. C

    17 and confused

    I'm pretty sure you can't get pregnant during your period, but I could be wrong. Usually you get pregnant when you are ovulating, which is about 14 days after day 1 of your period (on average). Sperm can live in you for a few days after intercourse, and not ejaculating in you will not prevent...
  17. C

    help im bored !!!

    I'm at home all day and really bored too :( . So recently I've been making plans for the baby's room. Have you finished yours yet? We have alot of work to do yet, and I've decided a mural would be nice. So I'm visiting many websites to get ideas, and my husband will paint it. Also, are you...
  18. C

    Major Heart burn!

    Other than antacids, I have been told to eat small meals rather than large meals and not to eat before going to bed or lying down. I also try to avoid spicy or greasy foods, except pizza which is my weakness.
  19. C

    due in 3 days, HELP!!

    You'll have to decide if you want the epidural before you go to the hospital, because they have to make sure the anesthesiologist is there at the right time for you. This is my first pregnancy, but I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want one. I know the thought of a needle in your spine can...
  20. C

    27 weeks, wheay!!

    I'm sooo excited too! :D I can hardly wait, but we have so many preparations to do yet. According to my baby book, my little one should weigh around 2.5 lbs by now, and I am really happy that he or she is getting bigger and healthier every day! :D I too am due in July, AmberNicole, and...