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    POTTY TRAINING....Anyone joining me? (and Brody!)

    Hi, I haven't been on here for a while, so you probably won't remember me. My two baby girls keep me very busy (one nearly 4 months, one 17 months). I am thinking about potty training. I might start soon, or might not. She is a very clever girl who picks things up quick, and has started to do...
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    waking for feeds?

    Well none came to me when I was in hospital. they practically ignored me. Anyway, Katie slept and slept when she was born and she ended up losing a lot of weight (much more than is normal). She had a little jaundice but not much. I was told to wake her and almost ended up back in hospital...
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    The end of breastfeeding.

    Well done. When my next baby is born my little girl will only be 13 months old so I can't go as long as you, and if I bring her feeding to an end at 12 months as was planned it only gives me a month (providing baby comes on time) to make sure she is happy about it.
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    New Due Feb 17th

    She came on the 19th
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    New Due Feb 17th

    As you can see, I posted this 7 months ago. My bubbly is 3 months old now..
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    Are you going back to work??

    There is nothing wrong with claiming benefits if you have to! Being a mothe is the best job in the world for a woman. Noone should tell you you can't bring your children up if that's what you want to do! And before anyone says anything, I can't work and have to claim benefits. I'm a carer...
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    Are you going back to work??

    I don't want to offend anyone, and no I am not saying that you are not a mother if you work, but I do think the best place to be for a mummy is at home. It is best for the baby and the mother.
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    Are you going back to work??

    Matter of opinion..
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    Are you going back to work??

    I can't go back to work becasue i haven't been in full time work. I went straight fom education to motherhoos. I have put no because i am being a full time mummy.
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    help neeeded please

    The egg is released 14 days before your next period (so that would be 14 days after for a 28 day cycle, and about 14 days for longer cycles).
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    Sucessful breast feeders...

    The MW told me not to use a breastpump until 1 month because the baby will get confused. I ended up having to use it a couple of times to help Katie latch on at first. I bought the pump because I have band rehearsals once a wk (twice a wk for her first month), but when she was small I fed...
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    Sucessful breast feeders...

    I think my cracked nipples lasted for a couple of weeks while bubbly was feeding a lot, but Lasinoh, although expensive really did work. It does cost £10 for a small tube, but I haven't needed it for a long timenow. My nipples stopped cracking after a short while. Sometimes they still get...
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    Mummy question

    I have heard that periods change when you have a baby, but do they change as drasically as mine seems to have done? I started bleeding today, but don't feel like I'm havng a period. I don't feel any different at all. I used to feel like I was dying. I would get very horrible pains on the first...
  14. I

    how long do you intend breastfeeding for?

    At leas t for 6 months, and then we will see. Hopefully till 12 months, but with babies anything can happen. She might decide earlier, or might not need breastmilk, or I might get pregnant.
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    How do you know how often to change your baby?

    I knew a lot about babies, but it is always different having your own because you are with them all day and night. I was wondering too. It does come to you. Are you using real nappies or disposables? Disposables feel full when dirty, but real nappies can be harder to feel, however, when...
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    baby walkers

    The reason health visitors don't particularly like them is just because they want to see baby walking with feet flat on the floor when they do a check-up, and baby walkers have them walking on their toes. Of course they can also crash into things or pull drawers open etc. However, as long as...
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    do you bath your baby every night?

    Becks, I put Katie's bath inside the big bath, then all I have to do is pull the plug out of the baby bath at the end. I'd only drop it if I had to lift it full of water. I use a swaddling blanket to relax Katie for sleeping. It works really well. She loves it.
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    ~~Need ur help pretty please ~~

    I know we are only human, but is it acceptable in these cases? Not saying it's my opinion, just something to think about..
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    ~~Need ur help pretty please ~~

    Indeed. we are lucky. The medical profession has certainly advanced, as many things have over the years and we are a long way from where we were 10 years ago never mind 50 0r 100 or more. The are no doubt countless caring midwives who are good at their jobs, and for those who make mistakes...
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    Labial tear - how long to heal?

    And I'm considering getting pregnant again..!! :shock: