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  1. L

    Raspberry Leaf Tea??

    Sorry hun, my fault. I was looking at unanswered posts, didn't realise either. :wall:
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    Raspberry Leaf Tea??

    I don't think it does anything. I drank loads with my first child and apparently it's bad for you to drink more than three weeks before your due date.
  3. L

    7 year old tearaway, advice please.

    No it's been awful. It was a year on 11th July that he went and he's home next week, w00p w00p! His foster carer has been reported to the police for hitting him and his guardian wasn't happy at all with his placement so I went to court last week and got him back at last. :) The Ritalin he...
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    If only eh! (Eastenders)

    Heard Tanya dies, hope not. Max couldn't cope on his own. Mind you he wouldn't waste any time with a replacement, he's awful! I just remembered, my sisters guinea pig is called Oscar! lol
  5. L

    If only eh! (Eastenders)

    Yeah Oscar from Sesame Street, I knew I'd heard it from somewhere. At least he's fictional, well his name anyway eh! Oscar wasn't in it all that long. I can picture him but can't think how to remind you. May Google. :D
  6. L

    If only eh! (Eastenders)

    OMG it's you! 6 months old already, I can't believe it! I remember when you were pregnant. I hope it's going well. :D Very clean baby that, no blood or water anywhere, miracle! They let their daughter name him as well. Oscar, eek! Sounds like a pet. There was an Oscar in Eastenders...
  7. L

    Where can you buy packet food that you mix with water?

    Thanks Mary. Don't have and Adsa close to me. :( Jade is still on the 4-6 month Cow & Gate and Farley's cereals, she doesn't like any lumps, unless she's eating a Rusk. lol
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    Facebook for Old People

    LOL I read about this on Heat last night, so funny. I am addicted to Facebook, I can see myself still there in 40 years.
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    If only eh! (Eastenders)

    Tanya was in labour one minute and Max delivered her baby at home the next. He looks a few weeks old too. Only in soaps eh!
  10. L

    Where can you buy packet food that you mix with water?

    Thanks Ladies. I tried my Boots, they do loads of cereals but no dinners and Sainsbury's but they only do Mediterranean Rice. She loves that one but there must be others. :(
  11. L

    Where can you buy packet food that you mix with water?

    This is all my daughter will eat, any flavour. I have liquidized food, really smooth but she isn't interested yet, she gags, charming! All I ever seem to find is packet cereals. I want meals like you get in jars but don't like giving jarred food, it tastes awful! I never had any problems...
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    Happy Birthday Isaac!! (Lous LO!!)

    Oh wow two already! Happy Birthday little man. XX
  13. L

    7 year old tearaway, advice please.

    ~Wow, not been on here for so so long! I was going through old emails and came across the link to this thread. I will have to catch up when I am free next week. Ryan has been in Foster Care now since 11th July 2007, I have been fighting ever since to get him home and in September he was...
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    Ian baby wearing.

    LMFAO they are brill Steph!
  15. L

    Bedtime Routine at 5 weeks?

    Well this all sounds very positive. :D :cheer:
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    castor oil

    A midwife told me that Castor Oil is what they always used in the old days. Never try that again though me, it was so disgusting.
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    *** SPD Excercises! ***

    Any help yet?
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  19. L

    Ruby in The Bill???

    She does look a lot younger than she is, she has a chubby face and big teeth. :lol:
  20. L

    Embarassing question about my pants *blushes*

    Thanks hun, it was at first as I was doing too much, hurt my scar too. Not so bad now. It's not that it's a lot, I just wish it was nothing by now!