Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Thought Bumpy was coming yesterday!!

    Well yesterday as I got in the car to come back from my sister's house I got a really long horrible pain which lasted until I got home (only round the corner - I usually walk it but Kev was passing :oops: :lol: ) Well it went away once I got home but kept coming back. Not in any pattern, just...
  2. J

    Message from SarahH

    Just got a message from Sarah on Facebook. They have arrived safely :cheer: and she has asked me to update you all :D Hey!!! We made it - only just!!!! Literally had like 5min to get the flight in Paris as the one from Aberdeen was delayed... then when we got to Houston, Immigration...
  3. J

    Can anyone tell me?

    Sorry if this is a bit TMI but when you say you lost some plug, what does it look like? I never had anything with Brody, my waters just went at 37 +5 so I haven't a clue :think: I ask as earlier on today and once yesterday too there was like a jelly down there when I wiped. Could this just be...
  4. J

    Bargains today!

    Well Kev went off to Asda because it's baby week or whatever it's called and came back with 120 Pampers superdry for £12 6 packs of Johnsons wipes for £5 A stairgate for £15 and bed guard for £15 They also had loads of other stuff and sleepsuits and vests really cheap too I do love bargains...
  5. J

    Advice please :o)

    I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if this is a good deal or not? Also if I was to buy this package is there anything else I would need? Thankyouuuuuu :D :D :D :D ... tarter_kit
  6. J

    Opinions please!

    Well I have been making these frames for a while mainly for presents but I have been asked by a few people if they can buy them. I really enjoy making them so I'm not after making a huge profit but don't want to be out of pocket either! Once I add the price of the frame and the paint and the...
  7. J

    Personalised message from Santa

    Someone told me about this yesterday and I think it's great! You can add your LO's name and photo and other stuff - Brody loved it :cheer:
  8. J

    Hello everyone

    Hi there I'm joining all you lovely ladies today :D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Haven't had chance for a read yet but going to hopefully get on later to catch up and get to know anyone I don't already know :D :hug: It's all a bit scary being in here it's all gone by soooo fast...
  9. J

    Brody over the last couple of months

  10. J

    Just want to say byeeee

    Yep I'm going into 3rd trimester tomorrow :shock: I really don't know where the time is going I want it to slow down a bit! :lol: Thanks for everything girls and I'll be seeing some of you soon over there! Hurry up - I'm scared :oops: :lol: Good luck everyone :cheer: :hug:
  11. J

    A big hello from Kazlin!

    Kazlin has asked me to pass on a message to everyone :D As most of you know she hasn't been on for ages and I'm sure there are alot of people wondering how she is getting on :D First of all she wants to wish everyone a happy Christmas/Yule and that she will be back online sometime in the...
  12. J

    Consultant appointment

    I have to go see the consultant at the hospital tomorrow and I'm starting to wonder what he is going to say :think: I'm assuming it's to talk about Brody's birth? Has anyone else had to see the consultant? If so what did they say? My midwife said that it's because of having a C-section last...
  13. J

    Another thankyou SarahH thread

    Thankyou soooooo much for Brody's parcel :cheer: He loved his pressies :dance: You are a star! :hug: :hug: Just want to share the pics of him opening them :D :D Oooh what's in here.... YAY In the night garden books :cheer: and his cooool 8) hat and gloves :dance: The...
  14. J

    What do you tell your LO's?

    I know Brody is far too young to understand about Father Christmas etc yet but I've just been working out in my head what to tell him when he is old enough to understand! :oops: :lol: I can't remember what we were told other than the obvious he brings all the presents! :doh: :lol: So...
  15. J

    Me again!!

    Yep the list is getting shorter :D and I think our favourites are Jude Dawson Lucas What does everyone think? :think:
  16. J

    Another scan pic!

    Well we had to go back for another scan today as the little monkey didn't want to be measured on Friday :roll: :lol: Eventually got everything checked (he was still being awkward and she kept trying to jiggle him to move him :lol: ) and all is ok and we got a bit better pic this time :cheer...
  17. J

    Back from our scan :o)

    Well.....all was ok what they could see but the lazy little bugger wouldn't turn round so they couldn't get a proper look at the heart and lungs so got to go back on Wednesday! We asked what we were having and he said without a doubt and he showed us his willy :lol: We are so, so happy...
  18. J

    HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY RYAN! (Clairescunny55's LO) :o)

    Have a brilliant day all of you :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
  19. J

    A little worried

    This may be a little bit TMI but I have been having some pains around the bottom of my back and bottom of bump the last couple of days. Yesterday I noticed a little bit of brown in my underwear and just a moment ago when I wiped it was brown too - like brown discharge :oops: :puke: Now I...
  20. J

    Our holiday in Scotland
