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  1. P

    Any other 1 yr olds who haven't said 1st word yet?

    Wow, thanks for all the replies! It's great to know I'm not the only one worrying :lol: :hug: :hug: :hug:
  2. P

    nesting instinct ?? did u go through it ?

    Nah, cleaning isn't my strong point. I loved cleaning the bathroom when I was pregnant, but that was more to do with the fact I craved the smell of cleaning products and sponges :lol: However I did clean the kitchen one night because I couldn't sleep until it was done..but again I think that...
  3. P

    c-section vs vaginal birth

    VB - Hopefully for future births aswell :)
  4. P

    Any other 1 yr olds who haven't said 1st word yet?

    Because Ella hasn't. I posted about this a while ago but didn't get alot of advice (I don't think I worded it right). Basically, I'm still eagerly anticipating Ella's 1st word! My Mum gave me a book about baby talk at Christmas, and it says at this point she should have said her first word by...
  5. P

    What piercing???

    Just 1 - My ears. I had my belly button pierced which didn't hurt atall, but it fell out in 2006 and healed mega quickly :( May get it re-peirced if I get back down to a size 10/12..Scared it will really hurt though, I was told it hurts alot to get it re-pierced?
  6. P

    Show me your.....

    chickadee, we have that stroller! I love it :D We have the Silvercross 3D which I really like, but I wish I'd have got the one that faces both way. My Mum bought me the Silvercross and she'd be upset if I sold it and got another, hehe.
  7. P

    Happy 21st LFC_Sarah

    Happy Birthday! :cheer: :hug:
  8. P

    Do you hold a grudge?

    IRL yes, as I've said in other posts I was bullied at school. On Facebook, I'm friends or have spoken to most of the people who bullied me, but I still hate the girl who was the one who made them all bully me IYKWIM. I think I'll always feel like that because I had a really really bad time and I...
  9. P

    What's for dinner tonight PF?

    Poached eggs on toast followed by Pancakes :cheer: I made 'em myself and everything! *Puffs chest out with pride*
  10. P

    Beautelle Kaytii Stead

    Yay! Congratulations, I remember your birth story with Lovella..It was awful! I'm so glad you had a great birth this time. Beautelle is gorgeous!
  11. P

    I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations! 2 minors is really good!! :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  12. P

    HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY Ella! (Poppy160)

    We did thanks Char!! Thank you so much for the gorgeous card, Ella loved it! :)
  13. P

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday! :cheer:
  14. P

    Jack got rushed into hospital for an operation :-(

    What a scary night!! Glad he's okay :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
  15. P

    Where do you buy your clothes?

    Usually Next as I use my account card. I don't buy new clothes very often anymore, money is too tight.
  16. P

    not feeling so well:(

    :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
  17. P

    Happy? Tell us why....

    I am happy because it's Ella's 1st Birthday! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  18. P

    HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY Ella! (Poppy160)

    Thank you! :)
  19. P

    The last ever bag of Wollies Pick-a-mix

    It is for charity, so I guess the people bidding are really well off..Still a stupid amount of money, though.
  20. P

    really proud of my little self!

    Aww how sweet!! Just think, if you'd have bought wrapping paper she would have unwrapped it and chucked it away. But she will keep Millies wrapping paper and it cost you nothing :-) I'm going to do that in future!!