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  • Users: xxsammyxx
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  1. xxsammyxx

    FET starting May 8th - AT LAST!!!!

    Well we have been to the apt... it was a right battle! First of all we got there and the doctor looked through the file for the results that were supposed to be have been sent from the other hospital and where allan had already called them Monday of this week and they said they were sending them...
  2. xxsammyxx

    Omg - i'm shaking!!! Help please!!!! UPDATED - :-(

    I woke up this morning and decided to test again since I am 9 days past ovulation... and this is what I got!! I don't know if this attachment is going to work so bear with me....:roll: I have tried a CB Digi but it won't pick anything up yet but i'm not due AF for another 6 days so I think...
  3. xxsammyxx

    FET or fresh IVF cycle?

    Hi, We had IVF last year which was successful but unfortunately lost her at 24 weeks due to Hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain) We had two frozen embryos from the first round of IVF which I think must be to blast stage since at day 3 they said they would check them the next day or the day...
  4. xxsammyxx

    Has anyone been in this position after stillbirth?

    I had to give to my little girl a week ago at 24 weeks, her funeral was last Friday. Mentally, I don't feel ready to go back to work. On the outside i'm trying to put on a brave face but I feel so cheated at her being taken away. My dad died 10 weeks ago as well and the pressure of all the...
  5. xxsammyxx

    Hydrocephalus - Our baby has now been born - Birth Story on page 18

    She was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus at our 20 week scan.... after an MRI they said there was no brain damage so far and they said that if we stay in the 60% where things don´t get any worse she will be born without any problems and be a normal baby (though will probably need a shunt) or 20%...
  6. xxsammyxx

    Hydrocephalus - UPDATE ON PG 12 WITH MRI RESULTS

    We went for our 20+4 scan yesterday and all was fine until they said that the baby had Hydrocephalus, severely. I have already had all the tests for Downs, spina bifida, an amnio and tests for every other problem possible and bloods and all were fine. At 16 weeks the baby's brain was developing...
  7. xxsammyxx

    Has anyone been predicted the wrong sex?

    Hi, We had a private gender scan yesterday and we quite clearly saw 3 lines and the sonographer said that she was 90% sure we were having a girl (obviously they will never say 100%) She did however say that since we were 15+6 weeks that it was possible for "boy bits" to form after this time...
  8. xxsammyxx

    2 AF's?????

    I had my last AF on 11th Feb and im due to ovulate tomorrow... this morning when i woke up i was bleeding like the start of a period. Its been a weird month. First of all i was 5 days late for AF then for the last 3 weeks my boobs have been killing me, now this... anyone got any ideas please? Im...
  9. xxsammyxx

    5 days late...

    Hi, can anyone shed any light on this... I was due on Friday (CD28) although I have been getting AF on CD27 for the past 4 months so i'm 5-6 days late. No sign on AF though my stomach has felt tense and weird for a few days now. My boobs feel like rocks and they are so sore even clothes touching...
  10. xxsammyxx

    Fertility Clinic Appointment

    Well we were supposed to attend an appointment with OH's doctor (2.5 hours travelling time away) but he was unable to make the early appointment which i wasn't very happy about to say the least BUT he has called a fertility clinic near our area today and booked us in for an appointment on...
  11. xxsammyxx

    We are starting ICSI....

    As the title says.... OH has just called me. We went round to some new friends house last night and we didnt know but they had a 3 month old baby boy. He was gorgeous. I had mixed feelings last night about how i would react being near a newborn but then since I thought I was pregnant last night...
  12. xxsammyxx


    ... Don't all get excited... AF did show her ugly head today :roll: BUT.... OH has just called me. We went round to some new friends house last night and we didnt know but they had a 3 month old baby boy. He was gorgeous. I had mixed feelings last night about how i would react being near a...
  13. xxsammyxx

    Well ladies....

    First of all im back after a few weeks without internet and having to use an internet cafe so not much time to come on the forum and second of all i have had AF on CD27 for the past 3 months but today im on CD28 and no sign of AF YET! I thought i had AF this morning as when i woke up i went to...
  14. xxsammyxx

    CLOMID & Cancer

    Has anyone seen this in todays newspaper? ... 025284.ece Just thought i would post it as i was thinking that one day i might be put on this drug... will think again now :think:
  15. xxsammyxx


    I would like to thank everyone for their lovely thoughts and kind gestures (especially Anna23 who pm'd me practically every day to make sure i was ok) :hug: :hug: :hug: Its been a stressful and worrying time for us just lately due to relocating and it certainly took its toll on our...
  16. xxsammyxx


    Hi, i often wonder what would happen if OH decided to adopt my DD one day after we are married so we can keep the same name. Her biological father is a prick basically and refuses to support his daughter financially or any other way! We have constantly battled to try and get help through the CSA...
  17. xxsammyxx

    Xmas present idea's for OH's/Dh's

    I have a few ideas for OH for xmas presents but i want to get him something personal that he can keep....Last year i bought him a dog tag necklace and engraved the other side of it. I also bought him a ring and engraved that too and a wallet etc. He doesnt wear any other jewellery at all and...
  18. xxsammyxx

    Anyone TTC, attended fertility clinic & living in Rotterdam?

    Hi all, well the time has come to move out of the Spanish sun as we are moving to Rotterdam at the end of October. I wont be too sad to leave Spain as my life has sort of expired here now and im pretty sick of being ripped off or robbed! OH has just landed himself a fantastic job as a Sales...
  19. xxsammyxx

    RANT! Well this month i'm definately gonna get a BFN!!!!

    OH is still in Holland and is likely to be there for at least another week before he can come back and visit for a measly week. He is there doing a string of interviews. NICE ONE SINCE IM ON CD10 AND DUE TO OVULATE IN 4 DAYS!!!! I told him not to bother until the end of October since we promised...
  20. xxsammyxx

    Really worried... tests and test results

    I'm off to make the 3rd attempt at a smear test tomorrow. I had one done years ago but the test results came back inconclusive due to AF starting that very day. I had another one done for the first time in years last week and the "Bitch" turned up one hour before the test so they said they could...