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    Trying for nearly for 15 months to get pregnant

    Good luck Bubble! I didn't have the Hsg done... I hear it hurts so make sure that dh goes with you so you can squeeze the h out of his hand! (((((HUGZ))))) when is it scheduled?
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    Reassurance please

    I had all my bloodwork done before the scan as well... Made the appointment a little quicker... no worry!
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    haha.. docs aren't always right! lol! glad things are fine! now get yourself a ticker please! :D
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    Warming up..

    Just warming my seat up ... I'll be in here on Sunday... lol! :lol:
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    really nervous

    Have you tested?
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    How did it go?!?!?
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    Someone please help me as I am unsure whats happening

    yep.. what kim said! lol! Please keep us updated!
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    Trying for nearly for 15 months to get pregnant

    I'm 28. And honestly.. I stopped focusing on ttc'ing. We had started to look into the adoption process.. and getting that going.. when we popped up pg. I took November and December off from ttc'ing in general.. relaxed.. thought nothing of it. Took Nov off temping.. started temping in...
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    BABY NAMES! want to share your opinion??

    I LOVE the name challen, but dh hates it! ARGH! We have decided on Brennan for a boy and Felicity for a girl... And I like Faith Dior the best!
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    I did at 22dpo... doc's said normal!
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    Am I pregnant? help!

    It is too early. However, one missed pill, I don't think it's possible. (i could be wrong though).. the bcp stays in your system.. so one pill isn't going to make much of a difference.. (i think! lol!)
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    [b]WHAT DO YOU THINK?[/b]

    call and request a blood test!
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    Can you help our member 'scared' please?

    wow... what a strong woman you are! I'm taking that the family wouldn't understand the IVF? It's going to get tough to explain the different dates to the family and friends, especially when the child gets older and has birthday's. wow! I really don't know what to say.. just wanted to reach...
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    now what?

    I feel like I'm in the "Now what?" stage... towards the end of the first tri.. getting ready for second tri.. out of the nausea stage... not feeling movement yet stage... and just waiting... the waiting.. the waiting... ugh! :?
  16. A

    Trying for nearly for 15 months to get pregnant

    your welcome bubble.. anytime.. i know it looks really dim.. i've so been there... and be assured.. when you do get pg.. it's a whole nother bunch of worries..!!! :roll:
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    Preg in the UK but likely to move to USA soon - help!

    What type if insurance does the company offer? It would be worth looking into through the company and getting information. Which insurance companies have you looked into? Have you checked Blue Cross? I'll look for some others as well and let you know.
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    Trying for nearly for 15 months to get pregnant

    We ttc'd for 18 months.. well.. technically 17.. we got our bfp in jan, conceived in dec... anywho... I had totally given up on having a baby of our own. We had done sperm analysis'.. we had done all the bloodwork.. we went as far as we had planned on going... clomid.. all that stuff. It...
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    Preg in the UK but likely to move to USA soon - help!

    Where about are you moving in the us? I'm not sure about insurance companies...
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    implantation bleeds?

    I had implantation at 18dpo.. a very light mucousy type globs... (sorry if tmi).. and then again at 22dpo.. I spotted when I wiped...