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  1. S

    Out like a light in his snowsuit??

    We have noticed that when Hayden sleeps in his snowsuit he sleeps so much better then when in just his pjs or even in his sleepsuit... Is there something similar I get can that is especially for sleeping but just like a sleepsuit?? Its nice to see him comfortable and at peace asleep as when he...
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    Weight loss stories?

    Has anyone lost a large amount of weight using a diet or alternate method?? Would be good to hear about them and get some of us revved up for the new year!! x
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    To those with babies with eczema

    Did you find their sleeping pattern change? Hayden seems to be very fidgety at night and does this funny movement like a bear scratching moving his body from side the side... He's obviously not always waking for food cause when we do try that he is having 1oz or nothing at all... Any ideas?
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    Burn the fat feed the muscle...

    I have this e book and must say it is such a fantastic read, whether you do the plan or not it contains alot of common sense along with how your body works when you eat and how foods are stored etc. If anyone wants a copy then pm me your email addy :)
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    Sharne's Will be slim diary :) *Lost 4lbs in total*

    So I have decided I don't want to do another diet, regime, however its put i just want to be more relaxed in my eating. I don't buy into anything so easily, I don't believe in diets because i personally believe unless there is a direct cause to weight, if you have been overweight for some time...
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    I can make you thin.,.

    Has anyone done it?? The Paul Mckenna program that is... Im interested to try it...
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    Tips and advice for new mummies...

    I thought maybe we could have a thread for new mummies? I hope thats ok? Maybe if we can pin aswell so new clueless Mummies can have a look at. I know when I had Hayden there were so many things I was clueless about!!! OK heres mine :) When pregnant remember to buy for the season you are...
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    Canh we have a....

    Weaning for dummies thread please? Im not weaning yet but I would like to read up on it prior to starting as I just have no clue AT ALL!!
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    HELP! how to give baby anti biotics

    Hayden has to have anti biotics for his skin infection :( It came in a normal bottle with a spoon but he spits it back out.. How do i give it to him? its getting bad!!! :cry:
  10. S

    Night feeds (Bottle)

    Just wondering how many oz peeps give at night time feeds, diddy Hay wxkes a few times and i offer him 4oz bottles rather then 6oz... Did anyone else drop the amount or keep the same as during the day? x
  11. S

    3 hour naps?

    Just kinda posted about this in my othr thread but is it ok to wake baby out of naps??? He ALWAYS naps from 3-6pm sometimes i have woken him at about 5pm but should this be earlier and if so how do i move it??
  12. S

    Barely sleeping during the day/fighting sleep...

    Hello everyone! Just wa wee bit of advice, Hayden barely naps now during the day, if he does it is rare even when he is in the car... He is very hard to settle at night also, you'd think if he's tired he would go straight down but he doesn;t it normally takes an hour and this is WITH a...
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    Slimming world...

    Whats new with it?? Ie how does it work these days, did it quite a while ago but i guess its diff now?
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    Why did you have more children?

    This may seem like a silly question but im interested to know why people had more children... I think its more about hope then anything else... I see some people on here with 3, 4 or even more children.. :shock: I must be honest and say HOW THE FOOK DO YOU LOT DO IT???????? Is there some...
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    Eczema is weeping :(

    HELP! i have eczema but when it is bad I use steroid cream... Hayden has it terribly on his arms to the point it scabs up and goes weepy, its heartbreaking to see, I have tried piling on aqueous cream, vaseline, oilatum etc etc which helps to moisturise but obviously not clearing it up just...
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    Quinny Dreami Carrycot (Capri)

    For sale... Used but in very good condition. Hay is a bit big for it now... (Also useful as a moses basket) If interested post or pm me... x x
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    Quinny Buzz Muff (Capri)

    Does anyone have one for sale?? xx
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    The best Christmas present EVER!!!

    nO OTHER PRESENT COULD TOP THIS ONE!!!!! And some others... Hes growing so quick!
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    Advice on settling baby without dummy...

    Hey everyone... Im so proud of myself, its been 4 days now since Hay lost the dummy and he is SUCH a good little boy :) If anything he crys less without it lol! Anyway im having problems at night im unsure what to do when popping him back in his cot, I have been using CC but if im honest...
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    3 hours 3.5 hours 4 hours ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    How bloody often should I be feeding Hay now? My Mum says I should be feeding him 4 hours and giving him water in between, I tried this but he doesnt seem content, more content on 3-3.5 however now he's only having about no more then 4.5oz whereas he was doing 5-6oz ahhhhhhh. He is still waking...