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  1. purplehippy

    Disabled Parents

    I don't know if it will help but I have fibromyalgia and am struggling with a bone issue - I'm finding it easier now, but I had a bad flare up with the fibromyalgia and invested in one of those baby-shaped sponges for the bottom of the bath. We haven't a baby bath, see. It meant I could lay her...
  2. purplehippy

    Daisy - 4 Months Today, Still Night Feeds, HELP

    The lady who owns the pretty cakes-made-to-order shop near me, today said her son didn't go through til 5 1/3 years! I don't swaddle anymore. She always sleeps on her side or tummy, always did when she wasn't in the bed with us. She turns herself. She doesn't hit herself, she will rub her face...
  3. purplehippy


    I've had 2 glasses of wine a night all week, to make me sleepy enough to sleep. It's actually worked... Is she always that neurotic, BigBump? Is she reacting that way to deal with how she probably feels about your loss? She's lost her grandchild. Grief strikes in a variety of ways. Good on you...
  4. purplehippy

    never thought i would be posting in here.

    You've been so brave, BigBump. Strength and love to you, from myself & the household. Bless poor Ivy xxx
  5. purplehippy

    Daisy - 4 Months Today, Still Night Feeds, HELP

    Oh and I meant to say - she only has one set of grand parents as her dad's parents are now both gone. Mine are in Berks and I live in Wales. They work, and I'm uncomfortable leaving her with them overnight because of the waking. So hopefully it'll get better and then I can ask them to sit her...
  6. purplehippy

    Daisy - 4 Months Today, Still Night Feeds, HELP

    Ello, can start replying properly now. first time round, I was told that bottlefed babies go through the night quicker. And because Kaya did, from 6 to 8 weeks, I believed it. I was assuming this time that because I mastered breastfeeding, that although I switched to expressing and then bottle...
  7. purplehippy

    Daisy - 4 Months Today, Still Night Feeds, HELP

    Cheers everyone. I'm glad I'm not the only one, feels less abnormal! Will reply properly when the weekend is over, I have to get off the laptop (baby crying) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. purplehippy

    never thought i would be posting in here.

    I always think it's weird that a stranger can shed a tear for someone else through the internet, but I am. I am so, so sorry you are going through this. The first time I lose a baby it was a missed miscarriage at what would have been 3 and a bit months. the people who helped me through were a...
  9. purplehippy

    Daisy - 4 Months Today, Still Night Feeds, HELP

    By 6 to 8 weeks old, my first daughter (who was bottlefed from 8 days old) went through the night. Daisy is different. I breastfed for just over 2 months (then expressed til 3 months) and now she's 4 months. And she still wakes. Saw Cherelle yesterday who mentioned a little babyfood before...
  10. purplehippy my LO a little behind??

    That's sad :( My bigger littlun started school a few weeks ago. She has a continence issue because of tummy problems and has had to be pulled out of full-day school, she finishes at midday now. she's confused and embarrassed, but the staff haven't the time to dedicate to her needs at the...
  11. purplehippy


    I thought mine had disappeared after 3 weeks but if I'm on my feet for too long, I'm rewarded with what I'd describe as a minor flare up. I'll be mentioning it to my doc next wed when I see him. I'm sorry to hear yours is still as bad - mine was chronic and if it hadn't gone by now, I think I'd...
  12. purplehippy

    scared :(

    It's never as bad as we imagine, if we wait til we feel ready. I haven't yet. I'm so (sorry, tmi) amazingly horny, too. It's been months!!! But I'm still bleeding slightly. I wish it would stop. Every time for weeks that it looks like it's stopping entirely, I start staining again.
  13. purplehippy

    Lady bits not right - sorry if TMI

    You can tell your HV or GP. I've never had stitches so I can't comment. But I hope it's normal and that you will feel better soon.
  14. purplehippy

    Cloth Nappy Question

    I've never had a problem with needing bum cream on my eldest, she was cloth nappied. And with my newborn, I used a little, twice, and massaged it in rather than leave it smeared all over her. I always use a flushable liner on top anyway, regardless of how many boosters and fleeces she has in...
  15. purplehippy

    Wrap or sling suitable for breastfeeding in??

    I'm using the Ellaroo wrap. Once you get used to putting it on, its perfect. I'm the envy of the ladies at the boobgroups I go to!
  16. purplehippy

    What wraps can I use with Bambino Mio?

    I used BM with my first. If you google real nappies, look at pictures of those with outer wraps. Mothercare's ones can hold the inner of BM nappies but I didn't get on with those (or the BM, dd had skinny legs). :)
  17. purplehippy

    Very Demanded Of, At The Boob

    hey all, got daisy on the other arm to hold her to the boob, so excuse typing. i wind her every ten to fifteen mins, depending on whether she is dozing off or not - means ive a better idea of whether she wants more or not. i think i may have some baby blues, hv comes tomorrow so i'll talk to...
  18. purplehippy

    Very Demanded Of, At The Boob

    Cheers everyone. Last week my nipples were past cracked - the skin on the right one had come completely off! The hospital and midwife and lady on the end of the La Leche League helpline all said Lansinoh and it was a miracle, I quickly learnt to latch properly and now I have no problem. I'm glad...
  19. purplehippy

    Very Demanded Of, At The Boob

    My eldest is 4 this august, she was bottlefed as my milk didn't come in til after the first week, there were probs, I was stressed etc. Daisy is 12 days old and I'm demand breastfeeding. I'm so proud of myself for doing it, and getting it 'right' so quick. I feel overwhelmed by how demanding...