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  1. S

    Nights out, what do you wear?

    back in the day!!!! :lol: i would always wear a mini skirt and heels and a revealing top :oops: now i tend to go for a long top and jeans, the last few times i have been out i have worn a jumper and jeans!!! i prefer to be comfy and casual!!!
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    I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: well done sweetcheeks!!!!!!!!!! bet you are well chuffed!!
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    Lost interest in walking?

    jack is exactly the same, he will stand and take 2 or 3 steps then drop and start crawling again, we just keep standing him up everyday and let him go at his own pace, im sure they will get there soon hun!!
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    has anyone any experience of this??

    :wave: on tuesday we went for our 20 week scan, the sonographer noticed that my baby boy had a Choroid Plexus Cyst in the fluid around his brain i was told it is nothing at all to worry about but obviously i am.... i cant help thinking something will be wrong with him :( :( does anyone know...
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    Happy 1st Birthday Abigail (Jodie_Honey)

    happy birthday abbie!! :dance:
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    girls on iron tablets plz read

    i had this nothing wrong with my baby its a normal side effect the midwife even told me it probably would happen
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    20 week scan **update with team colour!!!!!**

    i have my 20 week scan today!!!!! im very excited, its at 2.50pm i will update when we return with what team we are :cheer: :cheer: wooooooo team blue again!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: so happy my lil man will have a little brother
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    omg she is soooooo beautiful
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    Where did Jenna go???

    thats fantastic news jenna, you must both be so pleased!!! well done :hug:
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    This time last year...

    happy birthday james!!!!!!! i cried on jacks birthday :oops: :lol:
  11. S

    Pet hates! - what are yours?

    people picking there nose :puke: sunday slow arsed drivers people who walk soooo slllooowwwwwww in front of you ignorant drivers oh flicking over the tv channel on sky every few seconds oh changing the cd in the car halfway through a song i could go on i will probably be back with more later...
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    Boy or Girl - How it works?

    im from a family of girls my grandma had 2 gilrs my mum had 2 girls, my oh has a daughter from previous relationship and we had a boy cant wait to find out the sex of this one
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    Kitchen Refurb - Lots of questions & pics wanted!!

    your kitchen is gorgeous lea m
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    Alcohol free beer?

    i am i really fancy larger, and i want a drinker before pregnant sometimes i have a sip of oh's :shhh: i regret it though coz even that small sip makes me :puke:
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    Appeals for the Sure Start Maternity Grant

    i wish i hadnt given up but i was just sick and tired of it all definatly stand your ground, im going to make sure i definatly get it this time!! i think when i claim i might complain again!!!
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    Alcohol free beer?

    yes the becks alcohol free one is the best it tastes just like the real thing!! :dance:
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    Appeals for the Sure Start Maternity Grant

    exactly the same happened to us and we ended up not getting it either i made complaint after complaint it still annoys me to this day, they ignored my complaints in the end :twisted:
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    Soft spot

    jacks was exactly like that i think i noticed it more because he had little hair looks normal to me hun :hug:
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    My poor princess has flu virus / mimic flu virus :(

    awww no poor little lady hope she feels better soon :hug: :hug:
  20. S

    Toby Matthew 23/01/09 8lb 7oz *with pics*

    awww what a gorgeous baby boy congratulations :cheer: