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  1. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hi all, I cant believe that Harvey is a month old now......time just absolutely flies at the moment! I am trying to savour every day! He was born at 8lbs 7, went down to 8lbs 2.5 at day 5, by day 10 he was back up to more than his birth weight, and at the last weigh in was 11lbs 2! I think we...
  2. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hi peeps, just another quick one to say Im still about, just very busy with my little booby monster! In fact, I can hear him stirring now..... (PS I don't think I've even managed to tell you his name yet....its Harvey!) :D Hope you are all ok :hug:
  3. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hello peeps just a very quick one from me.... Sorry to have not kept you more updated thro text but its been very hectic, We only got out of the hosp today (and only out of the recovery room yesterday!) so I havent had my phone on at all and Hubby has been glued to my side! Will explain more...
  4. C

    Chat thread!

    Hen that just nearly made me wet myself! :rotfl:
  5. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    kmac - yep - its odd looking at it so near the end isnt it! :shock: Tasha Hun I hope you are ok :hug: Babydust - OMG he is just so adorable! :D Trudy - STOP IT WOMAN, think good thoughts......and stop going places that are going to worry you.....:hug: I hope you are ok Loola - oooh...
  6. C

    I feel dizzy now:(

    :hug: Hope you feel better soon
  7. C

    Off to midwife now wish me luck UPDATED

    Hope the sweep on Friday works then hun :hug:
  8. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hello my lovelys :wave: ....Thanks so much for you kind thoughts :hug: , it means a lot to know you guys are thinking of me. Well I have been in for the scan. They cannot see any obvious abnormalities of the heart and it (quote) appears normal. Obviously thats a big relief. There are still...
  9. C


    Just come on to update.... Thanks for this thread peeps it means a lot. Well, I went for my scan...they checked the heart and they say there are no obvious abnormalities, which is a mahoosive relief! It is still missing beats and irregular, but they can't see an actual reason for it. Have got...
  10. C

    Chat thread!

    Hi girls. Have just updated the other thread - went for scan and they cannot see any obvious abnormalities with Junior's heart, which is a big relief. There are still missed beats but with regard to that really its just a waiting game until Junior arrives when they will pay particular attention...
  11. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Congrats Claire- glad you are home and everything is going well :hug: The Hosp are ringing me to tell me what time to go in - was meant to have been Friday but they cocked up something with the referral form or some such other rubbish, so Ive just got to wait for the phone tomorrow....
  12. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Thanks Hun :hug: I know, Google is a pregnant woman's worst friend, and so thats why I havent done anything in that regard.....I have said the same thing to other people on here when they have asked about problems so I am trying to take my own advice for once.......
  13. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Oh.....I dont know, I was going to try and look up some stuff myself but I got scared that I might just find bad stuff and make myself worry even more :( I just feel sick
  14. C

    Chat thread!

    Baby's heartbeat is irregular and missing beats so they have got to do a detailed scan to see if anything shows up :( Obviously if it all looks normal the issue is still there but I would feel better knowing there isnt a reason for it in some ways, just wish Id got my scan today as I wouldnt...
  15. C

    Chat thread!

    In a word, no :( Worried sick and just wish I didnt have to wait all weekend before I can see someone......
  16. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Naughty Claire not telling you what was going on kmac - but still, best wishes and good luck to her. Hope you're all ok. Well, as for me, Im still having contractions but not painful ones...the reason I know I defintely am and it's not in my head is cos I was back in Hosp again all yesterday...
  17. C

    Babydust's Labour thread (Take 2)

    Good Luck! :hug:
  18. C

    Chat thread!

    :wave: Come on babies!!! Not been on much as have been in hosp for more monitoring, not the best news- have got to have an extra scan done (was meant to be today but one dept at the hosp doesnt seem to know what the other is doing and so now it will be Monday.....unless other events overtake...
  19. C

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    ROM and Tasha - Glad the scans were ok - and I hope George turns ROM - there is still time..... Babydust - sorry to hear you are so uncomfortable :hug: Well, MW this morning said that Juniors head is well down...... :shock: :o ......On Friday it was still free and now we're 3/5ths engaged...
  20. C

    Chat thread!

    :wave: girlies Well....I was getting pains last night, tho not contraction type pains, and I said to Hubby this better be worthwhile as it was quite uncomfortable....Went to MW today and Juniors head is finally engaging :cheer: 3/5ths down so considering the fact that on Friday the head was...