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  1. cosmicgirl

    According to my ticker...

    :yay: x
  2. cosmicgirl


    Yeah, you can take the tough stuff afterwards anyway, so it's not so bad x
  3. cosmicgirl

    Don't know what to

    And I'd send a letter to their head office, outlining what a hideous place it is to work while I'm at it! x
  4. cosmicgirl

    Don't know what to

    I'd leave, even if you have to look for something different, I wouldn't work there x
  5. cosmicgirl


    The after pains (as you uterus shrinks back to normal size) can be horrid, especially if you bf. I struggled with them last time. But apparently they get worse with each baby and I can't remember them being as bad with my first x
  6. cosmicgirl


    True story, they could stick a cannula in each of my eyeballs when I'm in labour, don't think I'd care or notice ;) x
  7. cosmicgirl

    Does anyone know how to...

    They could do it im sure, or if you have access to a scanner you can scan it yourself and resize it x
  8. cosmicgirl

    girl name idea

    I like poppy for a toddler or a young child but as an adult I personally wouldn't want to be called Poppy (sorry). I don't like May either, it's so commonly used now as either a middle name or a double barrelled first name (sorry again). But that's just my opinion, if you like it go for it x
  9. cosmicgirl

    My friend...

    Isn't it going to look all distorted when he has a hard on? x
  10. cosmicgirl

    Experience with digi tests

    I got a dud when I used one for this pregnancy. The timer thing was showing for ages and ages then a little picture of a book came up grrrr, gutted. They're not cheap either x
  11. cosmicgirl

    What should your heart rate be at 21wks

    Yours or babies? If its yours then yes, it's a little tiny bit higher than the norm. Have you had caffeine? Are you anxious? Try to relax and I'm sure it will settle x
  12. cosmicgirl

    Morning sickness

    Ginger is a well known anti-emetic so ginger bickies are a good thing to nibble. You can also put a bit of stem ginger into some boiled water, sieve it out and drink the water x
  13. cosmicgirl

    My friend...

    Like shevrons on the motorway? Lol x
  14. cosmicgirl

    Don't know what to

    Quit, life is far too short x
  15. cosmicgirl

    Early scans

    Google private ultrasound companies. There will be one in your area. Mine was £65 but price depends on where you live x
  16. cosmicgirl

    My friend...

    I'm going to need to see that before I pass comment ;) x
  17. cosmicgirl

    Our (possible) name...

    I'm not a fan of the double-barrel either I'm afraid x
  18. cosmicgirl

    Present for OH when baby is born

    Are you bloody serious?? I want him to give ME a present, I'm the one giving birth ;) x
  19. cosmicgirl

    YAAAAY! I get to home birth!

    eBay has loads of birth pools, many for less than £100 x
  20. cosmicgirl

    Back ache... help

    I'm broken with backache so I feel your pain. I use paracetamol, wheatie bags, warm baths and good posture x