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  • Users: Jlee
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  1. J

    FOLLOW-UP ** Need your Prayers **

    Hi I would like to thank everyone for their comfort -- I Had the appointments with the cardiologist. The problem is only the lungs... no problem with the brain, no problem with the heart.. just the lungs. but the lungs are so big that it is putting a lot of pressure onto the heart.. i asked...
  2. J

    Need Your Prayers

    Hi everyone -- I would like to thank you all for your positive posts and prayers. It has been a rough couple of days for my husband and I. What made matters worse... my birthday was yesterday. The specialist from the Ottawa General indicated that there was a slim chance the baby could...
  3. J

    Need Your Prayers

    Hi ... i would first like to apologize to you girls. i don’t get on-line very often and chat... I am in my 20 weeks right now. Had my first scan this monday. Results, 3 markers. Indicating that my husband and I will be sent to Chio for some more tests for the baby. The ultrasound Doc had...
  4. J


    Thanks for your replies. Much appreciated. Guess I just can’t wait for that moment! Kisses and hugs. Jlee
  5. J


    Hi Ladies -- Quick question... might sound silly! For a couple days now i have been feeling little twinges in my belly. kinda on the side almost near my ribs but not quite. Funny thing is... I am only starting week 9. Do you think it can be possible to feel your baby at this time, or is it...
  6. J

    Has anybody else NOT had pregnancy confirmed by Doctor?

    Same here.... i went in at 7 weeks. Doc said the HPT was good enough. Sent me on my way to another doc for an appointment April 29. i am now starting my 9 weeks.... i do feel pregnant, but it would be nice to know and see my little one actually in there... it would put me at ease. waiting...
  7. J

    pee pee pee all night....

    Hello Ladies -- Well, I had just seen Mrs.Gobby’s thread on how frequent everyone gets up through the night for a pee. Alright... something is def wrong with me. There were posts of some ladies only getting up once or twice a night..... ahhhhhhhhh I am getting up every 2 hours. I am...
  8. J

    got BFP

    Congrats to the both of you... wishing you all the very best!
  9. J

    **update on charlotteheys85**

    Great news!!!!! Thanx for all the positive feedback. ... ok i did start to cry.. yep very emotional. But i am very happy that you and the baby is ok. it is funny how our husbands start acting differently when there is a baby in the tummy.. it is very cute. Wishing you both, the very best...
  10. J

    Time to say goodbye

    Congrats... it is all smooth sailing now. Wishing you all the best. Jlee
  11. J

    Its all over!

    I am sorry for your loss. Hang in there. Your husband seems to be a great guy who is taking care of you nicely. Take it easy, and we will see you soon. my blessing is with you. Jlee
  12. J

    Stop the Cramping

    Thanx for your replies, much appreciated! Wishing you all the very best.
  13. J

    Stop the Cramping

    :wall: Uncomfortable ... Does anyone know when this menstral like cramp feelings go away. Or does it continue throughout pregnancy. With the cramping of my belly and the pressure to get up every 2 hrs at night for a pee really takes a tole on the mood swings.. I have to give it to my...
  14. J

    November Bambinos...

    Due Nov 11th - until i go for scan TTC for 1 yr Preg for the 1st Really happy!!!
  15. J

    Getting to know the first tri-ers.

    Good morning Ladies -- Just wanted to congratulate everyone for their little bundles of joy. Wishing you all the very best. Jlee Age: 26 Due date: Nov 11 2008 Pregnancy number: 1st one Hoping for which gender: Doesn’t matter =) Symptoms so far: nauseated, constipated ...
  16. J

    BFP - TTC for about 1 yr =)

    Hi ladies; I am soooo happy. Tested this morning and got my BFP.. it has been a while since my husband and i have been trying - 1 yr. it finally happened. what made it hard was that i have very irregular periods... this time BBT temps remained hight past 19 days and no sign at all of...
  17. J

    18 DPO - Can it Be

    Thank you ladies for the replies... It’s a BFP !!!!!! I can’t believe it. i tested this morning. sure enough +. i then had to wait 3 hrs before my husband came bc from night shift..... finally 1 yr trying.... soooo happy. Jlee
  18. J

    18 DPO - Can it Be

    Hi ladies; Well it has been 18 days past ovulation and still no sign of period. I just finished taking meds for my bronchitis though.... do you think it might be the meds that might be throwing it off =( My temp has stayed above the cover line... 97,80 ovulation, and it remails high at 98,50...
  19. J

    Are really light periods OK?

    Hi Sally -- I have the same thing. I have been having spotting as my period. Sometimes for 4 days, just to say.... or sometimes one day. My cycles are from 21, 29, 31, ... and this month I have ovulated early on the 18th. I had thought the same thing. That it might cause prob with TTC...
  20. J

    I'm just stupid...rant

    Babyblues -- Your time will come, like everyone else. It might be harder to some bc of the fact that we want it soooo badly. Bc of this, we stress ourselves out. We start getting depressed. Same here for me. Every month i actually thought i felt preg symptoms... every month i would test...