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  • Users: Cazza
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  1. Cazza

    My Photo Album

    Fabulous photos!! LOVE the cake !!
  2. Cazza

    what age did you put LO in room on there own?

    My LO was about 8 weeks old when she went into her own cot and room. Best thing we did - we all slept better!!! I'm sure Daddys snoring was keeping her awake at night!!
  3. Cazza

    Jo Jingles classes?

    We had a taster session at Baby Group and my LO really loved it especially the rattle boxes they gace them, she was very reluctant to give those back!! Hoping to go to the next sessions they run!
  4. Cazza

    My boy will not sit!

    No problems - will bring it for you!!
  5. Cazza

    My boy will not sit!

    Yep that's the one PP!! Got ours from good old ebay around £17 new, worth every penny!!
  6. Cazza

    My boy will not sit!

    I bought Romilly one of those rubber ring things which we wedged her fat bum in and she's learnt to sit up with that!! Now she doesn't need it! (Vince is welcome to borrow if you want!!) LOVE the pics of him and his Daddy !!
  7. Cazza

    Help!!! Can't settle him :(

    Oh lovely lady!! Not your fault at all, we all have to work out with trial and error how these little guys function!!! Wish they came with their own individual manual!! Romilly has been very unsettled and reluctant to nap the last 2 days, I think it's a combination of teething and this awful...
  8. Cazza

    Yucky baby!

    Awww love seeing pics of dogs and babies!! My LO likes all my dogs but has a real soft spot for one of them, she really squeals when she see's him and holds her hands out to grab him - he's as daft as a brush and loves her too!! And he's a breed that isn't known to be good around kids!!
  9. Cazza

    Real Names :)

    I'm Carol.................!!
  10. Cazza

    Is something happening???

    Huge Congratulations hunny!!! What an absolutely adorable little man!!! xx
  11. Cazza

    Jealous much...

    Awwwww that is a wonderful pic!!! Love it!!
  12. Cazza

    Tyler's holiday pictures

    Lovely pics - Tyler is just gorgeous!!
  13. Cazza

    Descaling steriliser

    My OH is a non chemical cleaning freak!!! He just uses white vinegar as he does on all our appliances as we live in a hard water area.
  14. Cazza

    Vince is a bad boy!

    Is he teething ISH?? My LO has seriously flushed cheeks and loads of dribble at the moment and she's chewing on everything, including me!!!
  15. Cazza

    Meet a mum

    ZMD - I'm in Norfolk too!! Just off the A11 in the south of the county ;)
  16. Cazza

    Sick of being told how to bring my LO up

    Advice from others is great isn't it??!! We got the 'get rid of the animals' speech several times.................all 8 dogs, 3 cats and a bunch of chooks are still here!!! Wonder what they'll say when our new addition arrives shortly!!!!
  17. Cazza

    Changing bags ugghhh!!!

    Bev can you measure it for me please???!!!!! :lol: There's quite a few on ebay, looks good just can't quite get the dimensions from pictures!!
  18. Cazza

    Changing bags ugghhh!!!

    Thanks ladies! The mothercare one is the same size as what I have, I need a smaller/compact one!! The Bugaboo one is lovely but out of my pricerange!
  19. Cazza

    Changing bags ugghhh!!!

    I'm really fed up with my changing bag, it's great if we're going out for the day as it sit nicely on the buggy but if I want to nip to the shops or to a friends for an hour or two it's just so cumbersome!! I've been looking around for a new one but can't find what I want/need so if you have...
  20. Cazza

    question about formula feeding

    With all my bottles, when they've been sterilised I fill them with boiled coolled water to 3/4 of the amount needed and pop them in the fridge. When I need a bottle I use boiling water to top up to the required amount which makes it perfect warmth for R and them add my formula. For nights I...