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  1. F

    Arrrrghhhhhhhhhhh *rant warning*

    Well we had a good chat last night after he'd had a whole day to think about what i was saying and we have agreed that we will take it in turns on a weekend to get up wtih the kids so one of us can have a lie in and he's agreed to get up early in the mornings with Henry n let me sleep on if i...
  2. F

    Arrrrghhhhhhhhhhh *rant warning*

    thanks Nicci :hug: I've asked him a few times if he'd mind gettin up with Henry first thing in the morning cos he can't really do night feeds cos i breastfeed but am almost at point of going to stay at my parents for the night just so i can get some sleep and so he can see what its really...
  3. F

    **The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

    hello I am considering going the whole hog and walking with my arms stretched out infront of me and groaning to get the full on zombie effect.. oh wait.. hang on a minute... i already do the arms outstretched groaning when I'm walking the streets with him in his buggy ... all joking aside my...
  4. F

    Arrrrghhhhhhhhhhh *rant warning*

    :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: My lovely wonderful oh who was sooooo supportive and brilliant and wonderful at the beginning is turning into an insensitive, unsympathetic, unempathic KNOB!!! It's all to do with :sleep: He NEEDS lots of it.. by this I mean he's really horrible ifhe...
  5. F

    Who did actually wait until 6 months to start weaning?

    This is a really interesting read. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet. I weaned my eldest Charlie at 4 months which was the advice back then and he moved onto fingerfoods really well having had puree's - it worked for us. Henry's already showing some interest in food.. he shouts at us when we are...
  6. F

    Adding a bottle of formula to BF'ing, help :)

    :hug: hiya honey :) Henry's having two bottles of formula a day now for very much the reasons you have described above... I use the tommee tippee closer to nature bottles but it might help your little one to introduce the milk in a sippy cup if she can manage to hold it.. then its totally...
  7. F

    Bumbos. Think thats what their called!

    Myfriend's just lent us her old Bumbo and Henry likes it for short spells of time. Am finding it handy when I'm in the kitchen and he can sit and watch me (he fell asleep in it earlier lol) but wouldn't want to leave him unattended in it,.. he's already worked out that if he arches his back he...
  8. F

    Feeling So Uncomfy

    I used to get that but I found sitting on my adult sized spacehopper and having a little bounce really helped ease it :cheer: :hug: x xxx
  9. F

    Feeling Down

    Sending warm healing vibes to all you third tri ladies who are aching :hug: :hug: hope you feel better soon flossy hun x x x x
  10. F

    Anyone tried hypnobirthing?

    I didn't do a course but i read the book and used alot of the breathing and relaxation techniques and pain referral idea's on the few very achey weeks at the end of my pregnancy and also in the early stage of labour before my c-section. Birthing from Within is another excellent read for helping...
  11. F

    Asleep on his tummy?

    Henry's never liked sleeping on his back - he hates it and since i seen a midwife and a nurse do it when we he was first born, i've been putting him to sleep on his side...but last few nights he's taken absolutely bloody ages to settle down - he is feeding lots through the day now and last night...
  12. F

    I need help...

    I can't recommend la leche league highly enough hun - they run a breastfeeding group every week just down the road from me and its been an absolute god send. I wouldn't still be breastfeeding now if it weren't for the support and encouragement from that group. Our counsellor is lovely and...
  13. F

    Gripe water and infacol

    I'd just use the one in all honesty hun and have a look at some burping techniques. I used dentinox with Henry until he was a month old n then we swapped over to Gripe water as i much prefer it to the gloopyness of dentinox or infacol.. Henry is less pukey with gripe water. He has 5ml in a day...
  14. F

    Dream Feed

    I *think* me n Henry dream feed at night but i tend to :sleep: aswell so am never really sure :lol: Basically he goes down after his last evening feed in his cradle next to our bed. Then with his next feed he comes into bed with us and i feed him laying down and there he stays until i get up...
  15. F

    For those who were unable to breastfeed...

    :hug: :hug: :hug: you are doing amazingly to be expressing and feeding your baby your milk that way honey. I understand how you feel as thats how i felt with my eldest and its such an awful way to feel but honestly hon you are doing so well and should be really proud of yourself x x x x
  16. F

    Does anybody else donate breastmilk?

    dead proud of you for doing this mate :D charlie was a premmie and i really wish i'd had access to a milk bank when my breastmilk went so shitty and i gave up ... massive respect to all you ladies donating :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx
  17. F


    It really depends on how well they can manage your symptoms hun if you have got pre-eclampsia. You may find that a bit further down the line they want you in hospital on bed rest so they can keep a really close eye on you n bubs. You may be asked to take 24 hour urine samples (piss in a...
  18. F

    Should I go for a planned C section given my 'situation'?

    I did read your entire post.. in your situation if my baby's health was fine and my health was fine I wouldn't put my baby or my body through the trauma of major abdominal surgery just to have my husband present. It's great that c-sections are there to save lives and its your uterus at the end...
  19. F

    Should I go for a planned C section given my 'situation'?

    Having had 2 c-sections now I would say to you to not go elective c-section for the reasons you have stated. It IS major surgery and I believe is probably more traumatic for a baby than the journey of birth. Put it this way... during a natural delivery a baby makes a journey, has its lungs...
  20. F

    Levi Matthew Bartlett.

    Congratulations honey - what a beautiful story and your little man is gorgeous :hug: x x x x