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  1. J

    strawberry nevus

    Does anybody else's LO have one of these? It's a birthmark that is normally bright red in colour and it grows for a few months before having a "rest period" and then shrinks before disappearing. Eva's appeared as what looked like a bruise on her right eyebrow when she was 5 weeks and now it's...
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    Eva Mae - 28/10/08 - long story!

    It's a bit late but here it is - what I can remember of Eva's birth. I was 1 day overdue on October 27th and that evening I started having what I thought were strong braxton hicks contractions. I bounced on my ball for a bit and told DH "I think something might be happening". I think at this...
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    A month to my due date...ahrr!

    :dance: you're a day ahead of me :cheer:
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    Just phoned CDS - Update 2!

    :cheer: :cheer: not long now Mildly, good luck with it all, I hope labour progresses steadily for you and you've got your little boy in your arms by morning :hug:
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    Good Lord My Boobs!!

    :rotfl: norks. I dunno why, but that word makes me laugh no much :rotfl:
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    another whinge from an unhappy Clairey...

    :hug: you're not alone! As if having a baby isn't stressful enough (I'm not moaning, it's also very exciting and a blessing) what with all the things to buy and preparations to be done, I'm in the middle of moving house! well, not quite mving house just yet, but in 3 weeks time (3 weeks before...
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    Bye Bye Tri3 xXx

    :wave: see you around hun :hug: it's gonna be quiet around here without you and Sharne lol
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    Wish me luck ladies!

    Aww good luck hun, but you won't need it, I'm sure you and LO will be fine. Be sure to keep us updated! :hug:
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    36 week appointment tomorrow!!!

    good luck this morning, hope it goes well for you x
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    :cheer: welcome baby Hay! Well done Sharne, it sounds like you did brilliantly. Can't wait to see pics :cheer:
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    Poor Sharne, what a long labour. He's obviously too comfy in there! Not long now though Sharne, you can do it girl! :hug:
  12. J

    babys hospital bag????

    My son was 8lb 11 (so quite a biff lol) but most of his clothes were too big on him, even his newborn stuff. So I'm not going to take any 0-3mos stuff at all, it's all newborn. I think I've packed 3 vests and sleepsuits and a going home outfit.
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    I've had a little girl!!!

    wow! Can't wait to read the story! Congratulations :cheer:
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    Aww Sharne, you're doing so well...hopefully things will start to move along a bit faster after they break your waters. Thinking of you x
  15. J

    India Poppy Rose - August 27th - 8lb 6oz

    what a beauty! She really is gorgeous, and the photos are stunning. Congratulations, I'm glad your labour was such a positive experience for you.
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    OMG i'm soooooooooo happy!!! **PICS ADDED**

    ooh, congratulations, it'll be lovely to have your own place for your little family :cheer:
  17. J

    Text Buddies

    I don't have a text buddy either, but I have 3 on another forum so I think it'll just start getting really confusing if I had different buddies to text from different forums lol. It's nice to think that people will be interested to know how you're getting on, but I'm not really that active on...
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    :dance: I hope it's all happening for you Sharne, I'm impatiently waiting for another update! Come on baby Hay!!! xxx
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    Aww hunny, how fab, the whole experience sounds as though it was beautiful. Well done you for putting up with the pain so well. Can't wait to see pics of baby Ivy, she was a good weight too! Congratulations, and welcome to the world little pip Ivy x :hug:
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    Lots of Love, From Evie xx

    She's just absolutely perfect Dannii, well done hun :cheer: