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    Emergency c/s

    25% was the figure I read somewhere!!
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    Ok girls come clean!!! is any one else stinky??

    Im still stinky, still on Lactulose and also on hard-core laxatives now :D Maybe one day my bowels might decide to work again :lol:
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    c-section vs vaginal birth

    Elective for me as my LO was breech!!
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    Three Wheeler Prams

    I have the Icandy Jogger, which is also compatible with the maxi-cosi car seat..........absolutely love it, and we bought it for dog walking!!
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    Changing Forumula

    Thanks everyone............!! I was hoping you were going to tell me the smell gets better :D
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    Changing Forumula

    I have just changed my LO from normal Aptamil to the Easy Digest, but am now finding his stools absolutely stink and are also very watery and slightly green - is this normal when changing formula? Any advice would be gratefully received.
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    nesting instinct ?? did u go through it ?

    I waited very patiently for the "nesting instinct" to kick in............and I waited and waited..........! In the end I had an elective c-section and my hubby cleaned the house from top to bottom whilst I was in hospital :lol:
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    Hair and there but not everywhere!

    I lost sight of my bikini line by about 30 weeks, so got my hubby to trim it for me - ended up having an elective c-section which meant having to shave most of it off anyway (which hubby had to do again) much for trying to keep it tidy! :D
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    asthma and pregnancy!!

    My asthma actually got better in the 3rd Tri, apart from when I came down with a severe chest infection and then had to be nebulised 7 times in hospital, and they assured me my baby would be fine! Its only now 5 weeks after my baby was born that my asthma seems to be really bad. Take your...
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    Its very normal.........My LO used to hiccup 4-5 times a day, and they would sometimes last 20+ mins, now hes here he generally hiccups once or twice a day and now last even longer :D
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    I have to drive 20 miles to a large Boots to get it.............its on the bottom shelf almost out of sight! Im sure you can order it online from Boots!
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    Plan of action - before i go mental!!

    I didnt realise you could get it on prescription.............thanks Charlotte :D
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    Plan of action - before i go mental!!

    Its a case of trial and error as I have exactly the same problem with our LO. I have various bottles (inc Dr Browns and Tommee Tippee), various teats, just changed to Aptamils Sensitive formula, have Infacol, Gripe Water, Dentinox and just bought some Colief - obviously we cant try everything...
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    Long Sleeved or Short Sleeved?

    The hospital was so hot that my LO just wore "short sleeves vests" and had a lightweight blanket over him - I kid you not it was unbearably hot...........and he wasnt in the slightest bit cold - if you are considering breastfeeding, then he will get even hotter when he has skin to skin contact...
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    Weddings With A Month Old Baby?

    It really depends on your babies personality when born, at 2 weeks old my baby would have slept through any event - now at 5 weeks he is suffering from dreadful reflux and cries most of the night and day unless held tightly. I would probably still go to a wedding but might end up standing...
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    Help us pick our baby boy's name

    Oh only just seen you are "Team Blue" (dont get much time to browse all the threads anymore)! I like Alfie Hill best :D
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    Growth Scans

    I had a growth scan at 32 weeks because they thought my baby was small (he was 8lbs 7oz when born :lol: ) 32 weeks she said you couldnt see much and not worth photos, she was right - his limbs took up most of the screen and you couldnt really see what was what!!
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    Im so exhausted!

    Just wondered if your body ever gets used to being so tired, obviously my LO is still very little and I am generally up 3-4 times a night, unfortunately he is also very colicky/has reflux and it can take hours to settle him after a feed, which obviously adds to the exhaustion, and more recently...
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    Knowing the sex - Why dont people want to know?

    Just ignore them hun, at the end of the day its personal choice whether or not YOU decide to find out!! We wanted to know the sex and I will never regret our decision, knowing I was carrying a boy made me feel much closer to my bump and we were able to argue over names, so by the time he...
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    C-Section Recovery!!

    I just wondered how long it took you to recover from your C-Section? I had mine just over a month ago now, after 2 weeks I went out to meet some friends for lunch and also spent an hour shopping, after 3 weeks me and DH started having sex again, and at 4 weeks I have been signed off by the...