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  1. H


    Hey i had the same done last wednesday five tubes for all the tests, does anyone know when we get the results back do they ring you or do you ring the hospital and when do they tell you what blood group you are. thanks.x
  2. H

    Got My BFP!!!!!!

    wow congratulations!!! I got mine too this morning can't believe it you must be in as much shock as me, think we're due around march sometime. Hope its a healthy and happy duration for you, early days we'll have to keep updating each other on all our symptoms we get lol xxx
  3. H


    Got mine today 23rd june :D
  4. H

    Hi newbie here... :)

    Hey can't quite believe this but i've just taken a test and it's come back as positive can't really believe its happened so early especially as i was on the implanon contraceptive rod not so long ago, really emotional, dont quite know what to think, excited and scared. :shock: There's just...
  5. H

    What counts as day 1?

    Hey good question rene i've also been wondering the exact same thing as i came on, May 26th but i was spotting for 2/3 days before hand it makes it difficult to work out your ovulation calendar as i have marked it in the calendar as the the 26th not the 24th.... any ideas anyone.. xx
  6. H

    Need Your Prayers

    Stay strong and i wish you all the best and hope your next scan brings you more joy and comfort than this previous one i can't imagine what you are going through the doctor seems insensitive but he still could have reassured you and made u feel better even if he was unsure grrr.. Keep us updated...
  7. H

    Is someone trying to tell me something .lol.

    Yes i on the other hand have not been so good *slaps wrist* hehe roll on two weeks..... looking forward to the updates no matter what they are it all helps with getting to know our cycles better so things can only get better :D x
  8. H

    Hi newbie here... :)

    I couldn't agree more Jools, this first month has felt like a lifetime.... me and my partner are both very excited as we are new to it all but we're trying not to because we don't want to be too dissapointed , and I sometimes wish i have been ttc for a few months so i know if i am regular or...
  9. H

    Is someone trying to tell me something .lol.

    Hey hun i also woke up with a nose bleed on monday :think: , and since then i've had a congested nose which i've read is a symptom but probably just coinsidence, I don't know if your used to nose bleeds but i've never had one before so was a bi of a shock and since have been feeling stuffy and...
  10. H

    Hi newbie here... :)

    Hey girlies, hope your all well :wave: :D :D I'm fairly new to this website have been reading alot but never actually posted, I am 21 and my partner is 25 and we are trying for a lil baba after being together a year. Its all a very confusing process so i'm glad this site exists for...
  11. H

    Hi Everyone

    Hey i am in a similar position to you, don't feel bad I am only 21 and am having my implant out on monday so me and my partner can try for a baby you should be excited about it not worried about what people think, as long as your happy about your decision hat's the main thing and the love you...