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  1. Sarah13


    Ill be interested to see if it works! Getting to the point where anything is worth a go!
  2. Sarah13


    Least we both know we're not alone! His bottom 2 came through last week so maybe more will appear!
  3. Sarah13

    We have teeth

    I'll be impressed if you can get a pic! I've been trying all week to get one of Kynons!
  4. Sarah13

    Proud mummy moment

    Awww, he will be cruising next! Kynon always wants to practice pulling himself up in the bath, not the best place!
  5. Sarah13


    Could be right about the one step back thing! He ended up in bed with me most of the night and was still unsettled for some reason, happy now though!
  6. Sarah13


    Tonight he just screams unless I cuddle him, whole time I brushed my teeth he cried for me, Im now sat here comforting him. Think he's got a bit of separation anxiety to add to the not sleeping well!
  7. Sarah13


    Feel like being able to scream instead of type! Why do I have a 9 month old who sleeps and feeds like a newborn? Wish I knew where I've gone wrong. Im the only one who can settle him as he just carries on screaming at oh until I feed him. Sometimes I just feel like going out and leaving them to...
  8. Sarah13

    This time last year I was in labour!!!

    Awww hope he has a lovely birthday x
  9. Sarah13

    More bf questions...

    I only slept with a bra for the first few weeks, it was a soft night one from mothercare. Once I stopped leaking I slept without one, much easier for feeds at night! I have woken up soaked occasionally though!
  10. Sarah13

    Hair loss after pregnancy

    Mines really long too and 9 months on is still falling out loads. It shows everywhere as its black, I dread it falling out while cooking! Lynette is right its due to losing less in pregnancy. Are you still bf? I am and wondered if that was why.
  11. Sarah13

    Homemade and Custom cloth nappys

    Birth to potty. I just looked on the WN site your getting yours from, some lovely nappys def will be ordering something from there next!
  12. Sarah13

    Homemade and Custom cloth nappys

    My nappys came! Had to pay bloody customs fee though! Cant wait to wash them and try them! They look really well made as well. Going to start looking into the rugby one now :D
  13. Sarah13

    Its darkest before dawn

    I think its needy rather than greedy boys! Fx we get more sleep tonight!
  14. Sarah13

    Feeling nauseous :-(

    I've been feeling a bit dizzy but didn't realise it could be to do with cutting back feeds. I still feed morning and night and one around 4ish so not cut back loads yet. Hormonal changes can def make you feel sick tho otherwise we wouldn't get morning sickness and I've had terrible nausea when...
  15. Sarah13

    Its darkest before dawn

    Sometimes he will go 3 or 4 hours even 5 on the rare occasion!
  16. Sarah13

    Its darkest before dawn

    You had my hopes up there for a solution with these clingy boys! I've been trying a dummy again too but he's not interested. Be interesting to hear what sleep lady says
  17. Sarah13

    I got a job...

    Well done on the job! Know how you feel Im dreading leaving Kynon in Sept but I guess it will be good for us!
  18. Sarah13

    Is there anyone who regrets moving baby to own room too early?

    Wish I hadn't moved K as all I've done for the last 2 months is get up and down and bring him in with me as Im too tired after the first couple of times!
  19. Sarah13

    How do you count yours???

    I never know when you count from either! My waters broke but I didn't have any real contractions until I got to hospital and he was born 20 mins after getting there! I say an hour and half from waters breaking which was my first sign, I count from then with my dd too as was also the first sign I...
  20. Sarah13

    Market research :)

    Lots of 'clean' high chairs too! I never want to sit Kynon in some high chairs they look right grubby! Sounds a really good idea, not many pram friendly baby friendly places about unless you go to a soft play place and eat go there!