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  • Users: nikkix
  • Content: Threads
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  1. N

    FirstAngel had her baby!!

    Only just been able to get online but Firstangel had a little baby girl on 21st Feb at 7:26am weighing 6lb 5oz and she is named Hannah! She was in labour for 52 hours!! They induced her after 40 hours and she had an epidural but only lasted 2 hours! baby Hannah is on anti biotics till Thursday...
  2. N

    Oliver Peter Winnan born 02/02/09 weighing 5lb 1oz

    Bit late but Ive only just managed to get onto the internet! Oliver was born on 2nd feb by elective c section as I was in hospital with pre eclampsia and he was measuring small so they were worried. He was born at 11:13am and is doing well. He was weighing 5lb 9oz 10 days after he was born so is...
  3. N

    Ive finally got onto the internet!!

    Hi Guys, Ive finally managed to get onto the internet I just wanted to say thankyou for all your well wishes while I was in hospital with pre eclampsia meant alot! Me and little Oliver are doing fine, I still cant do much due to the c section but I am not in any pain anymore and everything was...
  4. N

    Presentation scan this morning and last baby woo!

    Hi guys well I went for my presentation scan this morning and im a bit down heartened. Baby is still breech which I thought he would be anyway so not looking too good, I only have a low amount of fluid around him and he is still measuring small which I think they are concerned about. I had to be...
  5. N

    35 week MW Appt!

    Had my 35 week appointment yesterday and guess is still breech! lol what a surprise! Everything else is fine, still measuring 2cms too small but they are not worried about that and BP was slightly higher but I think I was just a bit anxious! Been booked in for a presentation scan on...
  6. N

    fed up and in pain and now on crutches!

    Went to the hospital for my physio for my sciatica in my hip and leg and they basically said i have to put up with it coz I only have 5 weeks left and now im on crutches coz i cant walk which has made me more fed up coz crutches are a pain sorry had to have a rant :( cant wait till baby is here...
  7. N

    33 week MW appointment yesterday

    Hi All, Well had my 33 weeks MW appt yesterday and BP and urine was perfect, baby was very happy and his HB was perfect. He is now measuring 32 weeks so only 1 week small so he has had a bit of a growth spurt! Only bad thing is that he is still breech and doesnt look very likely that he is...
  8. N

    33 week MW Appt on Monday!

    Hi All, Well I have my 33 week MW appointment on Monday, they couldnt tell which way LO was lying at my 30 week one but he was breech for ages before that so im hoping that he has turned although im not so sure so keep your fingers crossed for me!! Im still suffering with my sciatica really...
  9. N

    Last day at work!!

    I just had to make a post coz im so excited its my last day at work!! It could not have come sooner im so tired! Im a bit miserable at the moment coz of the sciatica in my leg but now I can just rest at home with my feet up! Got my 33 week MW appointment on monday so will see if baby is still...
  10. N

    Doctors today about my leg!

    Hi All, Well after my post the other day about my leg hurting and wondering what it was I decided to go to the doctors this morning as I can hardly walk or drive or do anything!! He told me what it was but I cant remember the name but basically its where the ligaments on the right side of my...
  11. N

    Leg pain can anyone help?

    For the past week Ive been getting these really bad shooting pains at the top of my right thigh, feels like I have pulled a muscle or something but when I walk or get up or anything its really painful but it is only in one of them. Anyone know what this could be?
  12. N

    New Years Eve! What to do??

    My friends want me to go to a nightclub with them on new years eve. Obviously I wont be drinking but is it okay to go when your 7 months pregnant with the loud music and stuff? I want to do something but I havnt been to a club since I found out I was pregnant and wasnt sure wether it was a good...
  13. N

    Me and Firstangel

    Are on the next baby!! Only 1 more baby to go!! Ooh im so excited!! Finish work next monday aswell thank god!! Hope the next 9 weeks dont go too slowly I really want to meet my LO! :cheer:
  14. N

    Hospital Bag!

    Im packing my hospital bag this weekend so Im prepared incase anything happens but I was wondering if anyone had a list of what to put in it. I know there are posts on this but I cant find any of them!! Any help would be grateful :) xx
  15. N

    Restless Legs

    I spoke to soon, my restless legs are coming back :( I had it all last night and its the most irritating thing ever! It went when I woke up this morning but now its starting to come back. Anyone got any tips on how to get rid of it? I got my OH to massage my legs last night but that didnt help! xx
  16. N

    Midwife appt tomorrow! *UPDATE*

    Got another MW appointment tomorrow coz baby was measuring 2cms too small at my last one so she is seeing me sooner to check again. My bump has really come out the last 2 weeks so im hoping this means he has grown! Im also hoping he might of turned as he was transverse for 8 weeks and now breech...
  17. N

    Soooooo tired!!

    Hi Guys, Im actually feeling better today but all week I have been so drained! I have been snapping at people at work and all sorts. I really need to finish work I think I only have 3 weeks left and 2 of them are xmas and new year so should go quite quickly. LO stuck his foot out my belly last...
  18. N

    Any tips?

    I was lying on my side last night watching the tv and I think that it made LO's whole body move over the the right side of my belly, the left side looked really flat it was really weird! Then he moved an arm or a leg and I think it got stuck under my ribs it was really painful!! OH had to...
  19. N

    Im ill :(

    Been sent back home from work today coz im not well :( Had a cold for the past 2 days which I could put up with but today I kept coming over really hot and sweaty and dizzy so I asked if I could go home. Feeling sorry for myself lol :(
  20. N

    28 week MW appt measuring small :(

    Had my 28 week appointment today and finally got the dates for my ante natal classes :D First one is on the 8th Jan Im really excited lol. Everything else was fine, BP was a little higher than usual but nothing to worry about. Urine was fine, babys HB was fine. He has gone from lying...