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  1. PrincessPeanut

    Princess Peanut's Labour Story

    My Birth Story of Isabel Jane Dixon On Monday 5th September around 6pm I felt as if my waters had gone. Not being sure, I rang the Pregnancy Assessment Unit at Hospital and explained what had happened. Deciding later that it was probably nothing, I carried on as usual. My thoughts were if my...
  2. PrincessPeanut

    Little bump ???

    Hi girls, How's everyone keeping? Just having a quick 5 mins of catching up on posts and wanted to say hiya to you all!!!! :wave: I'm starting to get a bit of a complextion.... It's been happening now for about 2 weeks. Everyone I see asks how I'm doing which is lovely (despite getting...
  3. PrincessPeanut

    In pain, need your advice please.....

    Hi girls, I've spent most of today in pain and I'm just wanting your advice really, seeing as you're all pro's! First off, I've been having pain really low down in my lady bits. It feels similar to when I've had a water infection and the awful stinging pain you have when you go to the...
  4. PrincessPeanut

    grrrr men!

    I'm starting to get ratty now. I'm curled up on the sofa for yet another night because of OH and his snoring. He has always had the odd night where he's kept me awake but since moving into our new house 11 days ago, he's been the loudest I've ever heard to the point where I can't wake him so end...
  5. PrincessPeanut

    Ermz...Hello.... I'm a little scared!!

    Hi girls, I'm 27 weeks today and officially now in tri 3..... so here I am.... This tri seemed like a life time away and has all of a sudden just appeared from no where. I'm a little bit scared... this is the last stretch, it's finally here but I'm still not having that 'pregnant' feeling...
  6. PrincessPeanut

    I'm back online but I'm leaving you all :(

    Hi girls, Just little ole me here... the stanger who's not been around in weeks! I tell ya, being at work was definitely the better option than taking early leave and early maternity! At least I could spend all day sitting on my backside behind a desk talking to you ladies all day! My life is...
  7. PrincessPeanut

    At last 5 mins to myself!!

    Hi girls!! Oooo how i've missed you all!!! This is the first time i've actually been able to get online (other than my phone) and catch up on posts etc. I've had just under 2 weeks off and today I've actually been the laziest cow in the world. I had a lie in, got up, sorted out the dogs, did a...
  8. PrincessPeanut

    Not having a good time :(

    I started maternity leave a week ago and I've not stopped since. It just seems to be one thing after another. It's always been the same really, as soon as any family or friends knew i had a day off work is end up running everywhere after everyone. Now everyone knows I'm off on leave now and I'm...
  9. PrincessPeanut

    Woop Woop....

    Today is officially my last day at work til the end of next Summer!!! :nerner: As of 2pm today :cheer: I will be on annual leave for about a 5 weeks before my maternity leave kicks in. :bum::merry::bunny::yay::dancing::pompom: Excited..... much?! I think so!!! :moon:
  10. PrincessPeanut

    At last....

    It's only taken nearly 4 weeks but finally... OH has cracked and found out we're team pink!!! So pleased I didn't bet money on it! I thought he'd crack within the week.... he's clearly got more will power than I thought!! He came in from having a crappy shift at work and just asked me...
  11. PrincessPeanut

    OH had a nice dream...

    Woke up this morning to the OH saying he'd had a nice dream last night and was sitting smiling away, half asleep in bed. He looked so cute bless him. The dream was that we were at his mum's and bump was kicking away and they sat watching it. Which tbh, I thought was quite sweet, then he told me...
  12. PrincessPeanut

    Am I mad....

    .... before you quickly jump in and shout, yes, you're mad, before I even ask a question because I know I already am but I've woke up this morning wanting to book a holiday..... Me and OH were going to go away for a week in the sun somewhere this year, but because we're now moving house and...
  13. PrincessPeanut

    Just realised I'll be going soon...

    I've just been browsing around and just noticed that Tri 2 is only til 26 weeks which means I'll be heading over there in just over 3 weeks time. I don't want to leave all you girls. I love being in here with you all. Tri 3 is full of really pregnant women who are going to be giving birth...
  14. PrincessPeanut


    Does anyone know what the law is when it comes to pregnant women and seatbelts? The reason I'm asking is because I'm finding it really uncomfortable wearing my seat belt so I've been dropping it down below my arm. I used to do this all the time before I lost weight because of the size of my...
  15. PrincessPeanut

    22 week scan pics

    Just thought you might want to have a look at my scan photos i got yesterday. No special reason for them. I was asked to help out the hospital with sonographer training and got to lie on a bed for 45 minutes watching little madame on the screen whilst they talked all medically :) Love the...
  16. PrincessPeanut

    22 weeks today and a fatty!!

    Well girls, I've reached 22 weeks today!! Can't believe how fast it's gone so far! Only 18 weeks left! How scary does that sound! I forced myself to get weighed last night and I was mortified at my weight. I've gone from 9st pre-pregnancy to 11st 9lbs at 22 weeks pregnant! I sat and cried when...
  17. PrincessPeanut


    There's been a few posts recently about lack of movement and people starting to worry. So I thought it would be good to have a thread where others can note down how many weeks they are and what there movements have been like so far. I know every pregnancy is different, but it might be good to...
  18. PrincessPeanut

    Bank Holiday weekend....

    Has everyone had a nice bank holiday weekend? Been up to much? I've had a lovely weekend. Didn't really do anything special but it was good. I went to a friend's wedding on Saturday and had a nice time. Although bopping around at the night time 'do' was a bit tiring. I had to sit down after...
  19. PrincessPeanut

    Has anyone heard....

    I was at our new house last night talking to the next door neighbours as OH was doing work to the garden (making a dog run for the pups so I can chuck them outside when I'm :wall2:!!! lol) and we got talking about babies. They've just had a little boy about 6 months ago. We got talking about the...
  20. PrincessPeanut

    How big?!

    Ok, so I have this thing where at the moment I just think people look at me and think I'm just podgy and not actually pregnant. I have serious weight issues in the past and I'm trying my hardest to overcome them at the moment. I've gone from an underweight size 8 to a hefty size 12 and growing...