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  1. S

    Extensive cone biopsy (conization)

    Hello ladies, after some advice. After 2 abnormal smears & a colposcopy I was told I need a cone biopsy under a general anaesthetic. :cry: Now I have read online about it, but can't find people that have had this procedure, doesn't seem widely talked about. I Have the op tomorrow, husband...
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    Feeding question

    Hi ladies, looong time no see! I hardly get chance to have my laptop on nowadays & even when I do it is for a measley 5 minutes! :lol: Just a quick question, Finley is now 13 weeks old. He has been on hungry babies milk from 2 weeks old as the same as my other 2 children, a bottle never left...
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    Quick hello...

    Just a quick hello to you lovely ladies. Been so hectic over here! Just wanted to say congratulations to new mummies & good luck to those who are nearing DD's! Hope all is well, I haven't forgotten about you all! :lol: Will get posting again once I am in my routine & in the swing of...
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    Uterus still hard & bulging

    So, my uterus seems to still be hard & bulging (says MW) she said it could be because I haven't been for a poo yet & gave me lactulose. But I have not needed a poo. Although is strange for me to go 5 days without one, when used to going daily! Is this normal? Also - Post bleeding, only...
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    We're home - birth story & pics!

    Yay - Sorry not been on, been hectic over here :lol: Finley was born at 1.10am 29.10.11 after a 1.5 hour labour! I Went to hospital Friday night as I thought waters were leaking, turns out it was just my show. I Was still 4cm from my antenatal so was just having BH's. They wanted to keep...
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    How do you know when in labour?

    You'd think being 3rd baby I would know this! :lol: I Don't know what to expect - am having LOTS of cramping after my sweep. I've never had BH's before & my contractions were not painful the last labour. So How would I know this time? Think I need to go run a few laps :lol:
  7. S

    Woohoo - so much more positive!

    Had my check up (again) today! Baby heart rate still all up & down. But I was able to have a sweep and found out I am 3-4 cm open already. She said she could do a real good sweep & feel baby's head! If nothing happens still, got to go back Saturday for more CTG & then look at an induction...
  8. S

    Hospital check up & just a shitty day in general!

    Just come from my hospital check up. Honestly, it is so frustrating going every other day. Have to go back again tomorrow as she (tried) to explain that baby's heart rate was up & down. She didn't want me to go back this afternoon for more CTG as he's such an active baby. So got to do it...
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    Maybe a sign...

    Just had a show! I think :lol: Please let this be a sign. Was only a small blob of jelly like blob. But maybe it is going to happen! Does there have to be alot? I can't remember....I know it doesn't mean labour is ready to happen right now. But feeling a bit off-ish today too!
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    Had my hospital appointment this A.M. Still no sign of Mini Master G. She attempted another sweep, but she said she couldn't do it (again) :( She said she can get 2 fingers in the cervix (outiside I think she said) yet the inside is still closed hence why she couldn't get to sweep...
  11. S

    Lots of little niggles today!

    I am hoping this means something & not just my first experience of BH's :lol: After pink discharge & now experiencing mild cramps. Nothing major, just I am aware that I have little niggles going on! Please let this be my pre labour thread...I should go off & boing on my ball now :rotfl:
  12. S

    Advice needed!

    Just had 40 week check. Couldn't do sweep as my cervix is not dialated & too far back. The outside is soft but inside is hard. What does this mean? Also, now I have just got home, gone to the toilet, wiped & there is pink on toilet paper. Just put another panty liner in and there is tiny...
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    FAO - Littlemiss

    Any signs, movements or anything? We're both due tomorrow & I am wondering how you're feeling :lol: NOTHING happening here! xxx
  14. S

    Labour prediction quiz...

    Anybody tried this? :lol: This is my results Your labor prediction quiz results are below..... I know you were hoping we weren't going to say this, but don't expect this baby to come early. Your baby is nice and comfy tucked away in your womb and has no interest in joining the rest...
  15. S

    2 days till DD.....

    And still have no bloody name, none of that I like. We were set on Preston Harry, but now I don't like it any more! I knew this would happen. I just knew it...So now all hubby & I have been doing is randomly going through all the soap characters & reading the credits on the programmes! So...
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    Oh dear!

    I've just eaten a whole pineapple. With the acid reflux I have been having the past few days. I Think this was a bad move & something tells me I will regret it later! :x :lol:
  17. S

    So fed up now, don't want to be pregnant any more!

    Due date is looming (Thursday) & I am feeling so fed up of waking up to find I am still a potato on legs! Just bloody down in the dumps, pelvis is starting to get really sore. The shooting pains up my foofoo are unbearable & there is NO sign of baby wanting to make an appearance! I know I...
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    Should I be growing still?

    My bump hasn't seemed to have grown at all for the past few weeks or more. At my last scan which was my 36 week check at the German hospital she said he was measuring smaller, but didn't want to see me till my due date (8 days time) But now I am concerned as I am still the same size...I don't...
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    Bump buddy!

    I don't have one! :-( I can't text from my German phone, but I can send emails or via facebook...Would just like to keep you ladies updated when in labour...If I ever go into labour that is! :lol:
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    Eurgh - feeling so crappy!

    Woke up this A.M & my cold has gone from just a cold to full on man flu! :lol: I couldn't talk, breathe, felt lethargic, slept so heavy through the night & the rest! For the first time since I was probably 17 I have stayed in bed ALL day. Took the trolls to the school bus, came back had a HOT...