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  1. L

    Bloods back

    Fingers crossed its just a virus hun. As Lou asked what else have they tested bloods for x
  2. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    Sorry miss j - and don't feel stupid - nobody would ever think that. We all do exactly the same and it's hard not to get excited and get your hopes up. 12 day lp is fine though and cycle 3 seems to be the lucky cycle :) It's always the hardest when af comes but try and stay positive and enjoy...
  3. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    What day do you usually ov - mines been about day 16 according to charts. Yes bring it on whoop whoop although had to abstain for 3 says for the sa. Am thinking every other day from weds which is cd10 x
  4. L

    IUI and Clomid advice needed

    Copied and pasted - my consultant said its a bit like taking two steps forward but one back:) x
  5. L

    IUI and Clomid advice needed

    Clomid influences four hormones that affect ovulation: GnRH, FSH, LH, and estradiol. By tricking the body into acting as though estrogen levels are low, it stimulates the production of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) within the hypothalamus. This, in turn, stimulates the pituitary gland to...
  6. L

    Closed - old IVF thread

    Oooh good luck tinks!!! And good luck Jj for ec. I hope we get some Ivf bfps pretty soon. Not too long for you now Lou, we are in July already x
  7. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    Good luck miss j - still sounds hopeful to me and as you had late ov pains maybe you aren't as many dpo yet. Good luck all the other ladies. I'm cycle 2 of clomid, cd 8, no side effects again and no nothing!! Hubby off for a 2nd sa tomorrow as his first had borderline count so fingers crossed...
  8. L

    IUI and Clomid advice needed

    The only downside with clomid for too long is that it thins the lining which is why they usually do 6 months at a time and then a break x
  9. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    Good luck miss j - will be stalking!!! Welcome jojo x
  10. L

    OMG I'm in a 2ww!!

    I can't add anymore than the other girls, or just accept you will drive yourself crazy ha ha Good luck hun xx
  11. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    I take mine at night - I have started thyroxine too so didn't know if they interacted so decided to do it at night. No side effects at all for me. X
  12. L

    Well looks like the Clomid is needed.....

    Ahh sorry she got you Hun :( did you have any bloods done to check progesterone? I spot 10dpo but my level was 70 which means I ovulated. (that was on clomid) Did you take clomid this cycle x
  13. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    Ahh sorry wasn't good news hun. I guess the higher dose would help Ov. What sort of things do they do to make the lining better x
  14. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    Sorry didn't mean to call you bells :) Ah well I have everything crossed for you x
  15. L

    The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

    Eclaire - I never got a positive opk but my bloods showed I ovulated. Miss j and bells - when are you going to test xx
  16. L

    scan day tomorrow :D

    Sorry to hear this scotch. Hope your ok x
  17. L

    HSG results today - both tubes blocked

    Oh no hun I am so sorry - I really don't know what to say as I know nothing will make you feel better :( hugs hugs It's so hard as it takes so long to find these things out, but at least you have been referred for Ivf which is a step closer to your bfp. Do you know how long the waiting list is...
  18. L

    What is normal period pains

    I get the wave cramps then the weird other sensations. I definitely don't have heavy bleeding though - quite the opposite in fact :) so that's good at least. No screaming either ;) The consultant did think the spotting could just be the way I am. I think it's the fear of the unknown and what...
  19. L

    What is normal period pains

    Haha ha love you Lou :) I know I'm bloody crazy - its the ttc'ing lark!! Your right though after being on the pill I have no clue, although cramps are fine it's the sensation when going to the toilet and standing that made me worry. Less cramping more tightening and can feel it when I push...
  20. L

    What is normal period pains

    Hey ladies, I'm driving myself mad :shock:- ever since ttc I've convinced myself I've had one thing or another - cysts, pcos, etc etc and all tests come back clear. Am now worrying I have endo due to the constant spotting and weird period pains. The thing is I've been on the pill the whole...