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  1. Jaxx01

    Any tips from mummy's with crawlers?

    I put Stankey in his jumparoo when I need a wee!! He's already had my virgin tv box and numerous shoes! I'm now not to far behind him anyway as he's making me too nervous :( he pulls himself up to stand at the sofa then just bloody keys go and falls over! Not good for my nerves!! Good luck :) xx
  2. Jaxx01

    Anyone started Christmas shopping?

    Yes yes yes!!! Not a lot just a few little stocking bits so far :D helps if you spread it out over the year cx
  3. Jaxx01

    Xanthe Rose is here!

    Aww what a cutie! Congratulations xx
  4. Jaxx01

    bad to worse :(

    Me too :) he left when I was 6 weeks pregnant and to be fair it was probably easier that he wasn't around!! We cope because we are mums and we have to :) you'll be fine hunni. Come on here, vent, rant anything get it all off your chest as it helps! I don't know what I'd have done without the...
  5. Jaxx01

    My Fellow Addict - Stace!!

    This is not helping me lol I'm going cold turkey after drinking too much if the stuff lol it's killing me x
  6. Jaxx01

    Do you have a song for your LO

    I played Stanley bellas lullaby everyday from about 20 weeks Pregnant! I used it to calm him when he was born :D x
  7. Jaxx01


    From what u know it's cheaper up north, im down in Berkshire and my flat is 750 for a two bed xx
  8. Jaxx01

    Back in hospital!

    Fingers crossed you do :) can't wait to hear a labour thread :) sooooo many babies at the mo!!! Xxx
  9. Jaxx01


    I was homeless living in a b&b and the wait was still 6 years! Hence why I'm now in private renting! I've git two young children on my own and still have 3 years left lol. You may have to rent privately and go down the housing benefit route if you can't work x
  10. Jaxx01

    Bloody teeth!!!!!! :(

    I hate teeth!! Stanley has his 7th just coming through and I feel so sorry for him :( xx
  11. Jaxx01

    Teething poo help

    Sorry only just seem this :) yep Tesco and Sainsburys stock it xx
  12. Jaxx01

    Teething poo help

    Metanium is an excellent cream for teething rash clears it right up xxx
  13. Jaxx01

    I've had to baby proof the house.. Already!!!

    Omg Hun I have the same!!! Stanley has so far had all my shoes out my hoes cupboard ruined a game Alfie was playing lol and is pulling himself up!! changing his bum is a mission too cos of the rolling over thing!! Seems they have faroese important things to do lol x
  14. Jaxx01

    This boy will stop at nothing to get where he wants lol

    Got to have eyes in the back of my head!!!! Lol
  15. Jaxx01

    Midwife Problems

    Pinky Janga had her baby this morning without induction :D xx
  16. Jaxx01

    Baby Harry Michael Here

    Wow!!!! I soooo wasn't expecting this this morning!!! Was expecting a labour thread!! Huge congratulations, he's gorgeous xxx
  17. Jaxx01

    Developmental Check?

    Omg they are good! Stanley isn't seen till 12 months!!! Shocking xx
  18. Jaxx01

    Not sure what to do....

    Hey hunni, I've never had a hv pick at anything because I'm a single mum so try not to worry bout that!! If she is asking for more then there's no reason you can't give it to her :) like others have said, you will see the outcome if you get her weighed regularly :) x
  19. Jaxx01

    Possible induction tomorrow!!UPDATE might not need inducing!

    Lol sods law I think they call that :) good luck :) oooh how exciting xxx
  20. Jaxx01

    Possible induction tomorrow!!UPDATE might not need inducing!

    Awww fantastic news :D good luck will be keeping an eye out for news :D xxx