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  • Users: Cixes
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  1. C

    i am in hospital

    hiya girls thanks for all your messages, thanks for updating shell :D everything is ok small bleed yesterday which has settled, not getting much sleep here, but feeling ok. i finally decided to talk about the c section with my fab midwife in here, there is no way i will be going home as i...
  2. C

    i am in hospital

    update had scan placenta over cervix not allowed home planned section if i can get to 37 week 33 today. will update when i can hate it here missing home,boys and my hubby.
  3. C

    i am in hospital

    was rushed in by ambulance last night bleeding, very tired and waiting for scan in morning very scary will let u know whats happening either through my text buddy shellbham or someome as this patientline thing is hard work.
  4. C

    I need a really long moan!!

    Thanks girls. Your totally right of course. I have actually dreaded coming back to check the replies on this post because i am very ashamed of myself for doing her work. Basically she came her to live from france when she was a kid and being one of 13 her parents never bothered with her...
  5. C

    I need a really long moan!!

    Sorry for coming here and moaning on but i sort of need to de clutter my worries and woes and maybe get some hugs and advice...if you make it to the end! KIDS - Ok so the boys have been off school all week and its been a bloody nightmare! Fighting and screaming has become the normal day to...
  6. C

    Fed up already....

    Your not alone hun! Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: I have days where i want this baby out NOW!! and days where i am quite happy for him to stay put for a while longer! I ache and i feel huge and even the smallest job seems the hardest thing to do in the world!
  7. C

    40 weeks?? no way!!

    Sorry Bekie i must of missed that somewhere :doh:
  8. C

    40 weeks?? no way!!

    Soon to be mrs- i can understand where you are coming from, it just shows how different each womans pregnancy is. :hug: :hug: Bekie - Being pregnant is really tough on some women, i really feel for you hun, but i assure you it will be worth it, and the moment you have your baby in your arms...
  9. C

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    cute bumps!! Flossy - your lovely and neat!!!
  10. C

    40 weeks?? no way!!

    No your not moaning!! I think its all part of having a child...why do we suffer so much even before the pain of childbirth?? The thing is with us having boys they will never know the pain we went though to have them!
  11. C

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    I look full term :cry:
  12. C

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    32 weeks + 1 day
  13. C

    40 weeks?? no way!!

    Does anyone else feel like there is no way that they will get to 40 weeks? I am so big now, i can barely walk and the bottom of my bump aches like mad. I just feel that i couldn't physically get to 40 weeks! I went to town this morning and nearly cried from just doing a small walk! Just been...
  14. C

    Baby boy born 11/02

    Fab birth story! Congratulations :dance: and well done :clap: ! He is lovely!!
  15. C

    Doctor or Midwife?

    ooooh hun try get it sorted asap! i got a really bad one when i was pregnant last time, the pain was worse than labour and i actually spent the night on the labour ward and had to be given pethadine to stop the pain! I was actually really poorly but didn't realise it, Spend three days in...
  16. C

    A few piccies of my little man!

    awww well done....he is beautiful. :)
  17. C

    Recovery from episiotomy and 2nd degree tear

    :hug: :hug: Really sorry to hear your uncomfy hun. Have you tried sitting on a donut cushion, and having as many soaks in the bath as you can a day. Painkillers if your not breast feeding. Pour a jug of water over your bits as you have a wee to stop the stinging. And you could try Arnica 30...
  18. C

    Braxton hicks coming every 5 mins

    Like Jemz said you will know when they are real ones! Have you tried having a good drink of water, that sometimes stops them. Although i bet you want them to turn into the real deal now! If you do, get walking!!
  19. C

    Dad At 13yrs! Pg 4 link 2 parents to triplets at 17!

    I tell you something, if any of my boys give a girl a baby then they will be responsible for it! I wouldn't let him just waltz off and leave the girl to it! If he was man enough to plant the seed he is man enough to look after that child for the rest if his life!! It really annoys me when the...
  20. C

    Back to back?

    Search "spinning babies" on google and there is a site that gives you tips on getting baby in a good position, it is american but its ok :)