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  • Users: Cixes
  • Content: Threads
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  1. C

    i am in hospital

    was rushed in by ambulance last night bleeding, very tired and waiting for scan in morning very scary will let u know whats happening either through my text buddy shellbham or someome as this patientline thing is hard work.
  2. C

    I need a really long moan!!

    Sorry for coming here and moaning on but i sort of need to de clutter my worries and woes and maybe get some hugs and advice...if you make it to the end! KIDS - Ok so the boys have been off school all week and its been a bloody nightmare! Fighting and screaming has become the normal day to...
  3. C

    40 weeks?? no way!!

    Does anyone else feel like there is no way that they will get to 40 weeks? I am so big now, i can barely walk and the bottom of my bump aches like mad. I just feel that i couldn't physically get to 40 weeks! I went to town this morning and nearly cried from just doing a small walk! Just been...
  4. C

    I feel guilty!

    We have hardly spent anything at all having this baby and my second cousin who's granddaughter had a baby 9 months ago has given us 2 huge bags of clothes then last night we got: a changing mat top and tail bowl Bottle and food warmer Summer bath seat and more clothes and pram sheets...
  5. C

    Breastfeeding worries

    I am really starting to worry about breastfeeding. Basically everytime i have tried to do it i have failed pretty much due to bad positioning and not really having a clue what i am doing. Last time i went to the ante natal group but it didn't really help and now they only do this at the...
  6. C

    Belly Mapping!

    I found this american website that is supposed to help you get your baby in the correct birthing position but it also had this belly mapping page which teaches you your baby's position. ... ly-mapping I haven't got to grips with it yet, if i didn't know...
  7. C

    could i get away with this one?

    We have known from about 20 weeks that this baby will be called Noah and i wasn't planning on having a middle name but now i like: Noah Alexander The problem is that our surname is Covell so his initials would be NAC do you think thats ok? I am not sure :think:
  8. C

    mmmmm i'm loving it!

    Over the past few days i have found this new inner peace with my pregnancy, and i am really enjoying it! I am getting to go back to bed after the boys go to school and snuggle under the duvet dozing in and out until lunchtime! I am having difficulty walking with the SPD but i feel so much...
  9. C

    positive post :o)

    Despite the fact that i am soooo tired and having been for a wander round the shops this morning my groin is killing me i suddenly feel very positive and happy! :D I know that the majority of my post here have been negative moaning about how i feel or my problems with my MIL and i was thinking...
  10. C

    does anyone get this pain?

    I have this awful pain under my left hand side ribs, its like a stitch. I have had it for a good week or so now and its really bad when i lay down, paracetamol takes the edge off it but it never seems to go. It's not low down so it can't be the round ligaments. It really is sore :cry:
  11. C

    Ooh errr...

    Hubby and i had a bit of nooky at about 2:30pm and since about 4pm i have had braxton hicks, some really painful all irregular, and i keep feeling like i need a poo (sorry tmi :oops: ) but when i try to go i can't. They are about every 2-3 mins at the moment. I really don't think its...
  12. C

    Just wanna sit and cry!!

    I just don't know what to do with myself! I have a car that i can't drive because it won't let me tax it online (says i have no insurance!) and as just renewed insurance i am waiting for the new certificate so can't even do it at the post office! :wall: Then... washer has had a small...
  13. C

    Can't use my car!!

    I am so annoyed partly at myself aswell! Our car insurance was due for renewal on the 31st Jan and that was the same day the tax ran out, so cause i didn't get paid until today i left taxing it and it has sat on the drive. Today i go to tax it online and it says i have no insurance! Its...
  14. C

    Fingers crossed!

    As some of you know i was told at my 20 weeks scan i had a low lying placenta which was covering the internal cervix, sonographer felt it probably wouldn't move enough for me to have a normal vag delivery and i am going for a scan on the 17th March to find out...but...this morning when i woke up...
  15. C

    baby gaga ticker

    I decided to get one and i was surprised that i am on the flat bottomed baby pic! Wow that has gone so fast only 10 weeks to go, if i go that far - may have c section earlier or may have normal birth if placenta has shifted, either way i have never had a baby go over their due date and i am not...
  16. C

    My 4 year old...

    ...just felt my baby move for the first time! He was having a cuddle with me and baby was kicking really hard so i asked if he could feel it but he couldn't then all of a sudden he kicked and Harry jumped up and said 'I felt that!" Bless him he has had his ear stuck to my tummy listening and...
  17. C

    My baby has....

    ...found my bladder and will he hell as leave it alone! He is constantly kicking it (reckon he is still breech) and it is driving me mental! I have been to the toilet umpteen times this morning just to stop it hurting so much. He is sooooooooo active i thought my past babies were active but...
  18. C

    anti-natal care is a let down.

    Ok so this is my 4th baby and i should be a dab hand at it all by now, and i suppose i am much more relaxed about aches and pains this time even with my placenta problem but i just feel that the state of anti natal care and of the midwifery system where i live is shocking! My named midwife is...
  19. C

    This might be a strange question....

    ...but do you ever 'hear' your baby move? Now he is bigger if he moves a lot, like turns over i can hear a clicking sound as he does it! I got this in my last pregnancy too. I just wondered if anyone else gets it too?
  20. C

    I am worrying :(

    It has occured to me just how little support we really have and i am so worried about either going into hospital or my labour starting. MIL lives next door but i have fallen out with her over my middle son ( you may of seen my post in other area) so if anything goes wrong in the middle of the...