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  1. ForestLas80


    Nights out can be stressful when babies don't cooperate. I really hope u get another night out soon and u have more success. Xx
  2. ForestLas80

    A year a go today

    It's so fab isn't that the pee on a stick turns into a beautiful baby boy...yay!!
  3. ForestLas80

    sleep routine is going all wrong... help

    Fin went through this and I started giving him a formula top-up when we go to bed @10/11pm and that makes him sleep for a lot longer through the night :-) it's been a god send for the sleep but my lazy boy now likes to be fed by bottle all the time so I flaf around with bf, expressing remaining...
  4. ForestLas80

    'Mama' <3

    Wow that's so lovely :-) how special
  5. ForestLas80


    Wow good growing baby Max xx
  6. ForestLas80

    I think I've been causing it myself :-/

    Same happened to me with F....was such a relief that he didn't need feeding and for him the dummy wore off as well and he sleeps from 6.30-6 with only 2 wake ups for food (10.30 & 2.30) and uses his thumb to settle himself now so no dummy wake ups!!! Bliss!! Enjoy it :-)
  7. ForestLas80


    We have the FP rainforest one too and F loved it until @3 months.,..he didn't like not being able to move him legs properly....if u can get a secondhand one do as your LO might only use it for a few months and want an upgrade :-) x
  8. ForestLas80

    early waker

    I feel for you, I have a early riser too but not quite that early. I take it the night feed is as quiet as poss and no bright lights or talking? Other thing is how much sleep does your LO get before going to bed. If u want most of the sleep between 8pm and 8am then technically when little should...
  9. ForestLas80

    Oh rant!!!

    Wow your OH is being v selfish! Being mum to a new baby is not a holiday and is a 24/7 job-much more tiring and more hours than his job! I really hope Harlow behaves and let's u get ready in peace so you can enjoy yourself xx
  10. ForestLas80

    2 weeks of no sleep but formula has saved the day!

    Thank you Sue...sorry it hasn't worked for u with Sam yet. Fin only just in the last of couple of weeks started taking milk from a bottle properly so can now drink 6-7.5oz at the 10pm feed. There's hope that Sam will get his head around taking more from the bottle if u persevere. Good luck xx
  11. ForestLas80

    2 weeks of no sleep but formula has saved the day!

    Oh my goodness we've had a tough old couple of weeks. F had started sleeping from 10pm-6am without needing food-a miracle! Then I got a throat infection and after 5 days F got I'll :-( he then woke every 2 hrs in the night for food....he got better but he didn't go back to how he was and was...
  12. ForestLas80

    I know breast is best but...

    Omg-that is sooo bloody rude! People need to mind their own business. It is horrible the judgement you can get. I fed my LO breastmilk from a bottle a couple if times when out and did get some looks! U can't win! Figure the stupid woman-u r a fine mother and she is a complete prat!
  13. ForestLas80

    Back to EBF

    Well done you on expressing for do long and EBFing now :-) it is exhausting but well worth it xx
  14. ForestLas80

    highly recommend!!!

    I love baths with Fin-it's a gorgeous experience
  15. ForestLas80

    Wish me luck

    Have a fab pampering session. Tyler will be fine-good work Hun xxx
  16. ForestLas80

    Oh dear

    Well done on self settling Ty :-) Fin goes back to sleep if he has something to cuddle :-) we have a really soft smallish teddy he can snuggle to sleep ( so cute!!) and helps him self soothe
  17. ForestLas80

    My OH is such a d**k!!!

    What a pain in arse! He should be on the sofa not you and Will. Deffo he needs to be told what a pain in the arse he was last night! It's not on!!
  18. ForestLas80

    Got my purse back!!

    Massive congrats and nice to know there are good people out there
  19. ForestLas80

    New mums weight loss thread - **weigh in on Fridays**

    Wow didn't realise it was 3000! Just thought 500 more so around 2200-2500? Either way I tried calorie counting for 2 weeks at the 2200-2500 mark and gave up cake and chocolate and Fin didn't put on much weight over those 2 weeks so I've binned the idea of loosing weight until he is not needing...
  20. ForestLas80

    Hi ladies new here. xx

    Congratulations and enjoy your little man to the max. As the girls said sack off the housework-can your OH or friends/family help out there? Sleep when baby sleeps even it's it's just putting your feet up and not sleeping. It will get easier and it does take time for you to recover from the op...