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  1. ForestLas80

    2 weeks of no sleep but formula has saved the day!

    Oh my goodness we've had a tough old couple of weeks. F had started sleeping from 10pm-6am without needing food-a miracle! Then I got a throat infection and after 5 days F got I'll :-( he then woke every 2 hrs in the night for food....he got better but he didn't go back to how he was and was...
  2. ForestLas80

    Yay!!! He slept through the night!!

    Well this is the 2nd night Fin has slept through the night!! I can't believe it!! He's changed his eating habits to having a massive feed @6.30 then bed 6.30-7pm. I try and dream feed at 10 when I go to bed (last night he didn't want it!) then he sleeps through til 6am and has another whopper...
  3. ForestLas80

    Spinning baby?!

    I don't really know if Fin's too young for stomach time but I put him on his belly for 5 mins when I change him. Today however he was wriggling about and managed to pivot turn himself 90 degrees on his fat belly! :-) at 8 weeks tomorrow is that expected? Didn't think babies moved that much til...
  4. ForestLas80

    Anyone a dog expert? Advice needed

    This weekend we have seen 2-3 attacks from our normally v placid golden lab with my in-laws relaxed and happy springer spaniel. They have been fine with eachother for 2 years but have really fallen out and we don't know why!! This is the first weekend at the in-laws and they have stayed here...
  5. ForestLas80

    Stressful night out for early valentine's..rant warning!!!

    We are staying at my DH's family this weekend and it's been a bit of a disaster really. Friday night they didn't leave the heating on for us overnight and the temp went down to 12oC and Fin was waking and crying all the time. We had him sleep with us to keep warm!! Apparently they forgot to...
  6. ForestLas80

    First injections-no date yet?

    Fin is 7 weeks today :shock: his first jabs are due next week but so far no letter to say when or where. Apparently the date comes straight from the NHS and isn't arranged by the GP and there's a backlog at the moment? Anyone not got an appointment but due one soon?
  7. ForestLas80

    Growing a "giant" baby!!!

    Fin had his 6 week check Yest and was weighed... He has put on 14oz this week and is 12lb exactly!! Also he is v long at 59cm and is in 90-something percentile for length. :shock: St this rate of growth he will be a stone over the next few weeks and probs b4 10 weeks!! I am solely boobie feeding...
  8. ForestLas80

    The magic "12" milestone

    Just wondering if anyone has experience of this and thinks the lady who told me this is right? apparently babies when they are either 12lb+ or are 12 weeks old are more likely to then start to sleep through the night?
  9. ForestLas80

    Moving house with a 5 wk old!!

    Advice to others-don't do it unless u really have to!!! We've moved 2 villages away and am amazed at how knackering it was even though it was mostly just me feeding and looking after our 5wk old Fin and the animals. We're in the new house hut a lot of boxes everywhere! Arrggghh
  10. ForestLas80

    Omg! First smiles from Finley

    Wow i am soo happy my gorgeous little man has started smiling and before he's even 4 weeks old! It happened for the first time yesterday when I had my folks over and I was having a little chat with him but today he gave me more smiles and my good friend Rach smiles too :-) def not wind smiles...
  11. ForestLas80

    Forest's Finley James birth story 22Dec11

    A bit late I know but couldn't manage to write my birth story before now for some reason! Little Finley James arrived safely into the world at 7.30pm on thurs 22nd December 2011 weighing 8lb7. He was 10 days late and at the end of a long 5 days of latent phase labour(no joke!) he arrived by...
  12. ForestLas80

    Arrival of my forest mancub xxx

    A bit late I know but couldn't manage to write my birth story before now for some reason! Little Finley James arrived safely into the world at 7.30pm on thurs 22nd December 2011 weighing 8lb7. He was 10 days late and at the end of a long 5 days of latent phase labour(no joke!) he arrived by...
  13. ForestLas80

    Introducing Finley James and a big thanks

    Hi ladies, well can u believe it-after everything we made it back home before Xmas day with our new arrival Finley James Davies born 22Dec11 by emergency c-section. He is amazing and I want to say thank u all ladies for your support throughout the pregnancy. It has meant a lot to me and kept me...
  14. ForestLas80 labour watch!

    In hospital, waters broke slowly this afternoon. Now 3-4cm dilated but contractions only 8mins apart so have had pethidine to get some kip and help cervix dilate. MW says baby will be here today for so happy!!!! Lettie is my text buddy so if I or Hubbie can't update she will. So...
  15. ForestLas80

    Early labour has started

    Woke at 3.30 with strong period cramp contractions on lower bump. Have had a bath, been back in bed resting with tens machine on. Hope today's the day :-) xxxx
  16. ForestLas80

    Poss earlier induction date....

    So my MW said it would be Xmas eve :-( for my induction if baby hasn't arrived before then now after being in hospital this eve with my poss waters breaking (turned out to be heavy runny discharge!) they said its poss it can be done at due date +10 instead of +12-14. Even though I really don't...
  17. ForestLas80

    Do waters break as a trickle or a gush?

    I am not sure what's happening but think either I have really thin DC or poss the start of my waters breaking? I had been to the toilet and then was up walking around and there was quite a lot of watery leakage on my pad. it's not constantly flowing but just wondering if this could be the start...
  18. ForestLas80

    OH is getting bored PF waiting?!!!!

    Seriously I do understand what waiting for the phone to ring to get the all important call is like but my OH is getting so impatient now we are "overdue". He is kind of making me feel like I am letting him down a bit at the moment by not being able to say i'm in labour now. He desperately wants...
  19. ForestLas80

    Lucy360's fab news!! Baby boy has arrived

    Lucy has just let me know that her new son he was born at 7.05am today and was 8lb 6 :) she will update more soon. I think she had decided on Jaxon as his name..... CONGRATULATIONS LUCY!!! xxx
  20. ForestLas80

    Due date tomorrow and 1st sweep!

    I really hoped baby would make an appearance before tomorrow morning.....have had strong BHs, lots of baby movements and loose bowels (sorry tmi) all weekend but nothing now :-( really thought it was going to kick off!! Anyhow tomorrow is our due date (can't believe we made it!) and I have a...