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  1. S

    im so happy i finally made it :D

    Welcome, good to see you :wave: Congratulations
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    Stupid Insomnia :( :(

    So sorry to hear you are going through this, must be awful. I know that Lavendar helps you to sleep so why not try getting some lavendar oil and putting a few drops in your bath, or maybe some on your pillow? Check out it's safe for pregnant ladies first though, sure it is but best to check...
  3. S

    2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Thanks for the teeth compliment hun, :hug: had to endure braces in my youth to get them, not so sure they are that white at the mo, need to go dentist! That cat is always sleeping where I sit follows me everywhere.
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    2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Thanks girls, the cat follows me everywhere, he loves his mummy. Good job the picture is a bit hazy, otherwise you would see my pre-existing stretchmarks from when I had my daughter :)
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    2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Excuse the ironing in the background ladies :oops:
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    2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    I hope this works... 16 weeks +2
  7. S

    such a good day :)

    Ahh, that's great, it's so nice when you feel your LO move isn't it? I'm glad you have posted this because I'm sure I have felt disturbances from inside and keep expecting it to be wind but nothing comes of it :oops: so I guess it must be baby moving :dance: I really fancy a BK now :lol:
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    Knowing the sex - Why dont people want to know?

    I totally agree with you but have come to the conclusion that there are loads of people around who have to inflict their opinion of you just for the sake of disagreeing whether you ask for it or not :shakehead: Doesn't matter whether you are talking about whether you want to know the sex or...
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    I look like a man!

    I dunno but I got both :rotfl:
  10. S

    I look like a man!

    :lol: I have this too and mine are horrid, had this when expecting dd aswell so not sure about the sex link :think: I have mine waxed when I have my lady bits done, wouldn't want to shave it as surely it will come back spikey? Anyway, I can 100% sympathise and reassure you that it does fade...
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    Emotional Wreck

    Yep, me too. I have been a crazy woman, one minute I am screaming at my oh and throwing things in a temper :oops: the next I find myself sobbing like a baby at work because I had a back ache and I felt my work was getting too much for me. I just at my desk and sobbed, I even shocked myself...
  12. S

    Any team Green's had their scan yet?

    My scan is on 23 March so have ages to wait :bored: :bored: but I am determined to stay team green. Sorry honey, as they weren't telling the baby's sex 14 years ago (when I had my daughter :shock: ) from the scan then I can't comment, but I am sure they will show discretion and not blurt it...
  13. S

    We are team.... EDIT with Picture - EDIT with names poll!

    Congratulations :cheer: I would never guess the sex as I always get it wrong :rotfl:
  14. S

    Totally cute baby clothes..

    Ahh they are so cute, loving the "cribs" one :rotfl:
  15. S

    Confession Time - Let's see how naughty you lot really are!

    Ok I have sort skived off work today I have hurt my back but it's not that bad :oops: so I thought why not lounge about for the day? I have also munched my way through: 2 x toast 1 chocolate muffin 1 beef salad sandwich 2 packets crisps banana yoghurt ...and I was just thinking about going...
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    Sore under my boobies

    Yes Hazel, that sounds about right. And it is always worse when I slouch! Thanks for all the :hug: ladies, sorry noodle1 didn't mean to jinx you :oops:
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    Sore under my boobies

    Thanks for your replies ladies, it sucks eh? Anyway at least I know it must be near to normal. It does get better when I lie flat, I suppose your ribs do have to expand as you get bigger and I have had to buy 2 back sizes bigger in my bras :oops:
  18. S

    So romance isnt dead!!

    How lovely, that is really nice :D
  19. S

    O/T What do u all do???

    I work for an Investment Management company in the city of London and basically deal with debt management and other interesting stuff (not). Are you still awake? :bored: :bored: Am so fed up today, can't concentrate coz I have pulled my back, am sitting at my desk during my lunch break which...
  20. S

    i love freecycle

    Cool, I will take a look, thanks Serendipity