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  1. D

    Sometimes I just don't "feel" pregnant!!

    Being 27 weeks are you not due a 28 week MW appointment where they do a glucose test too. maybe check and if not ask to see the midwife anyway tell them how you are feeling. if that fails is there a female GP at your DRs that you can go and see they will do the regular checks ie measuring...
  2. D

    Baby's movements are really hurting me today.. boohoo

    I had a big fat roast dinner today and that seemed to set him off nicely you right though think he's moved around coz all i was getting this afternoon was a big lump sticking out of my left side which felt like his bum really freaky, but glad he is fine and dandy in there xxx
  3. D

    Baby's movements are really hurting me today.. boohoo

    I bet you are getting a wee bit fed up by now,guess you not sleeping to great either huh? It's normal to not feel the baby move for a couple days at 27 weeks isn't it or do you think i should contact my MW?
  4. D

    Baby's movements are really hurting me today.. boohoo

    Ah bless you honey you still got 3-4 weeks to go LO is just making themselves more comfortable! At least you getting movements mine is lazy not had much movement for past few days was kicking for england last week but this week very quiet tried the usual warm baths,sugary drinks and food think...
  5. D

    OH LOOK...

    I have been away for a couple months but congrates will be joining you in a day or so myself :hug: :hug: :hug:
  6. D

    Type of bump?

    if you are all around the front and tidy they say boy, if you all around belly and sides basically not tidy it's a girl. It's certainly true with my collegue at work you wouldn't know she was pregnant from the back but she has this tidy bump at the front and she is having a boy! So who knows if...
  7. D

    ive put on ......

    I've put on half a stone, in the last 6-8wks. but you got to remember we are all different and our bumps will grow at different stages. there is no right or wrong here if you eating healthy and properly you don't need to worry too much about it. xxx
  8. D

    my pregnancy so far

    Hi Jem, hope all goes ok it is scary for you,but good luck and a big :hug: for you xxx
  9. D

    Sinusitis :(

    Hi Scones, i have been suffering with blocked nose, sore ears and been putting karvol on my pillow at night and on a hankichief or scarf during day it does help clear your nose,also been using head on for my headaches as i don't want to take too many paracetamol. but if your sinusitis is bad go...
  10. D

    Which dopper to buy???

    Hi Jaidy, I got the LCD Hi Bebe doppler from mumsnbumps off ebay think they have their own website too. Bought it one morning got it the next day very impressed. I love it listen to mine once maybe twice a week. well worth the money.
  11. D so excited to join you!!!!!

    Hi hun glad you come over to join us!
  12. D

    due date buddy

    Hi Anna, I'm due 2 days after you on the 9th may!
  13. D

    heard babys heartbeat today

    Hi Jemz glad you heard LOs HB it's great isn't it. I think you having a boy! I have low heartbeat too and been told boy! Who knows with old wives tales though, only few more weeks before we find out for sure though my scan is 2nd Jan what about you?
  14. D

    Weight gain or lack of it?

    Im totally the other end of the spectrum I have a low-normal BMI and seem to have put on half a stone already! The books say you put on 1lb a week if you are of average weight. So for all who are carrying a couple extra pounds you should benefit and will probably be lighter when your baby has...
  15. D

    Question about Citrus Cravings

    Think its just one of those delightful myths. I myself can't seem to drink or eat orange gives me indigestion! I seem to crave anything dairy like cheese and yoghurts instead oh and bananas!
  16. D


    I'm trying to add a scan pic to a post to say hear are my pics, but not as profile pic. Although can't do that either I'm hopeless!!!
  17. D


    Hi there need your help! How do I add attachments to my posts? I have been trying to add my scan pics to a couple of posts! Im not very computer literate i'm afraid, sorry!!! can you help me many thanks Dustydog x
  18. D

    Hi all!

    Hi everyone :D I have just come back from my trip to Andorra and thought I would say hello. Been over at 1st tri but as I am 15wks tomo thought it was about time to join you even though i'm 2wks late, if that's ok? :wave: lol Dustyxxx :hug:
  19. D

    I'm back, but saying bye i'm off to 2nd tri

    Hi all, I'm back from Andorra had a lovely time and started snowing up there so ski season is nearly there, unfortunately no skiing for me this year! :lol: Still haven't managed to put my scan pics on as my printer is playing up but will i promise when I have sorted it out! I'm 15wks tomo so...
  20. D

    Great I had scan today!

    I am over the moon meet my baby this morn. All is correct with my dates to the day! I am very happy such a sureal experience OH was crying!!! Bless him!I will put pics on when I get a chance running to airport now off to Andorra for a week get my DS results for ratio next week all hopefully...