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  • Users: sam08
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  1. S

    If they hear a heartbeet then is he definatly OK?

    Thanks for that Anna - i was thinking the same as my little man is very quiet today and normally he's awake every 10 mins kicking me. I shall start counting! Jazz i hope your little man starts kicking again to reassure you. Like the others ahve said though they must just have on and off days...
  2. S

    would like some honest opnions please

    Yeah if Luca said he likes it your onto a winner and 8 might be the time to change it again. We asked our 8 and 12 year old what they wanted for thier room last year and it was all chocolate and duck egg blue! So grown up! Suits me fine ( i didint blackmail them!) as im not one for decorating...
  3. S

    Should i call the midwife?

    If it's down the side sounds to me like it could be a trapped nerve or even trapped nerves! I had this and was in agony, when to mat unit and like you everyhting was fine - they thought it might be an water infection also but tests proved fine. Was crying so much later that day went ot see GP...
  4. S

    In pain with SPD Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction...........

    I feel for you guys - gatecrashing but ive started to get this as well and i cant even see a physio at the hpspital as the waiting list is so long there's no point, i have to pay for it myself which is such a bummer. I think we shoud all finish work now, and our OH's (or friends) should come...
  5. S

    not sure how much longer i can take

    Sorry to gatecrash but jsut thought id pass on some tips from my physio as sounds liek yo might have a bit of PGP (Pelviv Girdle Pain) - ive been diagnosed with PGP plus i've got a muscle in my back gone into spasm (ouch!) its like a rick and hurts constantly!. Physio given my a support thing...
  6. S

    finaly...99 days to go the count down now begins

    Rhian good idea, what is the buddies thing? xxx
  7. S

    Braxton Hicks?

    Thanks sweetie
  8. S

    Ive loved you...and now im leaving you!!!

    see you next week for the scary part! OMG! Bring it on!
  9. S

    I feel too good!

    hunny i'll swap with you! I get up at 6.30 am and by the end of the day i feel like my bump is gunna fall off my muscles hurt so much from sitting up straight at work all day, i've now got a support thing to wear, im all front and im finding it really hard work, and one of my muscles in my back...
  10. S

    When will my oh feel bubs move??

    ahhh that is so sweet bless him!
  11. S

    When will my oh feel bubs move??

    hmm i cant remember first time my OH felt him. I think it was about 3 or 4 weeks ago. When you are laying watching telly get your OH to put his hand on your belly and one night it will jsut happen. Babs will suddenly kick hard instead of the poping sensations you're probably still feeling...
  12. S

    Baby movements

    MY babs moves alllllll the time. Like sitting here now he is knocking the laptop. When the midwife tried to find his heartbeat the other day i didnt think she was in with much of a chance before i went in there and it was so funny coz he jsut kept kicking her dopplar outta the way and moving...
  13. S

    Braxton Hicks?

    Im wondering if i've started to feel these and how do you know the difference betwen these and normal contractions? Went to the loo and as was coming down the stairs i felt like my tummy was tightening so hard like some was pulling a big rubber band all around my lower belly. Not painful, jsut...
  14. S

    finaly...99 days to go the count down now begins

    OMG Rhian that means me as well!!! Cant wait for babs to arrive now i really hope it flies by for us! :hug: :hug: :hug:
  15. S

    Knowing the sex - Why dont people want to know?

    I wonder if it had always been the way that you could find out the sex of the baby that it would be the 'norm' now if you get me? I totally respect everyone's opinions as it's personal choice. Me, I didnt see why i woudl want to keep it as a suprise, it wasnt becuase i wanted to buy clothes...
  16. S

    Whats everyone bought for baby so far???

    OMG, us first time mothers must be mad, im a control freak also and made a list together with budgets really early on and so far have Bodysuits, jackets, sleepsuits, dungeress, mits, booties, hats, socks and all sorts in sizes from new born to 6 months. Babybath with spa and showerhead Moses...
  17. S

    Silly question game

    Ohhh this is a toughie, ive been trying my bestest not to read too much except about the drugs really and hope that antenatal classes will teach me the rest. Trying to stay as calm as possible! Whats your biggest craving so far and have you been eating LOADS of it? : - )
  18. S

    Silly question game

    D'ya know we dont have pet names, but i do call mine a wanny! God, that's got me thinking i wonder what i teach my little boy to call his bits in the begining, mine was always my 'privates' when i was little! LOL Whats your favoured sex position at the moment? (if you are still able to carry...
  19. S

    For those who know the sex...

    LOL these things are terrible aren't they. Guessed right for me but from the sounds of it it's 50/50 whether it's coming up right or not.
  20. S

    Who is Due in May?

    I wonder which one of us will pop first! My friend at work is 35 weeks, 10 weeks ahead of me and yesterday she left work with what she thought were contractions, i should find out today whether she's in labour or not. So funny as i was only speaking to her in the morning about bad backs etc...