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  1. L

    Not so sure now... well now I am - Updated

    congrats :cheer: :cheer:
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    well......... UPDATE! IT'S A DEFINITE BFP!!!!

    congrats :cheer: :cheer:
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    Clueless bloody husbands

    my OH is like that, always telling me to wait at least a week before i test, and he doesnt want to know anything other then when to BD, drives me bonkers sometimes
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    How do you stop yourself getting obsessed?

    ive been obsessing since starting ttc, but ive just started charting and its made me a whole lot worse! i think OH will try smothering me soon as i go on so much at him :rotfl:
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    Chartstalkers - November 08

    can i be added please, though this is my first time using it and im not entirely sure whats going on with my cycle this month.
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    getting to know u .....

    hi, im wendy im 22 OH is 24 and we've been TTC our first since january, i have PCOS and irregular cycles , but im desperate to be a mum before i turn 24 which leaves me about 4 months to get pregnant :rotfl: knowing my luck that wont happen :( sending loads of babydust to everyone hopeing some...
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    Big Fat Fecking Positive

    congrats :cheer: :cheer:
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    I'll have to whisper but...

    good luck :)
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    Coming off pill - Late but BFN

    last year my sister was on and off the pill for a while (not sure excatly when she came off completely) but she ended up going three months without an af and doing tests all the time, all saying bfn when she finally went to the dr's he told her she was 3 months pregnant, just thought you would...
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    I'm pregnant!!!

    congrats :cheer: :cheer:
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    Low progesterone level

    ive been having the same "af" as you this month but ive never been on the pill or been pregnant, the only advice i got was to go to the dr's, and that was what i was planning on doing, i would would advise you to do the same but it seems youve already been, if i can get in to see my dr i'll let...
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    Who is left??

    im here though im a newbie too, lots of babydust for everyone. i have a feeling ill be here for a while yet :(
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    should i be worried?

    i did do a pg test the day before i came on (it was negative) as at the time i thought i might be 2 weeks late, but my af is all over the place at times so i didnt think too much of it at first but im thinking now i should get an appointment, i just wanted to know if anyone else has had similar...
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    should i be worried?

    hi ive seemingly been on for just over a week now but its nothing like my normal flow, its been mostly a brownish discharge with a little blood mixed in, normally i have a fairly heavy flow but this time ive barely needed to use pads, most of it comes when i wipe (sorry if tmi :oops:) i just...
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    I'm naughty but happy :-)

    congrats snuggle! :cheer: :cheer:
  16. L

    AT LAST!! OV-ING!!!

    good luck, got my fingers crossed for you :D
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    good luck i hope you caught it :)
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    fed up :(

    as others have said go dr's, im in a similar situation ive only been trying for about 9 months but we've been having unprotected sex for 6 1/2 years and ive never fallen but i went to the dr's a few years ago and he said i have PCOS, but i should still be able to conceive naturally just takes a...
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    trouble with the in-laws

    i kinda understand what you were going through, i live with my OH's mum, and as its her house everything has to be done her way, i dont even have the option of going into the living room as she has changed it into a bedroom for herself, and the bedroom upstairs is now full of crap, im so...
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    My Good News

    wow congrats you really are lucky, hope some of that luck rubs off onto the rest of us :D