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  1. S

    Helooo Iv joined the dark side ;]

    Welcome :wave:
  2. S

    Not Feeling Too Great..

    Reallllly want to go back to bed but SIL is making tea tonight for me & DH and i'm really not up for it but will just get grief for not going. Grr
  3. S

    Not Feeling Too Great..

    :( I had a rather restless night, was up pretty much every few hours. Today i just feel totally lethargic, arms & legs are aching. Head is thumping and there is alot of pressure at the bottom of my bump. Want to go hide under my duvet :(
  4. S

    If I Had A Pound..

    Aw thanks guys :oops:
  5. S

    If I Had A Pound..

    I wish!! He was up at the crack of dawn bright as a daisy!
  6. S

    If I Had A Pound..

    Believe me i was struggling big time!! Even though there was a bus organised i decided to take my car so we could leave early.. except my DH got rather drunk and decided to dance the night away :doh:
  7. S

    If I Had A Pound..

    If i had a pound for everytime someone rubbed my bump last night at the wedding i was at i'd be a very very rich lady :doh: Some people said i looked very small - others said i looked huge (gee thanks!!) Here is me last night after i got home at 1.45am :sleep: 33+3
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    I'm due on the 9th Of April & i'm team BLUE
  9. S

    Could He Have Turned?

    Most of you will know my LO is breech, last night i was getting really awkward feelings in my bump and today when i woke up i noticed a definate change. The top of my bump is quite "soft" and i'm feeling a very hard area on the right hand side of my bump in line with belly button - i'm also...
  10. S

    How have you hurt yourself?

    Life would be boring then !!
  11. S

    How have you hurt yourself?

    Ohh where do i begin.. My nickname at school wasn't "Bandage" for nothing..!! *When i was about 7 and at Brownies i ran into a bench and took a huge chunk out of my shin down to the bone. *When i was 13 fell of my horse & broke my left arm. *Dislocated my knees 100 times (although i do have a...
  12. S

    What Would Go With This Top?

    What shoes would go with pencil skirt.. Don't think my back will handle heels... :think:
  13. S

    What Would Go With This Top?

    Ohh i'm gonna have to be brave & get skinnys.. I've NEVER worn them - i'm a baggy boyfriend jean or bootleg kinda girl..
  14. S

    What Would Go With This Top?

    I have wedding on Saturday (Evening Only) and i'm struggling to find something to wear.. I bought this top today as it's so comfy & lovely and light but have no idea what to wear on my bottom half !! ... tails.aspx
  15. S

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Fab Bump!! P.S We have the same Duvet Cover !!
  16. S


    If it's in a fruit salad it's fine - once it's been processed (Chunks etc) it loses the "chemical" that induces labour - although to actually induce labour you'd have to eat at least 7 or 8 fresh pineapples !
  17. S

    Raspberry Leaf Tea Question?!?!

    I'm pretty sure it's safe from 32/33 weeks.
  18. S

    Do I Have A Valid Point?!

    There are 2 caravans so me & DH have our own one (If it was one caravan then the sh*t would hit the fan!!!) Just so worred about being so far from my Mum (Sad i know....) but she's like a rock to me..
  19. S

    Do I Have A Valid Point?!

    This is DHs reason for going away - so we can get a chance to be a family.... BUT we're gonna be with SIL, her man, her 2 kids and her baby.. (Her older kids are wild and i have no patience for them...)
  20. S

    Do I Have A Valid Point?!

    I am due on the 9th of April, my first baby. My sister in law (DHs sister) is due on the 11th of April with her 3rd LO. SIL has organised a holiday through "The Sun" you know the £9.50 holidays... I was quite up for it, thinking it'd be around June/July.. i got all the paperwork through the...