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  1. J

    Update on Sara and Ellie

    Aww yay! Brilliant news!! :cheer: :hug: xx
  2. J

    Scan Today! Woo!

    woop! I'm glad its scan time now, it seems like its come round so much quicker than I thought it would! :hug: xx
  3. J

    not sure when to start trying

    We're not sure what to do atm either franky. OH wants to wait until this cycle is out of the way to "see what happens" but i think we might try this cycle anyways, it took us ages to get pregnant so i'm not expecting any miracles. just have fun practising if you can :hug: xx
  4. J

    hi guys

    :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I went out today, but didn't leave the house without a supply of always and my co-codomol. Hope you're doing ok. Glad you had a pamper xx
  5. J

    Urgent advice needed!!! OMG UPDATE ON PAGE 4******

    Congratulations hun! Fingers crossed for you. xxx
  6. J


    I was on metformin when i got pregnant in 2006. The upset tummies were horrible :( I plan on starting taking it again soon. I can't really remember much else other than the upset tummies. blergh. xx
  7. J

    Trying to stay calm..

    Yeah I rang the consultant as soon as I got my bfp this time, and they put me on the 75mg asprin. After the scan at just under 7 weeks he said he could do some injections to help the placenta form but that it might have been too agressive, so he didn't do that. In hindsight I wish I'd begged him...
  8. J

    Trying to stay calm..

    Thanks nikki. How're you doing? I've been back at the hospital this weekend as I've still been in a lot of pain. They had me come back yesterday for a scan. I hated seeing my uterus empty. But glad that they couldn't see anything that should be worried about, but the bleeding has practically...
  9. J

    Trying to stay calm..

    Thanks for your messages girls. I'm starting to struggle with the why's and stuff. Its really hit me today. I'm just waiting for an appointment with the consultant to come through so I can get all of the questions out of my system. Hope you're all doing ok.xx
  10. J

    feeling a bit lost

    I just wanted to send you some hugs hun. Don't rush yourself back into work, they should understand. :hug: :hug: :hug: I don't have any words of advice or support, just kind of a shared numbness. xx
  11. J

    spotting possible tmi updated again with sad news

    Just wanted to send you some hugs hun. I'm so so sorry :( :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
  12. J

    Pass on a smile

    Stuff like that always makes me think of pay it forward. Love that film so so much. xx
  13. J

    1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Thats an awesome diagram budda! So interesting! & gorgeous bumps girlies!! xx
  14. J

    Trying to stay calm..

    Thank you all for your kind messages. Today has been really hard, but thanks to pethadine & gas & air I've somehow managed to get through it. I had to beg them to let me come home though as the thought of being on my own in the hospital tonight terrified me. So we got home at about 11:30. I have...
  15. J

    Long Rant. So Angry with OH after Loss

    I have an online diary (opendiary) where I get all of my deep dark angry thoughts out. Definately helps at times like these. Wish there was a way to get men to feel the emotions and stuff that we feel :( You can always pm me if you need a major rant. xxxx
  16. J


    :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
  17. J

    Still Very Heartbroken...

    Millions of hugs for you and your oh. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
  18. J

    Long Rant. So Angry with OH after Loss

    My words aren't so great at the moment, but would you feel comfortable maybe writing down how you're feeling at the moment, as I know when we'd had a few losses within a couple of years G just shutdown and "kept going" whilst I was falling apart inside. And it drove me insane. And that was...
  19. J

    Hello to all

    omg thats terrible! I hope they get you an appointment soon & find out whats happening. :hug: :hug: xx
  20. J

    Trying to stay calm..

    Thank you everyone for all of your hugs and wishes and thoughts. I'm doing better than I thought I would do. We keep having moments where we both just sit and cry, which in a strange way is nice as after our last miscarriage (in 2006) we really struggled cos G just didn't know how to handle the...