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    I was told have more salt, but I drink loads! I got itin my ankle the otherday! Whats that all about? I've been told to have my legs up abit, it didn't works. Gives hubby a job, gets woken up with me crying "Leg cramp, leg cramp"!
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    Shaving for c section

    They do it for you! I'm trimming what I can reach, just so its tidy LMAO Trust me they see all bits and bobs of you, I'm sure a hairy bush isn't the most shocking thing!!! All I cared about was Pooing in labour! not the pain, or coping, but pooing!
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    Waters or Wee???

    I went to the loo early in the morning and had a trickle, it felt different from a wee, but it didn't smell or wasn't a funny colour, I went to bed, when I woke up i thought I better go to hospital to just check, was waiting in a room then I flooded the whole room (I mean flooded! I had to...
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    October Babies 2011 - Our Tri-3 thread :D

    add me, add me!!! 29th Team Pink like Laura
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    Labour bag truth.....

    Thank god its not just me, I remember I took a flannel, a pair of big pants, camera, phone numbers and Panty liner and thats it! I had a bad to stay in car with clothes and more liners, And toiletries buts thats it! This time make take hubby some redbull, only cos he will be left with baby...
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    C section then another baby

    Hi, my first baby was breech at the last min so emergency C Section, my second was going to be a c section because of a low laying placenta, but he moved up, and was natural (besides the third degree rip!) :x
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    Naked time?

    half an hour now and then, I used to do it all the time with my first, but now he loves stripping off, alittle to much. I found that ELC type rubber matts are good for under them, because the protect your floor and are easy cleaned! My little baby has to have his nappy off quite abit because I...
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    OMG Brody said the most embarassing thing today!

    I'm trying to get my hubby out of swearing. The other day we were having dinner out and there was a fly hoovering, my hubby muttered "F***ing fly" my 3 year old then stood up and waved his arms around and started shouting "Shoo, shooo F***ing bumble bee!" I could have died! But hey my hubby has...
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    2nd children worries!

    I think it is all to do with time! With your first you get to enjoy every wriggle and the scan I bonded with my first from the first scan!, but the second tends to just get left to there own divices, I just got to enjoy the wriggles at night and took my first lad to the scan, where he just...
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    What age would tell your child this.....

    I have to agree, honesty is best. He will deal with it alot worse if he heard it from someone else. Maybe before your partner adopts him so that he has a positive him his life. But you are doing a great job, and how brave of YOU to get intouch with his grand parents. Just tell him and answer...
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    My 4 year old is a bully

    :hug: All children go through stages of biting, pushing or pulling hair, If any parent say there child didn't they are Lying! What works for me is to show that I am sad/disappointed by his behavour. And make sure you keep the disapline up, if it gets lapsed at home, he may think he can get...
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    I feel bitter

    I think you are doing great by your self. Why do you even worry about what HE is missing? It is his loss at the end. Having children gets on top of the best of us with or without the babies father. Do you need financial help from him? If so get that sorted, that might kick him into gear. If...
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    Show, Plug, TMI?

    My show with my first baby wasdark red/brown, gunk! I had him the next day. Never had a show with the second.
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    Both mine have gone since they were 4 months, my 2 y 10m old can now jump in, swim to me, or turn an hold onto the side, swim around the instructor under water, can swim under my legs, and stay under water for 5 sec, and swim lenths with a float, with no help, and pass it to the instructor and...
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    swimming for the first time??

    both mine started lessons when they were 4 months, but I took them before just for a try. Best not to use any floats at first. and try them on the front and back. then build up from there. My 2 year 10 month old can now swim and hold on the side on his own, he jumps in and can hold on, turn...
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    christmas pressents for yor parents and pil's

    I have got the same for all my family from Max speillmann (Klinks?) Calendars, Coasters and a jigsaw for my nan. Some places even do handbags with a photo on!
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    My Baby's A Boob Addict!!!

    My little one just shakes his head like mad with his mouth open (Just like his dad! :rotfl: ) I let him cry, then he gets so tired that he either has a drink or goes to sleep. I try and not reward him with more boob! He then discovered his thumb! But he was in hospital for a few days and they...
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    Successful VBAC stories please

    :wave: My first was emergency c section due to him being breech. My second was natural (Too late to give me the dam drugs :doh: ) was only in labour for 55min. Great birth (except the third degree tare which I didn't feel) So I Prefered the natural birth.
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    Big play mats

    Why dont you get a set of 4 rubber mats from ELC I think they are 4 for £10 they may not have things to play with on but they wipe clean really easy and I just add toys on it so my baby can roll (try) and get stuff, nice and soft! Also great for when they get older for either putting under there...
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    in laws

    Best not to let it go sometimes, if you can bite your tounge then do, but if they keep saying things you don't agree with, then say so. I hate my MIL and my parents wouldn't tell me what to do, because they were pants with me! My two 1/2 year old has tea as a treat (only just) Hubby gave him...