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  • Users: ninnypants
  • Content: Threads
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  1. N

    Cramps Last night - thought that was it..

    last night had 3 bouts of cramps - AF style but not nearly as severe and they woke me up, made me feel quite panicy too so kept running to loo to check for blood but nothing. Also felt a bit ill last night - can you get MS in the night? this morning, there is still no bleeding, cramps gone...
  2. N

    Ideas to take mind of early pregnancy...

    sounds daft but I need ideas to take my mind off the pregnancy. As I am unemployed at the moment I dont have work keep me busy and Im sitting here all day thinking, worrying and stressing about baby and thinking about last 2 m/c as Im approaching the time they happened. Anyone got ideas? I...
  3. N

    Sainsburys Points

    Saw the Tesco thread and promoted me on this.. does anyone else have a sainburys nectar card and if so, how do you redeem points? Ive been saving points for an year and a half (spending about £45 a week on it) and never redeemed anything.
  4. N

    When are first bloods done?

    Im considered (as my doc says) a higher risk pregnancy due to my last 2 m/c and has already put the form in for the mw to contact me etc. Im wondering when they might do first blood tests - Im anxious to find out my hcg levels! Anyone else with a mc history that had early appts/scans etc...
  5. N

    I couldn't help myself...did another test!

    It wasnt enough that I got 2 BFPs on Friday, 1 BFP on saturday using a digi test and another BFP on Monday again a digi test (until now showing 1-2 weeks conception indicator) but today!! TODAY!!! I just couldn't stop myself buying another one to see if it had moved up to 2-3 weeks conception...
  6. N


    Oops I got up this morning (when bf got up) bobbed online for 15 mins or so, then went back to bed for a snooze, only just woken up and that was becuase my mum called me! Should I really be this tired in early pregnancy or is it just lazyness? So last night I slept from about 1130 until...
  7. N

    Tattoos and 'em off!

    Got any tattoos or piercings? Show them off here! I got 2 tattoos and currently only 3 piercings (ear lobes and tragus - did have nose and conch pierced but just got in the way really) My first tattoo I got done when I first really got into the band HIM, got teh 'heartagram' on my back...
  8. N


    anyone had any really bizzare dreams?
  9. N

    Eddie Izzard

    anyone here like eddie izzard? me and bf huge fans of his - was the first thing we found out we had in common when we were flirting accross the office with each other :P we're supposed to off to see him in November this year - which Im so excited about, but...little baby dude is due around...
  10. N

    Weeing and uterus....

    Well last few days Ive been weeing like a blilmin tap! But it feels different and im now wondering if its normal. When I wee i feel like my bladder is 'restricted' - almost like it wont 'open up' fully if that makes ANY sense at all, just feels different to when I was weeing before I got...
  11. N

    Symptoms coming and gonig...

    one day Im feeling all those stretchy and pinching pains and then next...nothing. is this normal? despite having done 3 tests and all positive I sometimes think I imagined them as I dont feel as I thoguth I might have. I guess I was expecting to be sick every day as soon as I found out, with...
  12. N

    Talk about busty!!!

    Well already Ive increased from 34" to 38"!!! I thinks me needs a new bra this week. Im only into my 5th week! Anyone recommend anywhere that sell decent ones that dont cost teh earth and look semi attractive too?
  13. N

    Nervous and Anxious..

    Im very nervous and anxious as a lot of people here are Im guessing. I miscarried in 2005 twice, May and early July. Both pregnancies lasted about 6 weeks although the second one continued until 10 weeks but baby died at 6 weeks apparently. Im now with a new partner and hoping that different...
  14. N

    Upset? Get it off your chest...

    go on, let your anger loose in this thread.... Im annoyed this morning as I got a huge pile of washing to do and I just cant be bothered to do it!
  15. N

    Happy? Tell us why....

    I used to be on another forum and this was always a good thread that you could update when ever you watned... Im happy becuase Im 33 on Friday!! I love being in my 30's. :cheer:
  16. N

    Unemployed and pregnant

    well I really did it this time, as my brain told me. I left my work on 6th Feb - left after being signed off for a month due stress - was a horrible job in a technical call centre, and now Im pregnant. Great. Still concentrating on getting a new job and not going to mention pregnancy to...
  17. N

    Goji Berries

    Im trying to evaluate what I should be eating and wondering if anyone here has taken goji berries every morning and if they are safe to eat, as I know they are high in goodness.
  18. N

    I'm new!

    Hi there! Another newbie here. Just got my BFP Friday/Saturday - did 3 tests to make sure hehe. Im very early on - in my 5th week and looks like Im due on halloween! Im very nervous and anxious as previously, in 2005 I had 2 m/c, so wont be alble to relax a bit until i get to about 7-8 weeks...