

New Member
May 19, 2010
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Hey guys anyone else overdue?

wondering if your coping? and anything your doing to keep yourselves busy! also what your midwives are suggesting...

Im currently 40+6 had a sweep yesterday and they want to do another one tomorrow and book me in for induction on tuesday which i will be 41+4 but wanted a home birth so going to go up to 43+ weeks which im sure will be great fun trying to explain to the midwives but i believe he will be ready when he is ready!

hope everyone is well

boni and bump x
Not overdue but just wanted to say Welcome to the Forum and best of luck :)
Im not overdue but welcome! I admire you for wanting to let it get to 43+ weeks.....Im waddling as it is lol! Good luck with everything and the sweep tomorrow! :)
Hi and welcome. I was overdue by 16 days with my first and went into hospitol to be induced but was in labour when i got there phew! I can understand why you don't want to be induced especially if you want a home birth. Some hosptols offer scans with overdue women who do not wish to be induced to check that everything is safe to continue. Some policies differ and will let you go overdue by 10-14 days. I woud be concerned to go over by 14 days or more myself but like you said babe will come when they are ready!

I was also overdue with my second and third but after 2-3 sweeps i was well on my way so hopefully they should work for you - i wasn't offered one with first! Good luck and keep us updated.
i'm not overdue YET but i'm due on tuesday and if i haven't popped by then i have a mw appointment the next day and i think she said they'd like to offer me a sweep if i would like one :)
best of luck with your little one and i hope baby makes an appearance soon :yay:
Hiy, I was overdue with both mine and fully expect to be so again in a few weeks!!!! Good on you for hanging on. If i'd have known better I would have spoken out and waited a little longer. I was 42+2 when they finally managed to get her out. Keep on with the sweeps and tell the MW not to be shy!!!! lol. I'm sure that's what got my 2nd one out 10 days od.
no reply...maybe she's having her baby!!! :yay:
Good luck and welcome to the forum, hope all is well x

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