AF just late after all that!


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Hi everyone. I haven't been on in a while, I needed a bit of a break from thinking about TTC! Here's an update - basically, I was due AF last Saturday and it didn't come. Got BFN sat, tues and this morning, and now lo and behold my cm is turning brown and looks like the start of af. I'm so gutted, I knew logically not to get my hopes up because I was getting negative HPTs but I've been thinking about names and feeling my belly etc, holding on to the fact that af was 6 days late!! why do I do that to myself!!
A few weeks ago I had a bladder infection - saw some other girls on pf have had this too!- so I was on antibiotics for a week. Dunno if this could have caused the delay in my period? Can af be late cos of medication or illness?

I was convinced I was pregnant because my boobs have been aching and swollen for over a week, and this usually only happpens for about 3 days before af. Really thought we'd cracked it at month ten of trying.:roll:
Ugh I'm so giving myself a break from trying this month, I want literally no sex I can be bothered to have another UTI, OH can keep his man germs away from my poor lady garden!!!!

Aww darllin'...know how you feel.Been ttc 15 months and it gets harder every month to keep positive about it all.Keep seeing pregnant women everywhere!It will happen for
Sorry to hear that hun, a couple of months ago I was 8 days late and it really does get your hopes up...hugs for you. xxx
Aww, sucks doesnt it! My AF just arrived, 5 days late after having loads or promising symptoms! Hang in there, forget about what your trying to do and it will happen, thats my plan! xxxx
Thanks girls, glad u know how I feel. 8 days jarjar arhhhh that must have been a beatch. Cos i poas so much when I was first trying to conceive I decided a few months ago that it was too painful getting bfns so I would just wait till af was late before testing, now she has been late and I still get the painfulness! Maybe just not test until I miss two periods like I did when pg with my DD 4 yrs ago!! as you say peachy, some day. fx 4 us all x
Ah feeling for you Cat Bana (lovely to have you back posting by the way!)
Hang in there and keep trying Hun,

has your full AF kicked in now, or is it just pinky still?
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thanks gals! I think it is better to come on and see how everyones doing in their quest ttc, just wish I had a bfp to report! Unfortunately the spotting turned into a proper period. Just can't believe it was 6 whole days late! I don't think lateness will ever get me excited again! x

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