anterior placenta .... anyone else


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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has anyone else got an anterior placenta ??

how much movement do u feel ??

i feel little kicks during the day, (very little that is) and a few more harder ones at night... still nothing major but they are stronger at night time tho..
I have one but still managed to feel slight movements from 16 weeks.
mine's anterior. I first felt him at 18w2d. I'm nearly 31weeks now and I don't feel movement all the time, but I easily get to my 10 movements in a 10 hour period for my kick chart. Sometimes he surprises me, like 2.15am last night when he was having a party in there!!
But I don't think the movement is a strong as for some other people.

I have too. I hardly feel any movement, the occasional twinge inside but nothing at the front yet

I have this too too started feeling very small movements between 18-20 weeks but took much longer for DH to feel anything think I was about 24 weeks when he felt bubs for the first time - I was lying on my side and he had his had on my bump but to the side and got to feel a few kicks. I still get a fair few kicks and am often glad of the extra padding think it would be very painful otherwise.
I have one too, and only started feeling really strong movements at about 23 weeks. Now I feel the moves and kicks all the time! :hug:
I have an anterior placenta. I have only really just started feeling little movements. They are still very few and far between.
I don't feel anything really during the day but feel a few little kicks at night.
I felt my first kick from the outside lastnight, I was really really shocked I had my hand on my tummy and it really made me jump.
A lovely feeling I just wish it could happen on a more regular basis.
I am gatecrashing here- not due in for another few days- but they said mine was anterior at my scan the other day.

Is it true it might make you more likely to have a back to back labour?
I'm sorry to sound stupid.. but what does having an anterior placenta mean? I'm on my third pregnancy and have an 'anterior high' placenta... I have never given it a thought.!!

Can someone fill me in?
I was told that an anterior placenta was when your placenta is in the front of your tummy,
this means that you will feel the baby a lot later on
as the placenta is in the way.
I have not heard anything about it meaning that you are more likely to have a back to back labour. Has anyone else heard of this???
Right.. I have just had a look around on the net. Some sites say that an ultrasound after 16 weeks will usually state the placental position. I had mine at 13 weeks, so I am wondering if it could change.. according to the size of everything and position in womb? I have no idea!

Also.. I have been feeling movements since 13 weeks... so I couldn't say that it is making feeling movements any harder.

I'm still confused.
I am sure that I have read that your placenta could move so I guess it could start off as an anterior placenta and end up as a 'normal placenta'
I haven't got a clue what the opposite to a anterior placenta is :think:
posterior? as in on your back wall..?

I'm anterior too and my baby has been very active and I can definately feel it!!! I felt it from about 20 weeks though of course it varies with everyone.

the placenta itself cannot move, but as the uterus stretches further on in pregnancy the part of the wall to which the placenta is attached moves higher up your tummy as the rest stretches, if that makes sense. So placentas can 'move' higher up your tummy but they can't change from front to back.

I did wonder about the back-to back thing, as, if you have a front placenta, the baby is attached via it's unbilical cord, which comes out the front of the baby. So I guess the baby might face the placenta more often than it doesn't. Therefore if it faces an anterior placenta, it would be back to back. Having said that, I've asked several midwives and they don't think it increases the chance of a back-to-back labour. The umbilical cord is very long, so plenty of room for him/her to be the other way around.


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